My Super Estate

Chapter 3404 - A fight and such benefits?

Chapter 3192 - A fight and such benefits?

For some reason, Wang Yang always had a feeling that his mind had an increasingly pure feeling.

It was as if, what he was doing now, was so painful.

"No, right now, I haven't even done anything to this White Bone City Lord, so why is it so pleasurable?"

Fighting, well, generally speaking, it's when you win a fight that your heart is happier.

Now, he had fought for most of the day, though, and set fire to this sea of indestructible bones everywhere.

However, to this White Bone City Lord, it seemed like, it was all without any real harm, right!

Not bad, setting fires everywhere, the entire Immortal Bone Sea seemed to be set on fire, but, in truth, it didn't cause any real harm to this White Bone City Lord.

Because, he was still constantly jumping.

But, how could it just, be getting more and more painful?

It was as if, you were very happy.

Such a thing, but it's not normal!

"Hey, why do I feel like I'm getting more and more luck?

It seems like, his own dao lineage is also increasing."

Wang Yang felt as if he had run into great luck again.

Pneumatic enhancement, dao lineage increase.

Two, no matter what, they were both benefits ah!

"This ......"

Of course, what was more important was that as the Indestructible Bone Sea, was ignited by the silvery-white creation fire, a little bit of the Indestructible Bone Liquid appeared on the ground.

The Indestructible Bone Liquid, it seemed, was growing continuously.

"There's still such a good thing?"

Surprisingly, there would still be such a good thing.

Wang Yang was unbelievable.


Karma, the heavens have made it!"

Good thing, it wasn't just Wang Yang who thought about it, the White Bone City Lord, also thought about it.


Creation divine fire, here, there's creation divine fire!

Haha, the indestructible bone liquid, now it's free to use!!!"

Forced to flee around by the Creation Divine Fire, however, the White Bone City Lord was not only not annoyed, but instead, he actually laughed.


Previously, he was extremely annoyed.

It was because, this Four Directions Country Lord dared to steal his own indestructible bone liquid.

Even dared to take action against himself.

Of course, the most important thing was that this Four Directions Country Lord would still possess such great strength.

For the sake of great strength, he betrayed his own race, and even, sealed himself in this Immortal Bone Sea, never to set foot in the universe again, never to enter that flowery world.

The price paid was just too great.

Therefore, he needed to maintain a sufficient strength advantage.

Definitely wouldn't allow someone with strength that would be even stronger than himself.

Obviously, the strength of the Four Directions Country Lord had violated his taboo.

The Four Directions Country Lord must die.


Burn to your heart's content!"

Being in the midst of the creation divine fire, he actually raged and laughed.

Obviously, this creation divine fire could not affect him too much.

It was just that, as Wang Yang withdrew his hand, the creation divine fire, little by little, extinguished.

In the sea of bones, there was only a little bit of indestructible bone liquid.

"Why did it stop?"

The White Bone City Lord was startled and stared at this fellow called 'Lord of the Four Directions' with wide eyes.

"Why aren't you setting fires?

How can you stop, who told you to stop?"

Wang Yang's eyebrows rose, and he was furiously happy, saying, "Haha, it's really a big joke.

This creation divine fire, is my original divine fire, I can release it if I want to, if I don't want to, I won't release it, what do you care?"


The White Bone City Lord was furious and shouted, "This place, is my White Bone City's territory, so if I let you set fire to it, you must set fire to it."

Wang Yang was furious in his heart and said, "Hey, this, if I don't set it off, what can you do?"

It had to be said that this fire of Wang Yang's was incredibly effective.

Otherwise, the indestructible bones were like an ocean tide, constantly churning, and it would be impossible for them to have such a 'calm' environment.

Just so, Wang Yang's heart would be unhappy.

I set a fire and even the tide of indestructible bones was quelled, but I'm still threatened by you, a son of a bitch.

"If you don't let go, I'll kill you!"

Good guy, there was no sign at all when he said he would do it.

This White Bone City Lord, who cultivated, might be the White Bone Dao.

It was even highly possible that he had a great divine ability similar to the White Bone Domain.

It was truly divine.

Obviously just in front of him, he was even talking to himself.

However, not even an instant later, Wang Yang clearly felt that he was being attacked by a force behind him.

The so-called instant was just between the rotation of a single thought.

Different people, different levels, the time between the rotation of this thought was also different.

Basically, Wang Yang's one thought rotated because the mind world was fifteen times faster than others.

In an instant, for the White Bone City Lord, it was the same as one thought turning, and of course, for others as well.

Generally speaking, it was impossible to react to such a sneak attack.

Here, the Immortal Bone Sea, was his White Bone City Lord's home turf.

Here, he could use his White Bone Domain to react and strike quickly.

It could be said that no one, could block his attacks.

However, I'm sorry, this anyone, Wang Yang then hit him with the truth.

It was because, Wang Yang's time to turn a thought was fifteen times faster than his White Bone City Lord.

It could be said that the White Bone City Lord, who had just appeared, Wang Yang had already turned around, and with a punch, he was directly hitting his face.

Bang ......

This feeling, it was as if, the White Bone City Lord couldn't think of anything else to do, voluntarily, was to send his face, to Wang Yang's fist.


Lord Bones, don't be so stubborn!

How can you hit my fist with your own face?"


The City of White Bones almost exploded with anger.

I face-planted your fist?

Gritting his teeth, it was like fire was coming out of his eyes.

"Go to hell!"

The disgruntled White Bone City Lord came back towards Wang Yang to kill him.

It had to be said that this White Bone City Lord, his strength, was extremely powerful.

Under the White Bone Domain, he was truly divine.

Just now, he was behind, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of the body again.

In the next instant, it had come to the top of his head.

In the blink of an eye, it was at the bottom of his feet again.

It could be said that in this Immortal Bone Sea, he could appear in any place.

Such an ability, it could be said, was extremely powerful.

Ordinary people were absolutely no match for him.

Of course, the most important thing was that every move of his was extremely powerful.

It was because, Wang Yang did not even get any advantage against him with his full strength.

It was truly terrifying.

Surprisingly, it could also explode with fifteen times the power.

God knows how much of the Indestructible Bone Liquid he had absorbed.

Unfortunately, none of this, could change the fact.

Wang Yang's reaction speed was fifteen times faster than his.

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