My Super Estate

Chapter 3244 This, how strong is this Quartet Star Realm? ?

The third thousand and forty-second chapter, how strong is this square star realm??

The Quartet Star Realm, a small upper star domain lord, fighting the two cosmic nations?

Look, what a story this is?

Anyway, you hold your finger to calculate, in the entire universe, besides such a square star realm that does not follow the normal path, who else?

Well, what's so special, if you really want to have this kind of strength, you've already become the cosmos country leader, and will you still be waiting in the position of the star domain leader?

"Look, there are two more cosmic sovereigns here.

This time, I wanted to see how they resisted the four star realms!"

Two masters of the universe?

With the strength of the Quartet Star Realm, it would definitely not be taken into consideration.

However, how did the Quartet Star Realm face it?

This question is worth looking into.

"You said, how do you face this four-sided star realm?"

No one knew that in this inconspicuous small space, unexpectedly, when there was so many big bosses gathered.

Green Elephant Taoist, Mary Insect Lord.

There is even a birdman who is very similar to the ruler of light, with 36 wings behind it, and a light aura, extremely rich.

There is also a golden dragon.

However, this giant actually carried two wings.

Well, this world is so fucking so fucking.

The blood race and the light god race, in the universe, they are well-known hostile races, between the two, meeting each other will have to fight hard.

It is simply worse than the harmony between the Guangming Protoss and Demons.

However, it is such a well-known hostile strong clan, they are in danger in this special space.

"Dao Master Qingxiang, Master Mary Chong, you have been in direct contact with the four-party kingdom master.

What is his strength?

Can you give out that half-immortal power again?"

It turned out that they would stay here because they were frightened by the indeterminate strength of the four-party country master.

Dao Master Qinglong, Dao Master Yinhuo, what two powerful bosses!

The names of the heavens.

There are not many such existences among the heavens.

But now, how is it?

Isn't it, the Sifang Star Kingdom Lord was just like cutting a watermelon, and he was hacked to death?

"By the way, Guangming Taoist, you Guangming Protoss, don't you all believe in, are you not afraid of death?

What about the light rule?

Could it be that he was so frightened by this Terran leader that he dared not come out?"

"God said, don't speak."

Gently glanced, he shut his mouth and stopped speaking.

A blood race who was once chased by my Guangming Protoss with no way to the sky and no way into the earth.

Now, you are swollen, dare to stab in front of the master.

You are afraid that you haven't been beaten up by society.

"Okay, look, those are the two universe kings of the Demon Race.

Their strength, depending on their breath, I am afraid they will not be weak, and they are only one step away from the overlord of the universe.

Instead, I have to see how the Quartet Star Realm solved them."

The blood race, dare to pick the thorn of the bright god race?

I am afraid that my brain is flooded.

Forget it, now this place is not far from the Sifang Star Realm. In case, their brains are caught by the door, they start their hands. I'm afraid that they will immediately alarm the Sifang Lord.

What if his half-immortal strength can burst out one or two times?

What if, he cuts a sword at himself across the heavy space?

How to do?

Of course it is a distraction!

Sure enough, looking at a loyal and honest person, once the mind is moved, it is God's fear.

In a word, it was successful to divert attention from two dead things.

Sure enough, this time, two demons came.

I saw that in the void, the black magic energy was constantly rolling, and from a distance, one could see the planets quickly withering in such a magic energy.

Originally, many planets had some signs of life.

Although it is impossible for these planets to truly give birth to some intelligent life in this era of great calamity, there are already a lot of life like plants.

It can be said that this is already a sign of the cradle of life.

However, just because of the aisles of these two demon races, the entire planet, all the plants, all died in an instant.

Even some natural stars are naturally extinguished after being ravaged by demonic energy.


Doing things like this, as long as there is a little conscience, basically, you will feel ashamed.

However, these two demons were not ashamed, but rather proud.

"I heard that the four-sided star realm is one of the great miracles of the universe.

I have to see if it can become such a miracle under the raging devilish energy of destruction."

"That is, the four star realms, forty universe nations, how many lives are that?

As long as they all plunder, perhaps, we will become the giants of the universe.

At that time, we have to see if this epoch catastrophe can take our lives!!"

What an arrogant guy.

They even dared to provoke even the Great Tribulation of Era.

It's simply guts of the bear heart and leopard.

Not to mention other people, that is, those near immortals dominated by Taoists who dare not show up, all of them frowned.

Of course, the Quartet Star Realm would not care too much.

Similarly, the life and death of Human Race, they will not care too much.

However, these demons are too arrogant.

This time, it is Human Race, next time, will it be yourself?

"The Demon Race, as expected, the Necromancer should be exterminated."

Guangming Taoist first spoke.

"Hey, we can't decide whether the species should be exterminated.

However, these two demons, so arrogant, doing this extinction, how would they deal with the four star realms?"

"That's true.

His Quartet Lord, if he didn't want his Quartet Star Realm to be destroyed, he would definitely not allow these two demons to enter."

Thinking about it this way, everyone feels that these two demons are not so disgusting!

"Yeah, this is a good idea."

Just now, there was still a look of disgust, and in a blink of an eye, I felt a lot of joy in my heart.

In fact, these two such arrogant demons have already entered the eyes of all people watching in the universe.

"Mozu, don't be rampant."

Hearing this voice, everyone was even more excited.

This is, is going to be shot?

Is the Lord of the Universe?

Or, the master of the upper star field?

Well, I can't deal with it, such a fresh idea, no one has ever thought about it.

This four-sided star realm is so awesome that the entire universe knows it.

The question is, how to solve this problem is worthy of everyone's attention.


No one knows whether these two demons are in the water.

Because, at this time, everyone has already started to win, and the two of them did not converge at all.


On the contrary, they are even more arrogant.

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