My Super Estate

Chapter 3217 Gathering Of Fortune

The third thousand and one hundred and five chapters of luck

Destroy the enemy with one palm??

For Wang Yang now, there is no big deal.,

Once he took a single shot, it was a cosmic star area, which was about to be blown up.

It seems that killing one thousand one hundred and seven cosmic giants is no big deal.


If Wang Yang's thoughts were known to the world, he would have to be scolded to death.

No big deal?

You are afraid that you have a misunderstanding about this'big deal'.

What do you think, one thousand one hundred and seven cosmic giants?

Is this Chinese cabbage?

Impossible, one thousand one hundred and seven cosmic giants were directly shot to death by One Destruction.

Do you think you are shooting Chinese cabbage to death!

At least, every cosmic giant, after their death, is full of luck.

The turbulent air transport converged into the sea, vast and vast, without beginning and end, at a glance, in the endless void, a cosmic star area naturally emerged.

I saw that in every cosmic giant, there is a large amount of Qi Luck gushing out, and in this large amount of Qi Luck, it seems to represent a cosmic star area, inside, there are creatures, there are also universe galaxies, there are also heaven and earth. , There are also mountains and rivers, flowers and trees, fish, beasts, insects and birds...

The giants of the universe have too many burdens on them.

Their death is definitely not just their own business. Often, behind them, there is a cosmic star area standing.

Everything in the universe's star zone will count on their survival.

They are dead, everything in the universe star zone, as long as they are not supported by their own avenues, all will die.

They are dead, in the universe star zone, there is no road suppression, and can't withstand the erosion of the cosmic storm. Even if your strength is monstrous, in that cosmic storm, everything will be drowned.

However, what appeared outside was a mass of air transport the size of an ocean, tossing up and down, rolling back and forth.

At least, a Pacific Ocean can't be included.

I saw each other shaking.

Wang Yang had already calculated it for a long time. These people were extremely powerful. Each of them was a giant in the universe.

The avenue is complete, and the avenue merges with the world.

One thousand one hundred and seven cosmic giants are one hundred and seven seven constellations of the Pacific Ocean.

Looking up, an immeasurable mountain cannot be accommodated.

For a time, a sea of ​​luck that did not know how much luck gathered was flashing on Mount Wuliang.

A cloud of imaginary fairy light naturally manifested in front of Wang Yang.

I saw that a piece of Qi Luck the size of a sea was attracted by the imaginary light, slowly rotating around the imaginary light.

One thousand one hundred and seven seas of air transport the size of the Pacific Ocean hang in the void, slowly rotating.

Even if the speed is not so fast, but that kind of kinetic energy can already drive a 33rd category super hurricane.

Such a big hurricane, once triggered, even if you are a big world, you will be disturbed and the world restless.

Even the original source shook, space cracked, and the earth collapsed.

Jue Xian Continent, apart from that special rule, it is absolutely impossible to be regarded as a big world in terms of area and the tolerance of the strong.

Such a big hurricane is really going to be stirred up, and the whole world will be shattered.

In fact, this sea of ​​luck, which is larger than the entire Wuliang Mountain, slowly rotates, and by itself, it does not drive any super hurricane.

Not because it has no kinetic energy.

As long as exercise, it will bring a piece of kinetic energy.

The intensity of kinetic energy is often related to its own quality and speed.

One thousand one hundred and seven seas of air transport, which are larger than the Pacific Ocean, even if they only rotate slowly with the mass of water, they are also a kind of super kinetic energy.

What's more, this sea of ​​luck, which is even larger than the Pacific Ocean, carries a universe of stars, all living beings, heaven and earth, all spirits, everything, everything.

That level of mass, even in one cosmic star region, is impossible to bear.

Such a sea of ​​air luck with a super huge mass, once it surges, that kind of kinetic energy, even a magnitude 33 super hurricane, is far from enough.

However, this piece of air occupies one thousand one hundred and seven seas of air transport, which is larger than the Pacific Ocean. It moved, but it itself did not bring about any super hurricanes.

Because, before this sea of ​​luck moved, there was already a huge snare between heaven and earth, and naturally, it appeared.

Moreover, this extremely huge net, naturally, perfectly isolates the sea of ​​luck from the world.

Naturally, no matter how huge this hurricane is, it has nothing to do with this piece of heaven and earth.

However, Wang Yang clearly felt it.

In his own heart, the ninth great rune of the god blood for good fortune was already consummating quickly.

Even, because Wang Yang already possessed the blood of a half immortal, naturally, this great rune was derived from blood moving towards the blood.

The powerful blood of the half immortal made this Dao rune dyed with a trace of immortality.

In fact, there are already two of the nine great talismans in Wang Yang's body. Naturally, they are dyed with a trace of fairy energy and exudes nine-colored fairy light.

The first one, of course, is the god of good fortune.

Because I thought of Zu Yang, I got a little bit of Zu Yang's help, and broke through a limit in one fell swoop, naturally emitting nine-color fairy light.

Although it is very dim, but as long as it exudes a trace of nine-color fairy light, it is enough to make this good fortune rune greatly increase its power.

The second one, of course, is this good fortune blood.

Fortune God's Heart, Fortune God's Blood.

It just so happens that these two kinds of Dao runes are still in touch with each other.

In this way, it is really a combination of strong forces.

Suddenly, let this avenue rune that is forming the blood of good fortune, naturally, it shines brightly.

The biggest performance is that his talent has increased substantially.

In this Great Immortal Continent, all the magical powers and avenues are all isolated.

However, Wang Yang could clearly feel that his strength suddenly increased to 120,000 jin.

This is a bit scary.

Others, even if they undergo nine transformations, they cannot exceed 10,000 catties.

Dong Bohou is already considered to be an extraordinary talent, but even if he is a man with a gun, his strength is only one hundred and twenty thousand catties.

That's it, he was already the top powerhouse in the Fenghou level, and in Wuliang City, besides the city lord of the king, he was the number one master.

What's more, Wang Yang is now far more than ordinary mortals, but a strong man who has undergone three transformations and is moving towards the fourth transformation.

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