My Super Estate

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The source of the news

Infinite City.

The change of seasons between the old and new towns is an important event for the entire Wuliang City.

At this important moment, the new city owner issued another important message: unlimited resource exchange.

The new city lord is in high position, and various personnel changes are already attractive enough.

Now, you, have promulgated such a big event that affects the lives of thousands of people in the whole infinite city, and how can it not cause the hearts of the entire infinite city to shake?

All masters are at this moment, emotional, trying every means to redeem enough resources they need.

In case, the city's main palace, will it change?

What if resources are lacking?

In case, I went to redeem it, and just lost it?

At this moment, various ideas naturally flashed in the hearts of the citizens.

For a time, all people, as long as they still have some ability, are the first time to be active.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

The people of Infinite City have already moved their minds, and the spies who entered Infinite City have also been affected.

"Everyone, just now, we have seen it. All the resources are real and effective.

At ordinary times, we don't know how much effort we need to make, so there is only a little possibility.

Even if this is the case, such opportunities are often not ours.

Want to get such a laurel?

Just dream!"

"That is, I still remember that at the beginning, there were two fellows in my team. They were very lucky and got the news of a honeysuckle.

As a result, at that time, it seemed that he had been informed by the young master.

Then, the two of them never appeared again."

Never again, is it dead, or?

Close your eyes, several spies, one by one, all weeping sadly.

They are the eyes of the main palace.

However, in order to keep secrets, precious resources, the city's main palace often kills and kills people.

A honeysuckle is already an extremely precious resource. In contrast, a life is worth less.

"I decided to send the news of our four major cities and the siege of Infinite City.

In this way, perhaps, we can obtain some precious resources."

If you can become the Nine Stronger, perhaps, you can become the upper-level figure, and from now on, your own life will be rewritten.

In the future, one's own descendants will not be like this.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Yang, who was in the city's main palace, had just completely undergone a new round of transformation. Wang Yang only felt that there was an infinite sense of power in himself.


This is the shouting of Sun Dasheng.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"Just now, someone sent me a message saying that I have countless hundred miles outside the city, in a valley, with four large cities and horses.

They are going to fight us."


Zhou Wangcheng them?"


"Interesting, know, how did these people who sent the news know?"

"I heard that they are the agents of the four cities.

They are the spies sent by Jinshan City and Zhouwang City to the Wuliang City for information.

Because we exchange resources for contributions, so they are excited and want to exchange some resources for such a message."


Wang Yang laughed and said, "It's interesting, it's really interesting.

I just want to inject vitality into the infinite city, but I did not expect that there should be such a surprise.

Well, since they want to exchange resources, we will fulfill them.

Exactly, today, the hearts of the entire Infinite City are all mobilized.

The speed of our cultivation has been extremely fast, but, similarly, it has reached a limit.

If we want to surpass quickly, then, leaving this wonderful continent, we have to occupy all 108 human clan cities.

Otherwise, without strong luck support, our talent, the Lord is too strong, the bottleneck is as thick as heaven and earth, the difficulty of that is really terrible.

Since Jinshan City and Zhouwang City took the initiative to come to the door, we will fight.

Exactly, the citizens of our immense city, all one by one, are eager to contribute.

We should give them a chance."

Wang Yang's words are orders.

What he meant, soon, came from the main palace of the city.

Similarly, soon, Wang Yang conveyed the command of the city's main palace: the forces of the ten princes gathered in the city's main palace, the moat, and prepared for battle.

The speed of the infinite city is beyond everyone's imagination.

Throughout the immeasurable city, all people are pursuing contributions.

In order to gain contribution points, it is not known how much effort was spent.

However, the consumption of resources is too great.

If you want to get contribution points, the difficulty will become bigger and bigger.

In order to gain contribution points, it has long been unknown how many people are waiting for the order of the city's main palace.

Completing the mission of the City Lord's Mansion is always the fastest way to get contribution points.

Soon, the ten princes, all gathered in the main palace.

Xiaoyaohou, Dongbohou, Tianjianhou...

Wait, one by one.

"Xiaoyaohou, between us, you are most close to the city master.

Let me talk about it. For this time, what is the purpose of the city's main government gathering us?"

"Yes! Xiaoyaohou, is there a war with other city owners?"

In peacetime, everyone fears war.

In war, there are casualties.

It's not easy for everyone to accumulate a little strength.

All kinds of resources are too precious.

In the event of a war, years of effort will be lost.

Even if the turbulence is fierce, just like the Houyao House, from the top of the Hou House, it will almost be destroyed, that is the most injustice.

Therefore, in the past, it was absolutely necessary to avoid foreign wars.

No one wants to be the second of Xiaoyaohou Mansion.

However, the times are different now, and the city's government has opened a resource exchange system.

Launching a war abroad is the way to get the biggest contribution.

As long as there are enough points of contribution, naturally, there will be enough resources.

Naturally, there is no longer any fear of years of hard work and will be lost.

Therefore, this time, the summons came from the city's main palace, and all the princely forces were extremely cooperative.

"Everyone, about this time, the reason why everyone is called, I believe, everyone is curious.

Here, I don't go around in circles with you.

Jinshan City, King Zhou City, Daliang City, Sirius City, and their four major cities have joined forces and will fight against us.

Therefore, I have decided to join forces, meet them, and destroy them!

Do you have any objections?"

Wang Yang was straightforward enough to answer the question without waiting for the big bowl.

In the same way, he also stated his own purpose.

If it were such a big event, it would really shock everyone.

However, this time, the same thing can only arouse everyone's surprise.


Great, fuck them!!"

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