My Super Estate

Chapter 3239 Half-step rule

The third thousand and thirty-seventh chapter half-step rule

Endless special energy, from the void, did not know where it appeared, and then, it converged towards that group of origin.

Here is a huge light group.

"Lord God?"

Seeing this huge light group, Wang Yang's heart naturally flashed this thought.

In the world of martial arts, there is no master god.

The so-called system is made out of nothing, strength, promotion out of thin air, various tasks, various treasures.

In fact, these things are very common in the universe.

Generally speaking, all the worlds are possessed.

Behind the Lord of the Great Thousand Worlds, generally speaking, there is a sufficiently powerful background.

Who dares to mess around easily?

Unless, there is a fairy behind.

"Could it be that the so-called Lord God is such a thing?

But, behind, there is a fairy?"

At this time, Wang Yang was a little wild on the contrary.

It has been more than a thousand years from the time of joining the angle of martial arts.

I have never seen any main god.

I heard that it was only mentioned in some previous online works.

Really, never heard of it.

"Will it succeed?"

Standing at the highest point of the Quartet Star Realm, all the high-level people looked a little nervous.

The epoch is approaching.

If you can no longer improve, perhaps, in the universe, the pioneering four-sided star realm will collapse from then on.

The Big Bang, this is a guess about the origin of the universe.

Based on this, in the once absolutely materialistic world, various opinions are given.

In fact, the universe has a life limit.

An epoch is the life limit of the universe.

At the end of the epoch, the entire universe, all energy, will eventually be contracted.

All lives will suffer the baptism of the Great Tribulation.

Only strong rules can partially change this phenomenon.

Only with the power of rules can the four star realms successfully survive such a catastrophe.

Becoming an immortal, even if it is supported by the resources of the four-pointed star realm, but no one can guarantee that they will succeed.

Being a fairy is really too difficult.

In an era, there are hundreds of thousands of creatures, hundreds of thousands of cosmic sovereigns, and there may be none at all.

This era is a lucky era.

Because, Ziyang Emperor, he has succeeded.

However, it was only he who succeeded.

"Brother Yang said he will succeed."

Wu Xiaohong's words are so sure.

Unfortunately, no one will listen to her.

"Look at them, these guys really have amazing talents and unlimited potential.

You see, their strengths are all so low and low, but, one by one, they all show visions in this original dimension!"

Suddenly, Wang Qing shouted.

Pointing to the origin space, motioning everyone to look quickly.

In fact, everyone has been paying attention to the changes in the original space. Where do you need his tips?

In the original space, there is only one huge light cluster.

This light cluster is the origin of the entire Quartet Star Realm.

The original space is the vast universe, and this light cluster is the sun hanging high in the sky.

Generally speaking, the original space, except for such a light group, basically has nothing else.

Only those special energies continuously appear and converge toward the light cluster.

In this process, the origin is a process of continuous accumulation.

However, this original space is somewhat different.

Because in this original space, there are still forty tiny stars.

Although small, it is very bright.

This is the forty cosmic nations in the Quartet Star Realm.

Every cosmic country has its own origin.

Generally speaking, these cosmic nations also exude miraculous energy.

This kind of energy is radiated from the origin of the universe, and it nourishes the origin of the entire Quartet Star Realm.

If it is normal, such a situation is a very healthy phenomenon.

However, I don't know when, in this original space, fifty million more subtle stars suddenly appeared.

These stars are really too subtle.

However, they have basically been condensed into entities, but they are unchanging facts.

They appear, basically, like a group of mice. Although the individuals are extremely small, they are extremely numerous.

There is only so much food overall.

Suddenly, such a huge number of rats appeared, and the overall food was quickly consumed.

These foods are the kind of energy that appears out of thin air.

This kind of magical energy is the luck and perception of sentient beings.

This kind of energy is the foundation of the original growth.

Generally speaking, the original space is condensed into entities, basically, the universe is formed.

Although this energy will be consumed, the number of sentient beings in a cosmic country is extremely large, and the energy condensed by air transport and perception is more than supply.

But, where is it like these fifty million tiny stars that suddenly appeared?

Only energy is consumed, no output.

The appearance of individual tiny stars will not have a huge impact on the entire origin space.

Because, during the growth of these tiny stars, they themselves will produce this energy intermittently.

But suddenly, there were 50 million more.

Sudden appearance of such a huge amount is to plunder more than half of the total energy.

For a while, the big light group suddenly dimmed.

Attracting energy is to strengthen one's body at the same time, it also needs to produce the energy needed by all living beings.

Only when the attraction is greater than the production, it will continue to grow.

Now, that kind of magical energy has suddenly been reduced by more than half, and for a time, the supply is far less than the expenditure.

The entire large light group began to dim.

"damn it."

Standing outside the source space, watching the changes in the source space, even a good old person like Luo Jian still cursed.

The appearance of 50 million geniuses at the level of the Lord of the Universe is definitely a happy event.

As long as they grow, the benefits to the entire Sifang Star Realm must be extremely huge.

However, this consumption is really too great.

For the entire Quartet Star Realm, that is an extremely huge influence.

"Look, father, he has acted!"

Wang Qing shouted suddenly.

For a while, everyone's eyes returned to Wang Yang again.

I saw that at this moment, a dim nine-color light suddenly appeared on Wang Yang.

With his hands, he quickly pinched the various Taoist decisions, and saw that a special energy quickly formed in his hands, condensed into a rune that exudes nine-color light.

"This, is this a rule rune?"

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