My Super Estate

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Chapter 2937 The Extraordinary Road

"What do you mean?"

Holding the sheepskin roll in his hand, staring at Xiaoyaohou, there was a slight dissatisfaction in his expression.

I saw that on this sheepskin roll, you can clearly see the extraordinary road.

"What do you mean by this?"

Extraordinary, this is the biggest problem of Juxian Continent.

Under the rules, supernatural powers are not shown.

This is the biggest rule of the fairyland.

Under such rules, the entire fairyland, whether human or beast, can only be regarded as a mortal body, and there is no extraordinary ability.

Being mortal means that Shou Yuan has not broken the limit.

Without Shouyuan’s advancement of breaking the limits, there is no powerful magical power, and it is hard to imagine how difficult it is to achieve transcendence.

Extraordinary road!

What a big tone.

However, in this way, it makes Wang Yang feel a little bad.

"According to legend, there are 108 large cities in the Fairyland.

It has been unchanged for thousands of years."

In this, Xiaoyaohou has been restored to its original state, and no one can see that he turned out to be a prisoner, everyone thought that he was just a very noble prince.

In contrast, Wang Yang's true return to the original, it feels like a real farmer.

However, this farmer sat side by side with a prince like Xiaoyaohou.

"Unchanged for ten thousand years?"

Wang Yang was shocked.

This is a big problem.

For 10,000 years, the entire Immortal Continent, it is impossible that in every era, there are only 108 Nine Becoming Strong.

In each city, there is a strong nine, not more?

This is obviously impossible.

Well, there is a problem.

"Under the infinite mountain, is the infinite city?"

"Yes, it's the infinite city.

The lord of the city is a terrifying nine-strong man."

Between the words, although the tone was calm, Wang Yang still felt a sense of hatred.

"You have a grudge against the infinite city master?"

Hearing the words, Xiaoyaohou was shocked and suddenly converged.

However, his eyes are always on Wang Yang.

Wang Yang said with a smile: "Hou Ye Mo should be surprised. In terms of looking at people, he has a little experience.

Hou Ye's tone was calm, but, in the flashing eyes, it was full of boundless killing.

At this point, there is no fake.

Rest assured that the people in the mountains are the wilderness. For the infinite city, it is only limited to this sheepskin roll.

It has nothing to do with the immeasurable city lord.

Hou Ye Mo is going to regard the enemy as life and death."

With that said, Wang Yang still raised the sheepskin roll in Yang's hands and said, "This sheepskin roll stated that the extraordinary path lies in unifying the entire fairyland.

It is necessary to gather boundless luck.

Is this true?"

If you can't be extraordinary, you can't break the limit of Shou Yuan.

Even though there are ways to transform the Nine Changes, one can only improve one's physical origin, but one cannot break some limits.

For example, Shou Yuan.

For example, daylight soars.

If it is true, wouldn’t it be true that all of you are trapped in this wonderful continent?

However, before he came in, there was clearly some scrutiny that could be cultivated into a transcendent realm, with the power of flying, and he could be separated from the immortal continent.

Why, when I got here, did it become such a result?

At the beginning, Wang Yang chose to enter this wonderful continent. One is to understand and save Sun Dasheng and form a brotherhood.

The second is that there are many kinds of dragons and beasts here, which are extremely effective for planting blood-sucking fruits and practicing your own spiritual veins.

Otherwise, Sun Dasheng, with a deep background, how can he be easily bullied?

Moreover, even if you are yourself, there is no backstage at all. How can you do such things that cut off the future?

But what is going on now?

Actually, you want to unify 108 cities, and gather the luck of the mainland clan?

Lifted his head and looked into the midair.

"These rules are so powerful?"

The previous detectives must have been wrong, otherwise, no one would have done such a thing with more than a thousand cosmic giants.

But now, it seems that these rules are afraid that some are too strong, and I think that I have discovered these rules clearly and clearly. Now, it seems that I am not sure about it.

In fact, at this time, understand these confidential things, and in a decimal.

More than a thousand cosmic giants, even if they are suppressed by the rules, that is the most outstanding person in the universe.

As long as they are given a chance, they can naturally fly into the sky.

As for how to be extraordinary and leave the world from now on, it is even more important. Who can ignore it?


Ancestor Chihuo was furious and kicked out. A table made of granite was directly kicked high by him.

"Damn, why didn't you detect it before?"

One hundred and eight cities represents one hundred and eight basis points.

In order to unify the human race and gather the entire human race, it is necessary to unify the 108 cities.

But how easy is it to talk about?

Not to mention the aboriginals of the Immortal Continent, just the arrival of more than a thousand cosmic giants is enough to make people desperate.

"More than a thousand giants of the universe.

Among them, there is no such thing as a big sun.

Even though they are suppressed by the rules, their natural talents will naturally be higher than me.

How can they be compared with them by then?

What's more, there are the princes of the human race, which is a horrible existence that pioneered the universe and broke the limits of the universe.

How high is his talent?

In an era, I am afraid that at most there is only one ruler. Isn't it that in an era, there is only one transcendent person?

How can I fight against it?"

It's not that Chihuo Patriarch was really ashamed.

Dare to come, he has already shown that he has the ambition to compete with the Quartet.

However, the situation is now different.

Before, it was Sifang's lord that was facing the siege of more than a thousand cosmic giants.

Now, it has become, oneself, and the competition with more than a thousand giant universes.

The difference between the two is really too big. It is beyond the imagination of thinking. How can it be confused?

Under such circumstances, it is simply a dead end. How can we calm down?

In fact, at this time, it was definitely not just his ancestor who was so angry.

In fact, the errors and other fundamental issues of such important information have completely changed.

Back to Wang Yang, I saw him staring at Xiaoyaohou and said, "Do you want revenge?"

In the original plan, it was intended to release Xiaoyaohou.

Because, there is a sense between him faintly, this world has a special rule that he must obey.

However, it seems that his own plan has changed.

"Not bad!"

Now that it has been seen, there is naturally nothing to hide.

"I can help you!"

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