My Super Estate

Chapter 3608 of the fire of the creation (2)

The third chapter of the 396th chapter of the fire (2)

"The fire is invincible !!"

Luo Jian was shocked.

"Feng Jiu, fast, help him put the flame extinguish!"

It is also a shot of a gun, and it is the two universe owners, and it is directly cut and cut off.

Strong invincible guns, all of which are all somewhat abrasive.

Just, the injury of the fire is invincible, but it is getting more and more powerful!

"Fast, no one is allowed to retreat!"

In the eyes of the Lord of Long Long, it seems that there is no finding at all, and the body that is cut off is invincible.

Really, a good will.

The burning flame of the bears, burning in the flesh, even, with the world of soul, is burning by terrible flames.

The exchange is a person who can't bear the burning, severe pain, which will not let him lose every reason.

Also want to fight?

Don't think about it.

However, the enemy attack is still so rapidly, facing three hundred times of the enemy, the dead war is not returned.

"The gun is invincible, you step down, let me!"

As a comradie, how can I watch the fire of the fire, I am struggling with the pain of being burned by the flame of the bears?

"Fast, go back, you have to help you open the flame!"

A long rod, pile up.

In the end, it is close to Immortal, even if it is limited, the offensive is still not a single universe.

However, the enemy of the fire is not a two, but one hundred and two hundred.

Under the rules, the limit is limited, Luo Jian wants to resist alone, wants to let the guns have an opportunity to help, and there is no more dreams.

Between the blink, Luo Jian is caught in it.

Not only the gun is invincible, but it is Luo Jian, but it is also taken.

For a time, Feng Jiu is an urgent need.

"Luo Jian, you will return it first, you have not touched the rules line, back, grandmother, today, Laozi wants them all!"

The feeling of burning is too painful.

Never make it easy than the mortal fire.

This feeling, almost did not let him collapse.

Ok, his will is extremely firm. His invincible guns are more invested in the world of collapse.

However, the enemy is too strong and too rogue.

It is completely the life of the universe, as a thing, even if it is invincible by the fire, still the death war.

That feeling, it is like it is a huge number, in exchange for the life of the fire.

Seeing this situation, how can Luo Sword will back?

How did he survive in the Quartet Star?

"I am, I am a Phoenix family, this kind of burning, I am not afraid!"

I unexpectedly, Feng Jiu did not retreat. On the contrary, she also took the initiative to kill the tricks, directly killing the two universe owners, even the flame of the bears, is also not afraid.

"You have to retreat, you must find a way, extinguish the flames of the body, otherwise, you can't live!"

I heard the words, the fire was invincible with Luo Jian, and smiled with each other.

The nine strengthenings, no one knows, how many universe landings have entered it.

Killing another respect, but, that, it seems that it has never been reduced.

Of course, the most important, it is, they all faintly feel that a powerful breath is constantly locking yourself.

As long as you want back, immediately there will be a powerful existence, just killing it directly.

"Hahahaha !!!

The fire is invincible, but you have to look at it, how is you invincible. "

Look, the gun is invincible with the flame burning.

In particular, when his feet, it is very proud when he is burned.

Dragon Lord knows that this flame, burning McGrady, but is a close to Immortal, and want to press part of its strength, it is still possible.

However, this suppression is extremely difficult.

Obviously, now, it has reached a limit, the fire is invincible, has been fired by fire.

"Hahaha ..."

What is the powerful?

Today, I have got this result, is there any exciting?

"what are you laughing at?"

"Well, the gun is invincible, what is it arrogant?

Today, I have to play with fire, how can I not happy?

What's more, he is a member of the Quartet, looking at him to die, I am happy. "

"Hey, who you are?"

Excited, finally thinking, this guy, I didn't see it at all.

Who is this?

"It's you!"

The Lord of Long Long is scared.

"Impossible, Impossible, how can you not do?"

Looking at the four-party country owner stood in the distance, Wanlong's main scared did not jump.

"Why do I have something?"

"It's impossible, you, you have been burned to surrounded by burning.

How can you nothing? "

"Do you mean this?"

I saw that Wang Yang held a purple softener in his hand, and the union of the union of the union of the arms of the fire, and lifted the sword!


The two universe landlords are directly killed.

Similarly, Wang Yang, actually, quickly burned fire.

Obviously, just now, Wang Yang's shot did not weakened the room.

However, the power of the shot has reached the rule line, all the strength, all are raised by the rule.

Only the universe of the universe, representing it, he once shot.


Powerful power, Wang Yang has a comprehensive outbreak.

It seems that it is not what rule line at all.

For a time, the nine strong, a large number of people were quickly killed.


This efficiency is really terrible.

The nine strong universe, although not afraid of death, but at this time, it is still frightened and retreat.

Even if it is the Lord of Longlong, it is also retreats after connecting.

This situation is too surprised.

"you you……"

"Do you say, this flame?

It's alright! "

Wang Yang smiled slightly, saw that the flames on him, did not know why, suddenly was a powerful force, directly annihilated.

It seems that it has never been general.

Come to the arms invincible.

I saw that the fire was invincible at this time, and there was only the part of the chest.

Including belly, lower body, legs, all have been burned by flames.

This kind of situation, if you continue to take a moment, perhaps, the king of gun is invincible.

However, Wang Yang waved his hand, suddenly, all the flames, all disappeared.

It seems that it is not general.

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