My Super Estate

Chapter 3418 - Supreme Godhead Stirring

Chapter 3206 - The Supreme Godhead Boom

In this prehistoric world, there was no such thing as an epochal catastrophe.

However, in this world, there was a kind of God Realm War.

On the surface, this kind of God Realm War was promoted by the Lord God.

It was a game between the Lord Gods.

However, Wang Yang knew that the inside story was definitely not that simple.

The Lord God, would not be that boring, and likewise, would not be exactly at this point in time at the end of an epoch.

Coincidence plus coincidence basically equaled conspiracy.

This was an accepted formula.

Wang Yang was a great believer in such a formula.

Of course, Wang Yang knew more about some information, such as the fact that the strength between the Lord Gods was not equal.

Every ten wars, the main gods, would go crazy, and the battlefield, even crazier to the point of being unacceptable.

For example, generally speaking, the divine realm, basically, was dominated by seven-star demons.

To be able to appear a few Shura was already an extremely remarkable thing.

Great Perfection, basically, would never appear.

However, with every tenth divine war, the main gods of all parties, would go mad, and all sorts of supreme treasures, and all sorts of conditions, would be given out recklessly.

Eventually, they would, on their own initiative, seek out strong people and compulsorily invite them to participate in the battle.


Yes, it was such a name that was most appropriate.

All of this information, as if, all of it was telling everyone that there was a huge conspiracy behind this God Realm War.

A conspiracy that would drive even the Lord God crazy.

Of course, this information was, at most, just some corroboration of some of your own suspicions.

Whether there was really a conspiracy or not, this was a question that Wang Yang could not really care about.


In order to conduct a transformative experiment, one must first determine their goal.

The God Realm War had confirmed that this prehistoric world still had robbery qi.

The accumulation of robbing gas, moreover, was still because, the universe paid far beyond recycling.

The universe consumes far beyond energy conversion.

Energy, is conserved.

"In this prehistoric world, there is an ocean of elements.

Underneath the ocean of elements is the ocean of divine power.

Perhaps, underneath the ocean of divine power is the origin of the universe!"

Close your eyes, mental energy, and just go deeper into that elemental ocean.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters ......

Little by little, it sinks.

Finally, a 10,000-meter mission position was reached, and the whole, all of it was transformed.

It was an energy that was even more advanced than the elements.

"This, is the divine power!"

Mental energy, little by little, sank, only, the more he sank, that will power, is more and more, the difficulty of his sinking, of course, is also increasing.

Finally, at a position of 10,000 meters, he felt that he had reached a limit.

Not because he couldn't sink, but simply because, he felt that this 10,000 meters was already a limit.

Below this limit was an energy metamorphosis.

Perhaps, this was the position of a master divine force.

On his own, the mind power was fifteen times the strength of the same level of beings, but, in the end, it was also not undergoing a metamorphosis.

What was the relationship between the power of the mind, and the power of the spirit?

To say, that is, a mutually complementary relationship.

There was no metamorphosis of spirit power, but of course, the level of the main divine power could not be performed.

"Spell it out!"

To this place, is to retreat, this thought, Wang Yang only just a flash.

No matter what, he had to give it a try.

Immediately, he was to borrow the invincible power of the divine spear through the heavy space and time.

Or, it was to use the characteristics of the Four Quarters Astral Realm, and just copy it over.

Although, it was very consuming, but, at this time, it was not possible to care about that much.

However, he didn't know that this world, the Master God Region, was a restricted area.

In the entire prehistoric world, there were a total of eleven departments, and each department, was a seven Lord God.

Unfortunately, ever since that extremely distant past, a sudden war, the previous Creator Daoist was so powerful, with great perfection, directly was, slaughtering many Lord Gods.

At that time, it even caused the permanent destruction of the five main gods.

Seventy-seven Lord Gods, directly became seventy-two.

That movement was just too great.

The seventy-seven Lord Gods at that time, there was one to count, and no one escaped.

Even if you escaped into the spatial turbulence, it was of no use at all, and in the end, the seventy-seven Lord Gods were all slaughtered.

That scene was just, too terrifying.

At that time, it was because, the Lord of Creation, with the strength of the Great Perfection, was directly exploring the Lord God's region.

As a result, that was, causing the so-called Lord Gods, all to act.

A Great Perfection could actually explore the Lord God Region?

It never happened.

Could it be, then, that the Lord God, then, could explore the region of the Most High God?

All the Lord Gods, all of them went crazy.

The billions and billions of years of peace, all of them were broken.

All of the Lord Gods, in order to increase their strength, all of them were beating faster.

The lower Lord Gods, wanting to increase their strength, wanted to rival the middle Lord Gods.

Middle Lord Gods, not willing to be behind others, wanting to wrestle with the upper Lord Gods, comparing strength, grasping at the opportunity, will always think, to jump up.

It was the Upper Lord God, wasn't there still a level of domination?

Although, everyone is the upper Lord God, but, the Lord is the Lord, that strength, so strong that some despair, how magnetic card, also want to touch, see, is not to make themselves more fragrant and attractive.


And the Supreme Being!

Legend has it that the Supreme God, who can open up the Supreme God Realm, how, it seems, must be more powerful than himself!

It makes no sense that other people can, right, I can't!

What if, just in case, it works?

All sorts of temptations, like a female ghost in red, although extremely dangerous, it was just so appealing that people couldn't stop.

Then, one Lord God, all of them acted.

Then, all the Lord Gods, warred chaotically.

First, they fought for the Lord of Creation, then, it was a matter of suppressing the weak with the strong.

In a chaotic battle, all the Lord Gods, one by one, fought into pig brains.

In the end, the top Creator Dao Lord suddenly exploded and spiked all of them.

Even the five Lord God grids, which were straightforward, were blown up.

The Unbreakable Master God Grid, which had existed since the beginning of the universe, was just like that, it was blown up.

At that time, the entire universe, all of the powerful people who were pinched as the top, all lost their voices.

That scene from back then was still vivid in our minds.

However, who would have thought that today, that scene from back then, had, in fact, appeared again!!!

"This ......"

The first one, the Destruction Lord, just couldn't sit still.

Back then, he wasn't a Destruction Ruler.

However, back then, he had seen such a scene with his own eyes.

It was, the Lord God was like a dog!

In fact, those who experienced it back then, one and all, who couldn't sit still!

Especially the Lord Gods, one by one, all of them were pale.

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