My Super Estate

Chapter 3205 the emperor is born, the world is shocked

The third thousand and third chapter, the emperor was born, the world is shocked


For Jue Xian Continent, the emperor represents a point that must be passed through on the road to transcendence.

Only when the emperor is born, will there be an extraordinary way.

For thousands of years, the continent of Jue Xian has gone through ten generations, and many kings are all in peace.

It's not because they keep themselves safe, but because they can't see the change of luck in their eyes.

The luck of a city can't be felt without the heart of the emperor.

It is hidden in the great road, and out of heaven.

For the Great Immortal Continent, it is luck to retreat and the cities are in peace.

The achievement of the emperor is the dream of the major city owners.

King Jinshan took a pioneering step and sensed a thread of breakthrough. The other kings would naturally not be content with the status quo. One by one, they all naturally entered into retreat.

As the king of Boundless City, of course he lives next to the City Lord’s Mansion.

During the retreat, Da Zhou Wang only felt his heart, and he was irritated.

"Damn it, Jinshan King has already felt the way of the emperor, and even this king has only felt a burst of upset even in the retreat.

Could it be that this king is so different from his Jinshan King?"

The same is one of the five major city owners around Wuliang City, the King of the Great Zhou and the King of Jinshan, between the two, are in constant competition.

Between each other, no one is convinced.

Seeing that all of his four major cities were subdued by Boundless City, everyone returned to the same starting line, and finally breathed out in their hearts.

"Hmph, you Jinshan King has four heavenly kings to help each other, so what can you do?

Now, together with this king, is being subdued by City Lord Boundless?"

On the surface, the King of the Great Zhou is closely related to the King of the Golden Mountain. In fact, in his heart, he has always competed with the King of the Golden Mountain.

Before, with the help of the four heavenly kings, the strength of Jinshan King was obviously stronger than that of the Great Zhou King.

In desperation, he had to unite with the other four cities to fight against King Jinshan.

Finally, a four-party ruler turned out to be born, first overwhelming Wuliangcheng, and then overpowering the four-city coalition.

Today, everyone has returned to the same starting point and became the king of Boundless City.

In my heart, it can be regarded as a long sigh, I only feel, my heart, bursts of lightness, and feel the joy that I have never had in my heart.

"Hahahaha... King of the Mountain, you also have today!!!"

Once, when he didn't know which night was quiet, in his sleep, he naturally burst into laughter.

The laughter even shocked the City Lord's Mansion.

Although there was nothing to check after the incident and nothing was done, the ease in his heart remained undiminished.

But how could King Jinshan suddenly tell me at this moment that he wants to be promoted to the emperor?

How could something like this happen?

The King of Zhou is not reconciled.

There have been endless struggles between myself and King Jinshan. Seeing that everyone has the possibility of being on the same starting line, how can he surpass himself again?

Unwilling to reconcile King Dazhou, after King Jinshan retreat, he also began his own retreat.

But, the road to the emperor is easier said than done?

There is no strong will, no strong luck, no strong resources, no strong perseverance, no lasting effort.

Do you want to sharpen your guns in a single day, leap forward, and become the emperor between the day and the earth?

how is this possible?

Day and night of retreat, not only did not gain a little bit, but more importantly, there was endless irritability in his heart.

It's as if Heaven and Earth have already abandoned him.

The drowning person is constantly struggling, and as a result, he is constantly irritable.

In the end, there is only confusion.

The King of Zhou had already come to the brink of confusion.

If he doesn't wake up again, I am afraid that he will be directly impacted by the powerful energy in his body, and finally, explode.

And he has come to the brink of explosion.

It can be said that King Da Zhou is dying.

Even, he himself is unwilling to come out, this situation not only has not been slowed down, but has continued to increase.

Finally, King Da Zhou's body was not too fat, and suddenly swelled.

It was as if, all of a sudden, he gained a hundred pounds.

Then, naturally, cracks appeared on his face.

There was blood flowing out of the tiny cracks.

The whole person seemed to have suddenly become a blood man.

In fact, this situation is definitely not only caused by some slight cracks on the face.

Obviously, this kind of crack, most likely, has spread all over his body.

The explosion seems to be foreseeable.

It's a pity that the unwilling King of Zhou still keeps working hard.

He has fallen into an endless loop.

Click, click...

The sound of broken bones rang out again and again.

Obviously, in this situation, not only his skin and flesh, but even his bones, can no longer withstand the impact of energy.

This situation is even worse.

Blasting is irreversible.

Even if the King of Zhou wakes up immediately, I'm afraid he will not be able to stop it.

A generation of kings blew themselves up.

It seems that a tragedy in the world is about to happen.

However, it seems that heaven and earth have opened their eyes, and can't let such a very determined person fall away.

Suddenly, a milky white light of good fortune naturally diffused and enveloped him.

The Great Zhou King, who had been half-worn and blew himself irreversibly, suddenly seemed to be hit by a clear current.

All the obscurations in the heart, all the worries, all disappear.

The flesh body that had swollen extremely badly returned unexpectedly.

The tiny cracks that appeared, naturally recovered.

The aura on his body continued to rise, without even being affected at all.

On his body, an imperial atmosphere appeared naturally.

It seems that Tiandi, really can't bear to watch him die just like this, he actually seems to have divine help at such a critical time.

He realized his heart of the emperor, and he found his own path to the emperor.

At this most critical time, all the fog of his future disappeared, and he saw the real bright road.


Also, at this time, not far from him, suddenly there was a strong energy fluctuation, which came quickly.

It turned out that at this time, King of the Mountain had successfully broken through.

For a time, between the heaven and the earth, the luck of luck descended greatly.

In the immeasurable city in the divine light of good fortune, another white light of luck was enveloped.

A powerful imperial aura naturally arises.

The whole world seems to be much clearer.

Affected by this stimulation, the entire Boundless City, suddenly, there was a burst of energy everywhere.

It turned out that at this time, there were many people in Wuliang City, who had already broken through the current bottleneck, and their strength had improved.

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