My Super Estate

Chapter 3538 - Attacking the City Defending the City

Chapter 3,326 - Attacking and defending the city

The city!

This is a very ancient existence.

From the human race, powerful since, the city, played the best to resist the energy.

Even now, the people have risen, a variety of great divine powers, countless, but the existence of the city, still continue to exist.

Even, many large cities, the city, is very large.

A million feet high city, in the universe and starry sky, you can also be met.

But, here, the four-sided city, is an ordinary city.

Length and width, perhaps not even more than a thousand feet.

Say a city, perhaps, is not larger than the average town.

The entire city, front and back, is only three streets.

Standing high in the sky, it is only a few dozen houses.

Such a city, not to mention the cosmic starry sky, is the general small thousand worlds, than this is bigger than the city, are also abound.

However, this is the Four Square City.

It is the camp of the Four Directions Star World, in the battlefield of the Heavens.

It is the credential of the Four Directions Star World, which is recognized by the Battlefield of the Heavens.

It is a symbol of the status of the Four Directions Star World in the Battlefield of the Heavens.

However, this is such a city, today, unexpectedly, encountered a large number of foreigners attack.

In mid-air, there were more than a dozen universe lords, standing in the air.

Behind them, there are thousands of star domain lords, forming a large army.

With a command, at once, the entire army, towards the Four Square City, killed over.

They, in the universe, each and every one of them, are star domain lords, existences that can open up the heavens and the earth.

Here, but a small soldier.

And, this little soldier, not even able to fly through the air.

At this time, a variety of siege tools, is also quickly manufactured.

Even, there are beast race, one by one, are their own body, become large enough.

The walls of the Four Square City are not very high.

It was only fifty feet.

Such a height, placed in the universe and starry sky, no use at all.

Even, directly is a kick out, what is left, all have to be burst, or even, beaten into annihilation powder to do.

However, this is the battlefield of the heavens, subject to the three thousand dao realm origin of enrichment, under the great momentum of the universe, contained.

Here, even the lord of the great world, are unable to withstand that pressure, the lower star field lord, but also mortal, is to jump up to three meters high, is impossible.

Even if you are a beast, you become so huge body, the pressure that must be greatly increased.

Directly is a huge pressure, crushed into flesh, are normal.

So, fifty feet, such a height, is already extremely high and extremely high.

It can be said that there is no external force, want to hit in, you are not even think about it.

It is reasonable to say that such a height, want to break the wall, want to climb the wall, is simply a fool's dream.

However, you can not resist people's wealth ah!

Thousands of troops, surprisingly, there are more than 500 upper star domain lords.

In contrast, this upper star domain lord, that is too powerful.

The physical body battle body was released, and actually reached a height of ten feet.

Such a height, and then a jump, fifty feet high city wall, that is so many times.


The white tiger demon daddy, gave the order to attack.

He wanted to take this four-sided city, directly just to burst.

"Everyone, the enemy is raging, but it's not simple!"

Xiao Yun was a little worried, said: "The nine powerful clans, that is really a lot of people, these thousands of troops, is afraid, is half, are the upper star domain Lord.

Our four star world, but not so strong!"

The Four Directions Star World, of course, is very supreme.

One hundred and fifty universe countries, that is fifteen hundred upper star domain lords.

If this, all the power, all over, these guys, only afraid, all have to stay.

However, the four star world, that is the fundamental.

Without enough power to face the tide of demon fury, you can still withstand?

Therefore, now the four-sided city, although looking, with thousands, even tens of thousands of people, are possible.

However, most of them, are the lords of the great worlds.

Even the Lord of the lower star field, there are less than a thousand of them.

The upper star domain lords, even less than a hundred people.

Compared with the foreigners outside, the strength, but really, the difference is too big.

"Everyone, we have to think of a way.

Otherwise, our Four Square City, is absolutely can not top."

"I'll go!"

As the strongest person in the current Four Square City, Guan Yue immediately is decided to kill out by himself.

With his own strength, if, can will be a big kill, that five hundred upper star domain lords, no one can survive.


Xiao Yun immediately was furious, shouted: "Are you crazy?

Do you think that the foreigners do not understand the situation of my Four Square City?

Do you think that these foreigners are forcing a great power like the Three Thousand Dao Realms for fun?

Do you think, that the Mo Jun Commander, was lured out, for an accident?"

"Yes, Guan Yue, at this time, you are the top pillar of our Four Square City, that is, a deterrent force, easily, absolutely not to make a move."

It was Zhao Fei, who also disagreed with such a plan of Guan Yue.

"Lay out a formation, let's bring all the power of all the Great World Lords together.

Lay down a great formation to enhance the power of the Lords of the Upper Star Worlds and try to fight against those things."

Under the city walls, the enemy was getting closer and closer.

"Good, let's do it!"

The order, quickly, was given.

Only to see, the first thing Xiao Yun did was to take over a large bow.

Here, long-range attacks were the main focus, otherwise, in case of an accident, I'm afraid, it would not be able to hold up.

Technology power?

Do not think, unless, you have any rule-based weapons, otherwise, in such a large pressure, you have a plane, a spaceship, are of little use.

Because, in such a pressure, even the star lord, are unable to withstand, this universe, you have what kind of technology, is able to withstand?

"Four Square Sword Formation!!!"

The first time, Xiao Yun was to activate the Four Directions Sword Formation.

Only to see, a nine heavenly sword tree, naturally, is in the four directions of the city appeared.

Only, once in the universe and starry sky, the huge Nine Heavenly Sword Tree, which could be compared to a star field, could not even reach ten feet here.

But the Four Square City, itself is not very big, a Nine Heavenly Sword Tree appeared, the entire Four Square City, it is as if, turned into an ocean of sword qi.

Standing in the high altitude, you can see that the Four Square City, suddenly, is the clouds rise and fall, the flawed light shot in all directions.

When Xiao Yun drew his bow and shot an arrow, at once, all the clouds in the Four Square City quickly turned into a sharp sword, and as Xiao Yun drew his bow and shot an arrow, at once, endless sword qi quickly converged on the arrow.


Xiao Yun's archery skills were not good.

However, under such an arrow, at once, only to see, that speedy traveling sharp arrows, like the sword immortal's flying sword, towards there.


A ten feet tall Black-backed Heaven Treading Wolf was directly nailed to the ground.

Surprisingly, a single arrow had killed an upper star domain lord.

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