My Super Estate

3167 Mr. R.S.

Chapter Two Nine Hundred and Sixty Four Above the City Wall

The walls of Infinite City are 100 meters thick and not less than 20 meters thick.

Such a height is no less than a 30-story building.

In a world of mere mortals, there is no high-tech, all rely on humans, and it is beyond imagination to build successfully.

Standing on the city wall, Wang Yang had a feeling that he was in harmony with the sky, enough to overlook the sky and earth.

However, such a tall city wall at this time does not give people a sense of security.

I saw that there was a huge beast on the ground.

The most is the dragon and wolf.

Ordinary dragon wolves are three or four meters long and two meters high.

With such length and height, many people, standing in front of them, have little confidence.

For people, self-confidence often comes from strength.

The strength and weakness, the greatest performance, is the height and size of the figure.

Obviously, for people who are generally less than two meters tall, there is not much confidence in this dragon and wolf.

Moreover, these dragon wolves, wearing a thick layer of scale armor.

Such scale armor is very similar to fish scales.

However, everyone knows that this is not a fish scale at all, and there is no such pressure on fish scales.

This is a dragon scale.

Naturally, there is a coercion.

Moreover, such a layer of dragon scales, each piece is extremely hard.

Just visually, it gives people a strong defense.

Such a dragon wolf, with one appearance, is enough to cause a group of people to exclaim.

What's more, there is more than one end here?

Thousand heads, ten thousand heads, or even one hundred thousand heads are not enough to count.

What's more, there are still some of these dragon wolves with extremely huge shapes.

These existences are not only with dragon scales, but also with dragon claws.

These dragon claws are extremely sharp, and the walls of the immense city are built with the hardest stones. Even in front of the walls, the broad boundary also has a road built with such hard boulders.

However, standing on the city wall and looking down at night, you will find that those roads, at this time, have left a claw mark.

Even the roadbeds were turned over.

Each of these roadbeds has a heavy weight, even if it is a wonderful continent, everyone has practiced the transformation method. If you want to turn over these giants, it is impossible without two people.

However, such a boulder was simply turned over.

Of course, the most important thing is that these dragon wolves have a larger body, at least, they are all five meters high, even higher, and have reached a giant of seven meters and eight meters.

Such dragon wolves are obviously more powerful than ordinary dragon wolves by several times.

Of course, the most worrying thing is the dragon and wolf king who is above the dragon and wolf general.

I saw that in front of the Infinite City at this time, hundreds of thousands of dragon wolves were quietly arranged on both sides, with the smallest head shape, and also a dragon wolf above ten meters, walking step by step.

These dragon wolves, one by one, not only have dragon scales, but also have dragon claws, but also on their heads, there are dragon horns.

One head and two ends, each with its own dignity, walked step by step, naturally, letting hundreds of thousands of dragons and wolf around kneel down.

Even in the infinite city, in the face of such a team of dragon and wolf kings, the soldiers of the infinite city are naturally sweating on his forehead.

Even, their knees, naturally, are to kneel down on the ground.

This is a natural prestige of the king.

No absolute strength, no strong heart, no noble identity, no one can stand calmly in front of these dragon and wolf kings.


I saw the walls of the immeasurable city, Dong Bohou suddenly spoke.

It is worthy of Dong Bohou, just a light drink, and naturally, there is a supreme gun meaning in the voice.

With such a supreme gun shot, all the might of the king was dispersed.

It's just that there is more than one dragon and wolf king under the wall?

One, two, three...

In just a moment, fifty heads appeared.

At each end, there is a nine strong.

Even these dragon and wolf kings have different sizes, strengths, fears, and strengths.

When they are lined up, standing under the immense amount of city culture, naturally, the power of the terrifying king came flooding all over the place.

It is beyond imagination.

"You haven't shot yet?"

Infinite City Lord, at this time, there is no opening.

He maintained his majesty, but the other nine became stronger, but they all moved.

In particular, when Dong Bohou urged, no one dared to take care, nor did anyone dare not pay attention.

Above the city wall, nine become stronger, no less than one hundred.

Coupled with the strong man of the main city, there will only be more.

However, such a huge number is comparable to the fifty-headed dragon and wolf king under the city wall.

Okay, this wonderful fairyland is so interesting.

Under the rules, there is no supernatural power, and even some momentum cannot be released.

However, some intangible things: for example, the majesty of the king.

Look, there is nothing.

Even, it can only be seen that between the two, they stand on the poles of the day, one standing high above the other, and the other looking up.

It’s just that, except for nothing.

However, it is the two parties that are competing against each other with strength.

The prestige of the king.

To say what it is, I'm afraid that no one can say clearly between the two parties.

However, for them, it is so real.


Is this the power of the soul?"

The power of the soul is the most wonderful.

All characteristics come from self-hypnosis.

When the power of the mind is strong to a very high level, naturally, it can be in chaos and open up a large world.

Even, it is above the big thousand world, it is derived again, and finally, it becomes a cosmic star field with a great shore.

The powerful force can even affect reality.

The magic is really unimaginable.

In the past, Wang Yang also mastered the power of this soul.

Even, he has a deeper understanding of this kind of spiritual power.

In the same realm, his strength has always been the strongest.

However, here, is a fairyland, magical disappearance.

How is it possible for the power of the mind to appear?

Wang Yang was a little puzzled.

Of course, all this, when there are more than two dozen tall giants at that end, all thoughts must be converged.

At this moment, he understood why the walls of this immense city had to be built so high.

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