My Super Estate

Chapter 3442 I, am I missing something? ?

Chapter 3230 I, am I, what did I miss??

In other words, since Wang Yang took over the Asura clan, he really knew what a huge power is.

Wang Yang really came from a poor family.

It can be said that he really experienced what kind of human suffering.

Before his hair, basically, his whole life was spent running for three meals a day.

What to eat tomorrow?

In other words, what to eat for the next meal?

In his mind, what he thinks most is still such a problem.


Create an invincible kingdom?Open up a whole new world?

Stop teasing, what do I have for my next meal? Isn’t there something to eat? I have not solved this problem. Tell me, I want to build an invincible kingdom?

Want to open up a world?

Create a new river in the universe and create a universe that has never been seen before?

Are you telling a fairy tale?

It can be said that in Wang Yang's heart at that time, to make money, he had only one mind in his whole mind, making money.

But what do you want to do after earning money?

In other words, how to make money, such a problem, he has never thought about it.

Even, he never thought about the use of money at a level?

He had never thought about this problem.

After his haircut, he also stepped into the martial arts and broke into the arena.

Once entering the rivers and lakes, it is as deep as the sea.

He didn't remember what he did to improve his strength.

However, he still clearly remembered that he did a lot at the beginning.

In order to improve his strength, he did a lot.

very many.

But, alone, I never thought about making money.

Because, strength, continuous improvement, resources, continuous accumulation, never worry about money again.

I never thought about how to make money.

I never thought about what to do after earning money?

"Perhaps, this is what you should do after earning money!"

When a person is in the Asura plane, the information from the highest plane, hell, has passed into his ears.

In this process, what did I give?


Or connections?

Or, what is it?

Think about it carefully, in the final analysis, I paid only one, money.

"Ha ha!!"

The previous life was too tight.

There are too many powerful people of all kinds.

There are too many crises facing the Quartet Star Realm.

What an honor to create a new river of universe!

But, who knows how many lightsaber rains are hidden behind such honor?

Wave after wave, never seen before.

Even, many strong people who have never even heard of it appeared.

They seem to have crawled out of the coffin. They have clearly gone through the tribulations of the era again and again, but they, one by one, are immortal.

There has never been an intersection, but one by one, they all seem to be lining up and killing themselves.

Once, again, without stopping.

too tired.

Behind the massacre of the Quartet is that he has no time to think about the meaning of his life.

In the spiritual world, there is a feeling of emptiness.

I gave up fighting and killing, what have I experienced in this life, nearly two thousand years?

In other words, what is the meaning of my two thousand years of life?

It seems, really, doesn't make much sense.

For some reason, such a thought flashed through Wang Yang's heart.

The news of the great Wen Ruo appeared in front of him, and Wang Yang of course did his best to rush over.

He is not going to miss a moment.

But, trying his best to hurry, he suddenly stopped.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

All the time of a lifetime, all the experiences, unconsciously, naturally, flowed towards my own soul.

Memories that I no longer remember.It seems to be remembered again.

The unhappy past is also remembered.

Compared to a strong person of the same level, his spiritual world is 15 times that of others.

At the beginning, his avenue was consummated, and he could have ascended to the sky in one step, become the master of the approach to immortality, and even approach immortality.

However, with insufficient background, the extremely large four-sided star realm has become a drag on the transformation of the mind.

The best way is to abandon the four realms, not to mention, ascend to the sky in one step, and become immortal. At least, there is absolutely no problem in becoming a master near immortal.

The temptation is great.

Unfortunately, Wang Yang gave up.

He must be reluctant.

He created the Quartet Star Realm.

It is his foundation.

Even if it is an immortal, oneself must also complete the entire Quartet Star Realm and bring it up.

In the Quartet Star Realm, there are too many people that they can't bear, and there are too many things that they can't let go of.

Finally, he chose to undertake.

Then, the mind changed and failed.

After that, there was no more movement.

It was as if he never had a chance to undergo a spiritual transformation from now on.

Worked hard for a long time.

I have thought of many ways.

However, he never thought that he, unexpectedly, would be here, arousing a certain emotion in his heart.

Before we knew it, we ushered in a spiritual transformation again.

"Do not!"

Seeing it is a successful transformation.

However, Wang Yang suddenly woke up.

The transformation of the mind is naturally a beautiful thing.

However, insufficient accumulation is still a fact.

Once transformed, give up.

Giving up is not what I want.

That being the case, let's just do it!

Opened his eyes, suppressed all emotions, raised his head and looked around.

This hell sky is still so dim.

Wen Ruo Da Zun is dumbfounded.

He had never thought that such a change would happen.

That destruction master, unexpectedly, shot towards his own side.

What I didn't expect was that this guy didn't know what he did, and his strength was greatly improved.

It seems that he has lost the support of all the main gods, but his strength has improved a lot.

I saw the ruined ruin, his eyes flushed.

A feeling that strangers do not enter.

Of course, his gaze was very scary.

Staring at the Daoist Black Ape is full of killing intent.

"Hey, Wen Ruo, it's really you!"

A pleasantly surprised voice, Xiangqi: "Hey, what's the matter? How can the power of Destruction Domination increase so much,

Could it be that I missed something?"

"The Quartet Lord?"

Grand Master Wen Ruo couldn't believe it.

I actually saw this one alive.

Suddenly, I thought of the Grand Master Wenhua, the master of Jin Jiandao.Dignified near the immortal Taoist master, unexpectedly, there is a feeling of wanting to cry.

"It's you!!"

The sudden appearance of Wang Yang is absolutely eye-catching.

All the hatred seems to have found a point of origin.

Destroy the master, all the attention, all this sudden figure.


The Supreme God is supreme. Today, I finally seized the opportunity."

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