My Super Estate

Chapter 3615, human affairs, people

Thirty four hundred and three chapters, human affairs, people

This world is always so flat and fierce.

Plain, just because your heart is dead.

Intense, just because you care.

Phoenix god flame, for unparalleled fairy, it is a waste.

However, for the people on the ground, that is, there is no episode.

The mortal is like this, the four-party country is the same.

So, when Feng Jiu puts forward, when she needs this phoenix god, Wang Yang is forced.

For all, Wang Yang acts, never overbearing.

It will not be arrogant.

Because of the experience of young people, tell him that people must be practical.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, there is another tomorrow.

Tomorrow, you don't know, what will I encounter?

It is an opportunity or a disaster.

Opportunity, you have to stabilize, don't walate.

The disaster is coming, you have to stand, don't panic.

Human event, people.

As long as you are alive, there is no one that is just a moment.

Mai doesn't have it, just because you are too weak.

Made past, just because of your strength, it has reached the standard.

Always, it is like this.

The mentality is flat, the action is demanding, and the behavior is subject to

It is such a guideline, Wang Yang is doing things, very stable, will not think because of what kind of achievements, how much it is.

He will not abandon his comrades, he will only do our best to help your comrades.

Sifang star, a series of high-rise, 90%, from the earth, from the weak world, from all dust.

It is the high level of the Shenshui Manor.

Their talents, their heavens, can't be so powerful.

However, this is not important.

Because, when you are weak, they will help themselves, believe in themselves. Therefore, after you have developed, you will be reasonable, to help them, take care of them, and support them.

Today, you are crossing me, come to day.

Everything is so geography.

However, even if it is Wang Yang good temper, at this time, it is not so funny in his heart.

Feng Jiu.

He actually, directly open, ask for a Phoenix gods?

Phoenix gods were born, and they moved so vast, they must attract all the strong attention.

Here, there is a rule of real phoenix, all the strong, most, but the universe owner is a level.

In this case, you want to get a phoenix god flame, you must have a fierce battle.

Finally, if you are all, even yourself, you don't have to speak.

Her Feng Jiu, why do you want to open?

Marry Luo Jian?

Everyone knows that this is an excuse.

She Feng Jiu, has never been a Phoenix family.

A proud Phoenix family, will see the rocky sword of the meat?

Even if the strength is quite?

"Brother, what should I do?"

The sudden opening of Feng Jiu, let Luo Jian are also difficult.

Phoenix gods, even if you get your hand, you should get your hand, it is your own brother.

This is the idea of ​​Luo Jian.

Of course, he also believes that he has a brother, the biggest possibility is that it will income the square star.

Perhaps, a phoenix god can be planted.

Even, you can use this gods, some rules are meticulous.

This is the thing of the people.

It seems that there is no directly to soared.

However, it is indirectly, increasing the heritage of the quarter.

In the future, the quarterly starry must be more and more strong.

All along, Wang Yang did this, so the four square stars will be more powerful.

Similarly, the fire is invincible, and it is also eye-catching, turning into Wang Yang.

It is very clear that this thing is to make a decision.

"Good, phoenix gods, you can give you 1"

In the end, Wang Yang did head.

Phoenix family, after all, is the allies of the four squares.

This time, the incident of the Phoenix continent is also the clue given by the Phoenix.

From this time, the people of the universe come in, the people, very likely, only one of themselves.

This is a lot of things.

The quarterly star is a member of the family, is a divided part of the sacred.

The enemy of the alliances of all nationalities in the four squares.

Then, the people will be implicated.

In this case, a variety of opportunities, perhaps, it will be hidden in all ethnic groups.

The people will be held by major powers, no, accurately, should be, is hidden in the darkness of the dark.

Then, it can only be seen, other intensive, with a wide variety of opportunities, constantly improve, and the people, the universe of the universe, is in place.

Then, it was surpassed by silence.

Then, it is to be placed by major powers.

"Okay, I agree!"

So, in this case, Wang Yang also figured out the causal relationship.

Feng Jiuso wants a Phoenix god, to say, there is no sense of practice, it is impossible.


The birth of Phoenix gods, the movement is very large.

As long as it is slightly moving, it can be self-immolated.

In this case, even if it is the universe owner, it is necessary to be careful.

It was not a long way, and it turned out to have a feeling of a long prototype.

The four-party star boundary, in the universe, it is invincible.

However, in this Phoenix continent, I really can't give too much help.

At this point of view, doing things are a man, it is a truth, and the foot is on earth.

Time, I don't know how long it has, even if it is a good mood, it is also a bit impatient.

Finally, still arrived.

Seeing, the front, it is already a red, the whole world, it seems to have fallen into a fire sea.

However, Wang Yang is stopping the footsteps.

"How to stop?"

Feng Jiu is most excited.

She believes that she will definitely fly a day when they get this Phoenix.

Even if it is the great existence of Fenghuang, it is also possible.

He can't be excited.

Just, how can I stop?

"We must have a steady.

This Phoenix gods, for a long time, we have arrived in so far, you think that there will be no other life in it, will there be no other life? "


Wang Yang's problem, like a bowl of water, it is directly to make her cool.

"Brother, you said, this is, trap?"

In the name of Feng Jiu, it is married to Luo Jian.

Her name is Wang Yang, there is no mistake at all.

However, the current situation is obviously an unexpected situation.

"That, what do we do?"

Phoenix family, talent and talent, it is too powerful.

Feng Jiu, is already the high level of the Phoenix family.

However, she travels in the outside world is also extremely rare.

Incident in such an emergency, there is no one.

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