My Super Estate

Chapter 3576

Third 3664 chapters

Dragon, East, Bright God, Mo ...

The main, eight stars iron turtles, bright gods, the Lord of Wan ...

A lively scene.

Just, how can I only have four strong mons?

What are the other big mons?

Don't they be moved?

Or, what are they all in the dark? This is this, just acting?

Far away, kicking with the mysterious road, Wang Yang is directly that all of them inherent, all of which are reflected in front.

In this vast boundless universe star, it turned out to look large screen movies.

"What is it?"

Wang Yang stared at the four strong people on the front, mirrors and wars.

"The fire is invincible, with this Lord of Walong, you are handing, he has such strength?"

I saw it, on the mirror, the Lord of Long Long, with an enemy, actually, did not see the wind.

Such strength, but some is a fear.

Luo Jian confirmed that for three inside, he felt a burst of eating.

"Don't be afraid of you jokes, these three, I feel that I can't afford it."

"The Lord of this dragon, the strength is some powerful.

Even if it is our Phoenix family, such strength, only two of the old and old and family may have. "

Feng Jiu soft comfort.

Feng Jiu, has been married to the Quartet Star.

She is a nine elders of the Phoenix family, and she is also close to Xian Dao.

Since it is already married to the Quartet, then, nature is also a person in the quarter.

At this time, of course, you have to follow together.

"Brother, you, who is more powerful than this Lord of Longlong?"

When I first arrived, I also felt a happy tribute to the relationship between the strong people in the Quartet.

This is such a harmony, but it is rare.


Wang Yang only laughed.

This problem, he feels, not very good answer.

Feng Jiu, married Luo Jian, that is, the people of Luo Jian, is a member of the Quartet.

At this time, go to her in front of her?

Always feel, some are sorry, since this, then, just don't answer.

"What do you say?

The Lord of Long Long, before, the fire is invincible to fight with him, directly killing the dragon island, in Long Island, big plundering.

Compared with the cousin, the gap is a little big. "

"Luo Jian!"

Feng Jiu called.

'You, how to talk, you, don't say, the fire is invincible with the brother, is there too much? '

The sound is directly around the heart of Luo Jian.


Wen said, Luo Jian is also a.

that's true!

I quickly turned my head, I was invincible toward the fire: "The fire is invincible, sorry!"

"Oh, don't say sorry, the strength of the Zhuang owner, it is much better than I."

However, you actually say, my strength, there are a lot of differences, after going back, you have to play with me. "

"Playing, who is afraid!"

Of course, they also know that this kind of words is just to play, when it is not true.

In fact, they all observed carefully, and they want to see some of the doorways in this mysterious road.

The mysterious road is directly taken away by yourself.

As a result, in such a short period of time, it appeared.

I don't believe it, after the back, there will be no name?

Wang Yang does not believe that Luo Jian will not believe it.

The fire is invincible: "If you don't, I will try it out?

With my strength, the Lord of this Longlong cannot be my opponent. "

It is also close to the immortal, and it is also open up the universe star area. The soul world has also experienced four metamorphic, fair, and the avenue is difficult.

In this case, in general, it is difficult to divide the winning and negative.

In fact, near Xian Dao, in the universe, it is indeed easy to divide the victory.

Just, in this world, there is always some unexpected.

For example, the four-party country Wang Yang!

Of course, between other people, between Wang Yang, there is a great gap, nor by one, is Wang Yang.

However, some encounters, still can cause the strength gap between each other.

The Lord, the dragon is because of what, I don't know, but the gun is invincible, but I have swallowed a thunder fairy fruit.

The powerful medicine of the fairy fruit, let him step by step, and the soul world will pass four times.

Moreover, in the transformation process, it is also transformed from the fairy fruit, which is more powerful than ordinary people.

The mind is more thorough, and it has become more perfect, the same, the body, the mana, is more powerful.

Such a result is that it has created a more powerful moon.

Otherwise, one person, directly enter Long Island?

It is really that he is not afraid of death, courageous fathers?

At this moment, the Lord of Long Long, a power, performance is extremely excellent, the Lord of Wan Magic and the light god, two main attacks, eight-star iron turtle main defense, no matter what the Lord of Long Long, how is the ghost, how to A godding, always can be caught in the first time.

Just, under such a siege, the Lord of Long Long, actually can play a lot of sound, and there is no fall in the wind.

On the contrary, he actually took a trick from time to time, and it was directly to fly.

If it is not the eight-star iron turtle to stop, I am afraid, just like this, the Lord of Wan Magic is directly injured.

"Haha, the Lord of Long Long, you are very good!"

It is the mainstay of the Lord of Walong, a laughter, it is in the sky.

The horrible guns, with a smashing of the horrible destruction, directly, heading toward the Lord of Longlong,

"The fire is invincible !!!"

Feel the familiar atmosphere, Dragon's Lord drinks big!

At the same time, it is also the most powerful force in time, towards the gun, squatting, is a rear of the tail.

At the same time, the Lord of the Wan Magic, who has just played with the Lord of Wanlong, and the Light God of Lord, also gave up the Lord of Long Long, and killed the fire.

At this moment, their cooperation is so tacit understanding, tacit understanding, it seems that there is a disappearance.

To say, this is not careful, it is impossible.

More sorry, or the eight star turtle.

When he was fighting with the Lord War of Wanlong, he was a passive defense, giving a person. In addition to defense, there is no power to attack.

As a result, now, he is completely a change before, and it is invincible to the fire, it is a slap, and it is taken.

He, actually, with his own tang, as a weapon, taking the arms invincible.

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