My Super Estate

Chapter 3606 Chemistry

The third chapter of the third chapter of the fire


Looking at the flame burning, the heart of Wang Yang, suddenly there is a strong impulse. That is a kind of impulsive impulse.

It seems that if, if you miss it, you will regret it.

"Brother, what happened?"

Wang Yang's strange, Luo Jian was noticeable.

This is a very strange, it is like it is, a hunger and thirst ten years, suddenly, it has encountered a peerless beauty, that kind of feeling that people want to stop.

Even if it is ****, it is not intended.

"Brother, don't scare me!"

Just now, the big Buddha, with the big magic, two, but inexplicably, it is derived from the terrible flame.

That flame, there is a name: heart fire.

Yes, it is the power derived from the depths of your heart.

"Feng Jiu, you are a Phoenix, you are a big hipster who play flames, you give a look, I have a brother, what is he?"

How strong is the strength of Luo Jian?

However, at this time, he actually had some feelings of chaos.

"it is good."

Fengjiu lined up.

You know, she is a Phoenix family.

The help of real phoenix, the Phoenix family, but there is no payment.

It can be said that this is a lonely.

The four-party national owner, if there is something, I am afraid, after the seal is destroy, the real phoenix will not let go of the Phoenix family.

Moreover, in the seal, how much the west is existed, no one knows.

Once they let them know, the choice of Phoenix family, I am afraid, the whole Phoenix family must be shredded.


Suddenly, Wang Yang is directly burning the flame flame.


Suddenly, it is too scary.

There is no psychological preparation.

Feng Jiu is thoroughly hop, he has never been able to act, how can it become this now?

"This, I, I ..."

Feng Jiu stared at Luo Jian.

Just now, I haven't come yet, I don't know, how can I get the mystery now!

Just, at this time, no one has said.

Everyone is all staring at the beach flame.

The four-party landlord is a person who opens up a miracle. It can be here, open up a miracle, look at him.


The enemy's strength is most powerful, at this time, he is the first discovery difference.

"Reassured, Zhuang is nothing!"


Looking around, sure, I saw, Wang Yang, the flame bear burned, however, no matter how the flame burn, it is a bit impact on Wang Yang itself.

As if, this is a joke.

Of course, most importantly, this flame, power is constantly improving.

The flame is upgraded, but Wang Yang itself did not affect?

In fact, when Wang Yang, in the heart, the heart is really no thought.

Even, he has closed his eyes.

Just feel that among the soul world, the flames of the bear are constantly burning, blinking, flame, and quickly disappear, but the rule line that is constantly flickering.

All flames are composed of such a rule line.

Of course, the most important, still the terrible rule line, when it is flashing, it seems like, the rule line, suddenly there is a thunderstorm.

That is a mysterious stripe.

"That's it!"

Wang Yang knows that the opportunity is rare, missed, and there is no longer.

This is a true fairy rule, as long as you have a greatss, your own creation of gods, perhaps, you will make a transformation first.

When it comes, once the soul world, four transformations have been successful, basically, they can become a fairy.

This is, the real fairy big machine.


Wang Yang's heart is in a hurry, and even busy mobilizing all the spiritual power.

In fact, if your strength is strong enough, the soul world is strong enough, for example, now, it is a four-time mind change, maybe, Wang Yang can put this rule line, countless times, directly can be enforced, and even, It is possible to simulate.

It is not possible to draw a gourd or not.

When it comes, it is a fairy, it is close to your eyes.

Unfortunately, Wang Yang's soul world is not so powerful.

Most importantly, Wang Yang's heart is not good.

It's now just a transformation.

In this case, you must seize the opportunity, you must, calm down, you must have a loneliness.

Quiet, treating loneliness, catching the rules of the rule line occasion, feeling the rhyme, quickly simulates in our own spiritual world, letting your own god fire, to derive it, guide it Make transformation.

This is the way to get the immortal of the immortal.

The same, it is also Wangyang now, what you need to do.

In fact, Wang Yang has completely caught in the world, and everything in the outside world has been closed by him.

He didn't know, here, the battle between the Buddha and the Demon had already caused boundless wind waves.

Perhaps their strength is not particularly powerful.

However, their results are the most shocking.

This kind of thing, as long as the sensing is, it is impossible to not move.

No one wants, inexplicably, is the burning of such flames.

"? That is the four-party country?"


What's up with him?

Don't he, he touched the rules of fire? "

Some people exclaim!

This is, a big news.

"Hahaha ..."

A joy of a strand is can't press it, it is directly in the heart.

Among them, some of the nine strengthening of the soul, the first time, it will be news, pass to the people of the Lord of Long Long. "what?

Four-party country? He, he was played self-immolation? "

Is it true!

Which is this?

"Thousands of true, now, I will projection, come back!"

Immediately, it is completely transferred to the scene.

"Hahahahaha ..."

The most happy, is the Lord of Long Long.

The so-called, things don't have, hang up high.

The nine strengthenings, although it is not dead with the four countries.

However, those high-level, to say, how much is it to have a four-party country?

I am afraid, no one is impossible to believe.


Is it regarded as your own?

Don't be a joke, do you think that they are saints?

They are close to Xian Dao, are all people who have become immortals. When they are, they have a universe star area.

In their eyes, life and death have long been with flowing water, so it is so uncomfortable.

It can be said that in most nearly fairy Taoism, 'I', will always put it in the first place.

Even, in their hearts, always put my status, put on all the prices.

I want them, for the sake of righteousness, responsibility, take out their own life and people?

Don't think about it.

Only the Lord of Longlong, with the four-party national land, there is a constant grievances between each other.

Now, I saw the four-party national owners, it turned out to be steep, he is of course the happiest.

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