My Super Estate

Chapter 3585, are you too happy? ?

The third chapter of the 3rd hundred and seventy-three chapters, are you too happy? ?

Wang Yang must admit that this gods are really very powerful.

Don't look at him here, I am walking very slipping, but only he knows, what is scared in it now.

Because he far more than the world of fairyland, it turned out to be a wave of waves.

Do you believe?

The four-party landlord, there is a four-party star boundary, in the universe, no one can go out the right spiritual world, actually, floors.

In this case, it has never been seen.

You have to know that this is a dangerous signal.

In contrast, the mysterious road owner, but is joy.

It is really, too cattle.

"Daixian, my mysterious road, has been restored, really recover, us, is it, can you promote it?"

It's too excited.

The four-party country, you can't think of it!

You can't think of it, my mysterious road, there is still another chance.



"Daxian, reply to the big immortal!"

Unfortunately, no matter how it is called, it is not a big fairy that can let him die.

It seems that it has never been present.

If you are, the mysterious road is still constantly recovering, constantly stabilizing, your heartbeat, is also in normal jump, I am afraid, he will not believe it, you will have this day.

It's so surprised.

"Daxian, Daxian ..."

In the eyes of the Mun Ming, this respect can let him die, and it is the existence of omnipotent.

As long as there is his help, don't say the four-party national owner, even the entire universe, you can take yourself horizontal.

Four-party country?

Just borrow him two courage, see if he does not dare to let go in front of him?

Yes, he is like this.


Finally, thousands of calls, all call, finally got an echo.

"it is good!"

The Mun Ming Dao is laughing, it is very surprised.

Can't you reply in time?

What happened to this? As long as you can help you have a powerful strength, just wait for one, how can it?


The mysterious road is supported by the Mun Mun Avenue, and one of the roads opened.

In general, as long as it is shattered, this side is unable to recover.

This is also the rules of the universe.

Otherwise, in the universe, a plurality of era past, every era, do not know how much the spirit.

The era is robbery, I am afraid, I don't know how much the spirit is, I will drag the relationship, seek shelter, endless time passed, I am afraid, the whole universe, I have already near the Xian Dao Lord.

How can I, an episode of an era, and have a enchanting in the holy place, it will only be so two or three thousand?

It is obviously impossible.

Therefore, the Mun Ming Dao will surprise so.

The mysterious road of yourself is still recovering.

What a surprise is this?

Of course, the most important thing is, it is successful, can be promoted, open up.

"Hey, the four-party national owner, but you have to see, can you disconnect the road to me?"

A clearance, the Mun Ming Dao is the order, and ask everyone to go all out.

The mysterious road is recovered, but the spirit of the mysterious road is certainly impossible to recover.

However, there is a bonus of the dragon family, a junction, ten universe countries, still rapidly aggregation.

Even if the mysterious roads have not fully recovered, all the souls are already in place.

The order of the mysterious road is the task that must be completed.

Life is not familiar, but no one dares to violate the command of the mysterious road.

So, this process is very fast.

This is his head, the third prostitute, the Lord of the Star Field, and create a dragon in my avenue.

It turns out what the name is, no one will care.

But this time, he is called Dragon Three.

"Dragon Third, have you already prepared?"


Dragon San is too happy.

As long as you succeed, yourself is the universe.

Not right, it should be said that you are the universe hegemony, you will have to open up your own universe, and it is still the universe country that is the core of self-avenue.

You are the universe hegemony.

"Hey, proud, arrogant, you are eight eggs, I can't afford it before, this time, I have to see, I will dare to let go in front of myself?"

Every power is coming out of the weak.

With strong sizzling, it is even more unchanged.

Dragon three did not rise, of course, there is also his own enemies.

However, now, you will have to fly, and in the past, those who are going on, and I can't afford myself, I will be hundreds of times, thousands of times will be coming back.

All owes me, you have to come back.


A big drink!

A universe field, is expanding in the front of the mysterious road.

I saw that the powerful will, the origin of the appearance of the star field is a lot of chaos.

Soon, the whole of the original star, the horse is powerful.

In the whole, the entire star field, the power will be greatly improved, the space is more robust, the gravity of the original star, is more powerful, even, the energy level, is constantly improving.

As long as it is not subject to external force, the entire upper star field will usher in a fundamental transformation.

In such a transformation, it is not only the dragon three get great benefits, even if it is the entire upper star field, it will get a great advantage.

By the way, the mysterious road, also received a horrible power to bless, a certain ceiling, naturally, is a huge power to be such a huge force, it is directly for a bomb.


"it is good!

Hahahaha, ok, finally succeeded. "

The Mun Ming Dao laughed.

Index, the change of the mysterious road, then, even clearly, the power feedback from the mysterious road.

Your own spiritual world, finally, is ushered in the second spring that is finally.

As I have already been a lot of era, it is no longer any change, but it is not a change in the stone, stinky and hard.

Today, it is finally changing such a state.

"what are you laughing at?"

It was in such a happiness, suddenly, a devil's general voice suddenly sounded.


Who is it, dare to open this time?

No matter who it is, you must give him five horses.

"It's you?"

Suddenly, the mysterious road owner was shocked.

"How can you be you?"

At this time, how can there be such an existence?

Four-party country

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