My Super Estate

Chapter 3458 the main god fell? ? ?

Chapter 3246: The Lord God's Fall???


With a sword stabbed, the great Lord God was cut off by an arm.

Such a record, not to mention the onlookers, even if it is the tree of death, it is very excited.

Challenge the Lord God?

Speaking of lightness, but only if you have experienced it yourself will you find that there is too much in it.

This requires not only strong strength, but also a strong psychology.

The main god overwhelms the four supreme god planes, and the seven god planes are developed by the main god himself.

All kinds of divine rings are added to the main god, and facing the main god, innately, the mentality will be weaker.

The same strength, psychologically weak, very strong, they get a 20% discount.

There is no way to fight this battle.

Therefore, in advance of having sufficient strength, you must also have a strong mentality.

Moreover, the main god is a whole.

The main gods can bully each other and can be treated like pigs and dogs.

But are you a Dzogchen, hunting down the Lord God?

Have you thought about the feelings of other gods?

Today, you can hunt down the main god, and tomorrow, can others hunt me down?

No matter how much you talk about your own safety, it's a nonsense.

Needless to say, all factors of instability must be smoothed out.

When this sign started, then what was greeted was the suppression from the entire group of the Lord God.

The majesty of the main god is definitely not established by a single person, but is shaped in the hearts of many gods through the joint efforts of all members of the main god.

Only by ensuring the absolute supremacy of the main god, can he control the entire world more perfectly.

Therefore, to hunt down the main god, after the strength, psychology, and pass, the timing must also be extremely precise.

Of course, the hunting of the main god, how can we carry out this hunting plan to the end, and then we must retreat from the whole body, this is another issue that we have to consider.

The main god is aloof. This is not because the main god is pretending to be forced. It is just because the main god has forcibly created an image in order to maintain his position.

The main god should be high above.

Such an image, under the baptism of the years, has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

This process must be formed little by little by all the main gods working together.

This is the result of the joint efforts of all the main gods.

How can it be destroyed because of you alone?

After successfully hunting the main god, even if you become the main god, you will inevitably suffer collective punishment from the main god.

It is definitely not because you succeeded and got a master godhead, and then all the master gods will recognize you.

Such a thing will never happen.

Otherwise, other main gods will surely endanger everyone.

Strength, excellent psychological quality, timing of precise control, and how to deal with the aftermath'reasonably'?

These are the four issues that every hunter and killer god must consider.

Obviously, these four issues must be considered by every hunter, and every main god, of course, knows it well.

A powerful ruler, in order to maintain his majesty and set the rules.

The weak Lord God regards it as his own life saver.


Damn, who are you?Do you know, what are you doing?"

With a sword, cut off his arm.

No matter what, the Tuyuan Lord God must admit that his life has been greatly threatened.

At this time, he knew that he had to save himself.

Fighting is a long process.

However, the result is a fleeting matter.

The result did not appear, even if there is already such a trend, he must struggle a bit.

He must fight for his last strength.

This is not just a matter of face.

Similarly, this is his pride.

However, when his arm was severed by a sword, he knew it.

I must make a decision.

As a result, it has already appeared.

After struggling and fighting, and then, the result is still so desperate.

He must make a choice between face and life.

Before the result appeared, face was more than everything.

The sky is big, the face is the greatest, life?what is that?Eighteen years later, we are another hero.

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the face cannot be lost.


After the results appeared, all these rhetoric became bullshit.

Because, suddenly discovered that life is gone, so-called face is just a fart.


nothing left.


The Grim Reaper was like a fairy, and laughed.

Of course, if her attack can be stopped for a while, the laughter like a fairy is still so sweet.

But, you stopped!


This laughter is simply poisonous.

One inadvertently, another arm was cut off.

At this time, the Lord Tu Yuan was completely panicked, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't make mistakes.

Do you think that after you hunt down the main god, other main gods will let you go?

Do you think that if you have acquired the Lord Godhead, you can become the Lord God?

Stop dreaming, this is absolutely impossible.

You will be subject to the four masters, joint attacks, and even sanctions."

The attack was too sharp, and it was extremely difficult to dodge.

In order to save herself, the Lord Tu Yuan had to lose face, to reason with the facts for this sturdy woman, trying to dispel the thoughts she shouldn't have in her heart.

Silvermoon Devil felt that he was going crazy.

Is this one who is so afraid of death really the lord god who is above it?

Is the lord god above all fearing death like this?

Of course, the most important thing is, is the strength of the main god so weak?

This woman, isn't she Qixing?

Could it be that the great Lord God can't even beat a seven-star demon?


Things have changed too quickly.

One accidentally flashed his waist, and he still hasn't recovered.

Even, until now, he hasn't figured out whether this is real, or is he caught the enemy's soul attack and fell into an illusion?

It’s a pity that this battle level is too high. Even if his Silver Moon Demon is a commander-level powerhouse, in the face of such a battle, he is still Xiao Xiami. Is it true? Based on his strength, he even tried No qualifications.

The mighty power of will is directly pressing on him, pressing back again and again.

In fact, at this moment, he can do nothing except hold his head and shrink into a ball.

"Thank you for your advice.

Unfortunately, the plan to hunt down the main god must be completed today.

You must die too!"

With that, the Death Tree suddenly pierced out with a sword.

Witnessing that sword pierced, the Diyuan Lord God wanted to dodge.

However, he discovered that his physical body had formed a kind of disorder with his thinking.

He lost control of the physical body.

I watched the sword and pierced my head.

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