My Super Estate

3151 The only chance

Chapter 2959 The Only Chance

The eight guards have all fallen.

However, this does not mean that everyone's crisis has successfully passed through.

In fact, now, it is just the beginning.

Black Water Demon Lord, very good, I will remember you here!

Wang Yang took a deep breath, he knew that at this time, he must be calm.

Under the rules, it is a flesh to be born.

For the use of some power, you can cultivate your palm into an iron hand, even if it is two major commanders, and at the same time, dare to block the big iron gun with only one hand.

However, the use of power, in the face of no extraordinary power, want to achieve, the real King Kong is not bad, it is too difficult.

Besides, you can, Sun Dasheng?

Well, Sun Dasheng is the body of the Holy Spirit, but the bloodline of the immortal. Perhaps, his strength is even stronger than himself. Even, even that powerful bow and arrow may not be effective in front of him.

But is this really the case?

Not necessarily, because the performance of Sun Dasheng on Wuliang Mountain is really not very good.

Perhaps, his blood of immortality has been discounted?

Or is this rule also affected?

What's more, Sun Dasheng may have a'Fairy Bloodline', the Bull Demon King?

Also, how about being free?

"Speak, what do you want to do?"

At this time, you can't be in a panic. If you are in a state of chaos, your heart will be inadequate.

Heishui Zunzun can become a demon giant, and how powerful his eyes really are.

"Haha, Lord Sifang, you are composure.

Are you looking for opportunities and want to defeat defeat?"

This is the only chance.

He is the founder of the Quartet, pioneering the universe and creating a universe of universes that has never appeared before.

Here, what is the key, I have to figure out.

The order of the Nether Lord must be executed.

After winning the Quartet, it is natural to find ways to return.

It's just that after the return, the lord of the Quartet was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control it by himself.

Yes, this is the only opportunity.

"In this way, I will give you a chance."

On the face of Heishui Mozun, there was a confident smile.

He pointed around and said, "The prince of the Quartet, these four sides, there are three thousand guards, one by one, all have strong bows, even if it is the nine transformations of this world, as long as three hundred guards, they can also make a volley in a round. Next, just shoot into a hedgehog.

Here, there are three thousand such strong archers.

Therefore, you are not lucky.

Of course, the most important thing is that under this ground, I also buried a lot of kerosene. The entire Dongbohou Mansion has been completely covered by this kerosene.

If you have this confidence, you can break through this heavy encirclement in a very short time, you can try it!"

Wang Yang glared and said: "You are not afraid, you are here, can you escape?"

The layout is so big, it shows that this guy has a lot to ask for.

However, Wang Yang has not felt this threat for a long time.

Very good, Blackwater Demon Lord, you are very good.

"Haha, of course, you also know that I came here only after the order of the Lord of the Netherworld.

Do you think that if I didn’t complete the mission, the Nether Lord would let me go?

So don't be lucky.

We are all from the universe, we are all giants of the universe, and we all know enough about each other."

Wang Yang's face remained unchanged.

The words of Blackwater Demon Lord have great information.

From the universe, the cosmic giant, the nether master...

One message after another, as long as there is a person with heart, naturally, it will associate a lot.

Three thousand guards is enough to kill people.

An immeasurable city is simply not daring to imagine.

The power of desire is often unlimited.

Therefore, such unscrupulous black water demon king is simply dancing in the volcano.

However, neither Wang Yang nor Heishui Zunzun care much.

In fact, the words of Blackwater Demon Lord did not cause any fluctuations. No matter whether it was Dong Bohou or Xiaoyaohou.

In such a situation, Wang Yang has already experienced it.

Under the rules, there is no magic power.

This rule, the power is too great.

Everything that is not within the rules is naturally wiped out.

There is nothing wrong with yourself and others, as cosmic giants, coming here and communicating with each other.

However, all irregular information will naturally be erased.

Just ask you, cow is not cow?

However, the reality is that.

The rule is bigger than the day.

It's really not just talking about it. Sometimes, even Wang Yang felt incredible.

Under one rule, all things must follow the rules.

This is still the case in Juexian Continent. What kind of place is that Juxianxian Land? Even if he has already been there, Wang Yang still feels incredible.

When, the words of Heishui Demon Venerable made Wang Yang look very ugly.

More than a thousand cosmic giants from seven strong families.

At least half of them are transformed into people.

These guys, compared with the Blackwater Demon Lord, I'm afraid it won't be much different.

Black Water Demon Lord, so what about them?

Will one day, 108 cities, all unite?

Even if the flesh is born with flesh, it is made of flesh, can it stand the siege of such a large number of powerful people?

Looking at the Black Water Demon King, Wang Yang secretly hated: This guy must die.

Killing a chicken to show it to the monkey is not really scaring the monkey, but, at least, it will also leave a shadow in the monkey's heart, letting the monkey do things, not so unscrupulous.

"How about what I need, you should be clear.

Now, I leave time for you. I didn't give the order to launch the attack in the first time, it is because you still have such a value.

Don't grasp such an opportunity, otherwise, you will know what the consequences will be."

Being threatened!

Wang Yang looked extremely ugly.

However, at this moment, he could not say much.

Being threatened can only prove that you have value. When no one threatens you, you will find that you have no value even if you are threatened.

Garbage recycling, just because garbage has value, otherwise, look, who will recycle?

"Do you need me to open up the secrets of the Quartet?"

"It really deserves to be the sovereign of the Quartet, and being a person is bright.

Yes, I just want to know how this Quartet Star Realm was developed."

Blackwater Demon King is overjoyed.

Now, he hasn't even been able to "inspire the world with his heart". He has become an immortal, and he doesn't know how long it will take!

If you can know how to open up the secrets of the Quartet, perhaps you can try it yourself and open up a starry.

Or, if you become a fairy, you will have a chance.

Such a unique opportunity, he will not give up.

Wang Yang has also been looking around for four weeks.

Blackwater Demon Lord wants to get the method developed by the Quartet Star Realm from himself. This is his only chance.

I must find a solution in such a very short time, otherwise, I can only be shot into a hedgehog.

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