My Super Estate

Chapter 3529 - Death Tree, Death Formation

Chapter 3,317 - Death Tree, Death Formation

"Dare to come to the Four Square Star Realm to be reckless, do you really think that there is no one in the Four Square Star Realm?"

Although, he had just arrived at the Four Directions Star Realm.

However, the Four Square Star Realm is the star realm opened up by one's father god, which is one's father god's home.

As a child of the Father God, the Four Square Star Realm is of course his own home.

No matter who you are, dare to come to my home, I will beat you half to death.

The one who commits crimes against my quadrilateral star realm, though far will be punished.

The death tree, without saying a word, towards the tide of demon fury in front of that, directly is a slash out.

Her knife is not an ordinary knife, but a supreme divine weapon.

It was a Supreme Divine Weapon that she had cultivated herself, and all of its might was within the realm of her ability to exert.

With a single slash, it was as if the Supreme God had appeared, opening up the heavens and the earth, all the mighty power, all concentrated under this slash.


The four star realms, at all times, were under the attack of the great tide of demon banshees.

However, at this moment, after this slash was struck, the entire Four Directions Star World suddenly became much quieter.


Because, the tide of devil bane, has been this knife, directly is split ah!

In the starry sky, the great tide of devil bane, like a sea tide, wave after wave of surging.

The Death Tree, standing in front of the Four Directions Star Realm, looked ahead at the waves of tidal waves coming in, and fiercely slashed out.

It was like a sea of terrifying death Qi converging.

Turning the sword into an ocean!

The horror of it was so frightening to the eyes.

The tide of devilish fury, the sea of death swords, two extreme powers, directly collided together.


The sea of death sabers was certainly destroyed.

However, the great tide of devil bane, also did not end up in a good place.


The two forces were too terrifying, endless power, in the form of aftershocks, spread in all directions.

Wherever they passed, whether it was chaos primordial stones or planet fragments, all of them were cleared away.

"Who are you people?"

The Great Venerable Golden Tiger came with big steps to kill.

Just now, it was his sledgehammer, just a blow, is to make the four-square star world shake, as long as there is another, he is confident enough, the four-square star world, will certainly be blown out of a hole by himself.

However, all of this is now a thing of the past.

Because, his own attack, surprisingly, was blocked.

"Who are you guys again?"

Staring at these guys, the Death Tree, although it was a woman's body, was revealing a few heroic auras.

In the face of this fierce and domineering Golden Tiger Grand Dignity, she surprisingly did not show any disadvantage at all.

"How dare you, how dare you meddle in our affairs, let me teach you a lesson!"

She is a near-immortal Daoist Lord, a great venerable of the beast race.

Under the name, no one knows no one, and you say you don't know?

Well, today I'll let you know.

"Look at the move!"

Only to see, the Golden Tiger Grand Daoist, did not transform into a human, but maintained a huge beast body.

Powerful magic power, into is into that golden big iron hammer.

At once as long as the large iron hammer, endless divine patterns, naturally emerged, endless mighty pressure, began to emanate from heaven and earth.


If the previous strike was the most extreme explosive power, then, now it is, the most extreme impact power.

Explosive force, not in speed, because, the four star world itself, does not move, standing in the starry sky.

However, this impact force, but the pursuit of the fastest speed, can attack the enemy.

Two different methods of using power, the result is absolutely not the same.

This strike, the speed is really too fast.

General universe giants, or even, some of the existence of the heart reflecting the world, facing such an attack, absolutely can not even react.

Even so, in the face of such a strike, the Death Tree sneered, and the Death Supreme Divine Weapon, at once, cut out with a fierce strike.

For some existences that reflect the world with their hearts, such a strike is absolute speed.

However, for the Death Tree, this is all, that is all.

As early as in the prehistoric world, the Death Tree, which is the four gods doppelganger, facing the general sovereign, are able to fight and win.

When you come to this illusory universe, limited by the rules of the universe, the four gods are all fused in one.

The mind world has long undergone successive metamorphoses.

Even the death dao is also undergoing some essential changes.

Although, not like Wang Yang, can derive a rule divine talisman, but is also more powerful than the general near immortal Dao main.

At this time, it is a perfect manifestation.

Under the Death Blade, even the Golden Tiger's golden hammer, which was attacked with all its might, was directly cut off by the overwhelming power.


The golden hammer was flying too fast.

I don't know where it hit, in the starry sky, I don't know which existence is hidden, in such a domineering power, directly is blown to death.

Only a miserable scream, as if to tell everyone, there, there is a peeper.

"Everyone, the person coming is not simple, we must go all out!"

A connoisseur's hand will tell the difference.

The death tree looks, is a woman, but, whoever underestimates this woman, only afraid, he is also going to suffer a big loss.

The domineering power seems to be manifesting her character.


This time, the Great Venerable Black Tiger made a move, and the matter was important.

Moreover, it was deep in the heart of the Four Directions Star Realm, so even the nine powerful clans definitely did not dare to be careless.

The weirdness of the Four Directions Star World is enough to show that its heartland is definitely not simple.

The nine great tribes, one by one, all sent a near-immortal dao master.

Now it seems that the original decision was really a wise move, and at this time, it seems that it has become the key to determining victory or defeat.

"Hmph, beating a few with many?"

Looking at the nine great lords that surrounded them, the Death Tree merely sneered.

"Arrange the formation!"


The Seven Sons of the Death God, who had always been led by the Death God Tree, at the order of the Death God Tree, at once, they acted quickly.

In the prehistoric world, the Seven Sons of the Death God, one by one, although not as good as the Death God Tree, which was directly four divine doppelgangers, but, there were also two, or even three.

Under the rules of the illusory universe, each divine doppelganger, fused into one, naturally, is to let his mind undergo a metamorphosis.

The Seven Sons of the Death God are seven existences that are above the completion of the Great Dao.

Moreover, each one of them is an existence that reflects the heaven and earth with the Dao, and even uses the Dao to control the heaven and earth.

A complete death dao, at this time, under the death formation, immediately formed a terrifying deity.

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