My Super Estate

Chapter 3259 Obstruction

Chapter 3047

"Brother, there is a distress signal from Yang Lin!"

"Yang Lin?"

Yang Lin, as a descendant of Sharp Spear Invincible, is the most important component of the Quartet Star Realm, the second generation, after receiving the invincible path of Sharp Spear.

Moreover, in the four star realms, there is one hundred and fifty universe nations, which belongs to him.

"Brother, are you going there?"

As the master of the four-pointed star realm, Wang Yang can be said to be the biggest backbone.

In the Quartet Star Realm, every day, every hour, every moment, every minute, every second, countless things are happening.

Or, there are countless things that are happening.

Or, it is about to happen.

It is impossible for Wang Yang to experience everything personally.

He also doesn't have that kind of avatar, nor can he do real personal actions.

"it is good!"

Sharp Spear Invincible nodded and said.

Yang Lin, as his descendant, he is duty-bound.

"Brother, you have to be careful.

Now, at the end of the epoch, all the ghosts, ghosts, and monsters all jumped out.

I don't have anything to worry about for ordinary strong people, and I believe that with the strength of your third brother, there will be no big problems in dealing with it.

However, I was afraid that some old antiques would have died long ago, but they wanted to jump out to be a demon.

You have to pay attention."

"Don't worry, I will be careful."

As one of the six pillars of the Quartet Star Realm, the invincible talent of Gunslinger may not be too good, but his talent is amazing enough.

Otherwise, he would not be able to stand up to this "invincible" name.

Talent and aptitude are two different aspects.

Generally speaking, the higher the talent, the faster the future growth.

No matter how high your talent is, when you really want to understand the world, no matter how high your talent is, you can only become blind.

Obviously, in this respect, the Gunslinger is invincible, which is very advantageous.

His strength has reached an extremely terrifying point.

There has always been a legend in the Supreme World, which is divided into nine layers.

The first layer is where the mortal dust is.

The ninth level, in the legend, is the place where all the transcendants look up, and the place where all the sources aspire.

It is an unattainable place.

Yang Lin's first goal was the third-level Mingyue Great Thousand World.

However, he never thought that his first goal would have failed.

"Who are you?"

As the existence that creates the path of self, in the universe, that is the absolute hegemon.

Moreover, he has now opened up his own universe.

Every move is blessed by Heaven. Who dares to be so presumptuous?

"Who are you? Do you dare to stand in front of the deity and look for death?"

As the overlord of the universe, of course you must have the power of the overlord of the universe.

Anyone can provoke, that's not sweeping the ground with majesty?


What a master of the universe Yang Lin, really domineering!

The bright moon is in the great world, and being sheltered by him, how can you let the four star realms come to the wild?"

It turned out to be three demon races.

Looking at the aura on them, I'm afraid that their strength is at least one level of the overlord of the universe.

However, this place is the vast world of the human race, how can you allow your demons to be arrogant?

Yang Lin made a decisive move.

With the help of the four-pointed star realm, Yang Lin truly showed his saint in the entire universe.

The benefits of manifestation are now here.

At least, his strength is improving all the time.

His Taoism has improved extremely fast.

It is the time to be proud.

Slaying demons and slaying demons is the yearning of my generation.


One shot is one's own avenue.

With a single shot, it seems to be lost.

He walked on the invincible gun lane of sharp gun invincibility.

However, he also walked out of his own avenue under the premise of invincible gun lanes, and once shot, it was extremely extraordinary.

I saw that time seemed to stop infinitely, and the spatial distance between each other was constantly getting closer.

Between the two, there was clearly still thousands of miles away, and a spear that was no more than three feet long actually slammed in front of the enemy.

This, this turned out to be a sharp gun avenue involving the two supreme rules of time and space.

This kind of sharp gun road, although there are some ways to take the derivative road, it also involves the two supreme rules of time and space, and it has enough magic.

Opposite are two demons.

These two demon races are not simple characters. They are members of the strong demon race. Their strength is truly extraordinary.

This human race, with good strength and invincible guns, actually involves the two supreme rules of time and space.

A shot stabbed, and he just wanted to make some movements, but he already stabbed him.

That feeling is that time is stopping and space is getting closer.

It is impossible to make a move anymore.

But what can this be?

Your way is inferior to human beings, even if the way is wonderful and incomparable, what use can it be?

I stand here and let you fight, can you fight?


No one could stop Yang Lin's shot.

Even if it is two powerful demons, it is not good.

However, one shot hit the target, but his own way was not as good as a human being, and the other shot was unscathed.

"not good!

The opponent's Taoism is too high.

The defense is too strong, I can't break his defense with my way!"

Yang Lin's face changed drastically.

I was really unlucky. It just came out, and as a result, I encountered such a master.

There is no way but to ask for help.


The battle continued, but the tragic distress signal was sent out first.

The Great Demon, waving his big hand, is a universe of galaxies condensed, turned into a large natural stone monument, and slammed down towards Yang Lin fiercely.


Fortunately, the Invincible Gun Road involves some rules of time and space. With some mysteries of the two supreme rules of time and space, it quickly escapes at the moment of the moment.

However, that piece of starry sky, at least three great worlds, was directly exploded by this palm.

"damn it!"

When fighting, you should not get angry and should not be affected by your emotions.

This is a taboo.

However, the three great worlds were all destroyed in one slap.

In every Great Thousand World, I don't know how many human races there are, just this palm, all died.

Yang Lin seems to have seen billions, tens of billions, and hundreds of billions of human races standing in the middle of the sky. They have males and females. Similarly, they are also old men who are very old, and they also have a face full of innocence. Children.

However, at this moment, they are all looking at themselves.

It seems to be questioning.

They are asking themselves why they are showing up.

Why do you want to come here.

I, why, want them to suffer innocently.

When the world is destroyed, they become the poor creatures who follow the destruction of the world.

And all of this is because of myself!!

"Do not!

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