My Super Estate

Chapter 3299 Sure enough, strong, not as good as hole cards

The third thousand and eighty-ninth chapter is really strong, not as good as the hole cards

The strength of the Quartet Lords is somewhat sturdy.

No, this kind of strength is already too sturdy.

No one would believe that a cosmic overlord, pressing the eight masters of Jinxian Dao, and spreading it out.

In this way, this time, the eight masters near the immortal Taoist besiege the Quartet Lords, as if they were about to fail again.

Why should it be commensurate with the word'again'?

Inside.Just talk about it.

At the beginning, in the land of absolute immortality, it seemed that they were also the eight masters of approaching immortality.

However, at that time, the Golden Sword Master of Human Race came to save the Quartet Lords.

And this time, the Great Lord Fenglei came to kill the Quartet Lords.

The eight masters near immortals failed again.

It is also a shame to speak out.

At a moment, the first and last are all with their heads down.

They have only endless sadness in their hearts.

Jing live in this world, don't know how many epochs, why?

Is it just to lose to a certain newcomer and achieve his legend?

Is it to give away heads?

The meaning of sorrow, like a tide, keeps coming.

Dignified and close to the immortal Taoist master, in the universe, the world is all-powerful, and I alone dominate.

Walking in the universe, no matter who you are, whether you are a cosmic giant, a cosmic hegemon, or even a cosmic nation, millions of creatures, naturally, will worship.

Even, as long as you sit there, where, naturally, it will become a holy place.

Do nothing, the entire universe galaxy will revolve around him.

Even if it is just a void, as long as there is some time, it will naturally become a big world, and over time, it will naturally become a super continent.

This is the power of the Lord Jinxian Dao.

In a real sense, it can affect the existence of the universe.

Dominate the Three Thousand Avenues with oneself.

Such an existence, generally speaking, can also be called the god of the world, but it is the Dao Master, the Dao Ancestor, and even the Heavenly Master, or the Master of the Universe.

It can be said that such existence, universe creatures, in order to worship them, gave them many titles.

Even, given them supreme glory.

However, with such an existence, now, with a full eight, dealing with a Quartet Lord, how can it be so difficult?

At this moment, many of the eight masters of approaching immortal Taoism had the thought of retreating in their hearts.

The power of the Quartet is not very good.

Everyone knows this.

It can even be regarded as an open secret.

However, his back hand is too much.

The power that can be used is too strong.


"Thunder Fairy Tree?

Thunder fairy fruit?"

At this moment, everyone, but a little can't sit still.

What do you mean?You mean, this guy also got a fairy fruit?

"Fairy fruit?

Thunder fairy fruit?

Master Fenglei, you are not a lie!

Are there really fairy fruits?"

The eight Dajinxian Dao masters who were still cowering just now, suddenly, all of them were refreshed.

It seems that the cowards just now are not like them.

"Yes, yes, there are fairy fruits?

In this world, there will be fairy fruits?"

"It's not fake!"

One by one, no one can sit still.

Similarly, one by one, the gazes looking at Wang Yang were completely different.

In the past, there was only killing intent.

It's as if they were looking at their fathers and enemies.

However, no matter how strong the killing intent is, he is not afraid, because his strength is strong enough and he has enough back-hands.

However, at this moment, Wang Yang felt a little hairy.

Because, he felt that he was being watched by some wolves.

That is naked greed.

Moreover, this greed is somewhat terribly strong.

"Yes, the Thunder Fairy Tree was planted by the deity.

It took me three epochs.

However, this four-party kingdom master has a good method. In the three epochs of the deity, there is no mature Thunder Immortal tree. He has matured in just a few days, and even blossomed and beared fruit."

In fact, it is not a few days, at least it is a month long.

But three epochs, one month?

There is a big difference between the two.

You have to say, it is a few days, it is also possible.

These are just small sections, no one cares.

The key thing everyone cares about is that it has blossomed and it has produced results.

With such a method, the four-party country master is good at it. If it is someone else, maybe no one will believe it, but you have to say that this is the four-party country leader. Haha, that is absolutely no jump.

For such things, he is the leader of the Quartet, but he is a professional.

Even in the entire universe, there is no one who is more professional than him.


The Eight Great Jinxian Dao Masters who had just been beaten by Wang Yang to be a little suspicious of their lives, suddenly, there were three of them jumping out.

Dao Master Qingxiang, Dao Master Mary Chong, Dao Master Guangming.

All of them are old acquaintances.

Once, in Wang Yang's hands, that suffered a lot.

The two masters of Qingxiang Dao and Mary Chong, even to buy their lives, gave Wang Yang twenty purple qi.

It can be described as amazing.

Such an existence, in the eyes of others, it is absolutely waste.

Even, it is the least need to worry people.

It happened to be such a character, and he suddenly jumped out.

With their strength, it is of course impossible to deal with Wang Yang.

But who said that they have no hole cards?

For example, Dao Master Qingxiang didn't know where he got a jade charm.

This is an incredible jade charm.

Exuding nine-color fairy light.

I saw that the jade talisman increased its capacity, naturally, it formed a powerful barrier.

Wang Yang didn't even react, he was just trapped in the barrier.

Mary insect master, this is also an old man.

This guy, at first, outside the Sifang Star Realm, was directly crushed by the Sifang Star Realm, and most of his net worth was consumed.

In everyone's mind, under such circumstances, he must be greatly injured.

However, the fact is that his subordinates, I don't know when, nine insects emitting extremely faint nine-color fairy light appeared.

Although it was extremely light, it was exuding nine-colored fairy light, which was enough to explain that these nine insects had already got some fairy air.

As for that Guangming Taoist, he is the most powerful.

I saw that he directly took out a book.

That is a book that exudes nine colors of fairy light.

This, this turned out to be a fairy book.

I don't know what is written in it.

But this thing is the most amazing.

At least, Wang Yang's eyes widened.

These old Yin, unexpectedly, one by one, have hidden so many hole cards.

However, every time they were beaten up by themselves.

Feelings, this is because there is no huge benefit, not enough for them to take out such a hole card!

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