My Super Estate

Chapter 3624, Fairy Will

Third 1412th chapter of the fairy road

My mouth is definitely over light.

At a time, the Lord, the Lord of the Long, is very affirmative, his mouth, it is definitely opened by the big Buddha in the legend.

Otherwise, how can it be, what it will be so accurate?

Yes, the main thing is the time of the Lord, all of them have been.

In particular, when the purple golden zombie is widened, look at him, ask him, he is even more.

"What do you want to know?

What do you want me to tell you? "

The tone of the dragon is extremely impatient.

"Hey, since you have that big energy, why, don't you use it directly?"

Now, the phoenix god flame is lost, you have to give me a relationship! "


Laozi knows that now is it, how do you want me to give you a confession? "


Zijin Zombies rolled over the corpse.

Obviously, he is constantly suppressed, but this kind of suppression is also a limit.

His purple golden zombie is suppressed, and my Lord, the Lord, still full of anger!

The Lord of Long Long squatted, "I know, you are all doubts.

However, I am now, it is also a full-minded question!

How do I know why? "

He can be sure, just now, he screamed with his throat, really did not pass his brain.

In other words, just now, it is a desperate.

He, there is no way.

However, he is unwilling!

He is the Lord of Long Long. He is the dragon old, he is close to Xian Dao, as long as you don't die, in Long Island, you can nest a few era.

In this case, you will die.

Suddenly, it is going to die, ask, how can he be willing?

Not willing, what should I do?

Shout a scorpion!

In case there is a miracle?

Ok, believe in miracles, my brain into the water is almost.

But in case!

Anyway, it is already a desperate, just shouting a scorpion, I believe there is a miracle.


Why, there is really a miracle?

I have not believed in myself!

Why, I suddenly didn't know, from where to extend a big hand, I will give us all the people, all of them.

"I have long said to you.

I don't have any kind of shelf, how do you not believe?

Besides, please, use your brain, think about it, our goal is to kill him the four-party country.

However, if we have such a monarch, you can give him a four-party country.

I am used to kill his four-party countries?

My mind is sick, I used to be a fart, 1 "


"Of course, otherwise, I haven't already shine early."

Words, whether it is the purple golden zombie emperor, or an eight-star iron turtle, or a mammoth beast, or a bright god.

One by one, if it is thought.

Just, it is really dangerous.

Just just a negligence, perhaps, all of them must be folded in the hands of the four-party country.

"Dear, just now, squatting the heavenly ant union, how do you see?"

The seven lines of knives feel that this thing must be clear.

The nine strong people, people come in, but there is not much.

At least, in the face of the super metamorphosis of the four-party country, then want to deal with him, just relying on their strength of the nine strengthening itself, it is absolutely difficult.

Besides, even if it is enough, I really have to use them to deal with the four-party national owners, I am afraid, they will feel distressed.

In contrast, with an attached ethnic group, it is a definitely drawn strategy.

"Everyone, the strength of the four-party country, is extremely metapped.

However, dealing with the four-party national owners, our original intention is absolutely unable to change.

Just just use our own strength, I am afraid, there is such strength, we will feel distressed. "

The sound of the seven lines of knives is directly in the world of the leaders of the major powers. Even if other attire, they are close to their eyes, they are also unscrupulous.

They believe that their voice is absolutely impossible to have people to eave.

"The attached ethnic group is definitely the best choice.

Now, we need to solve it, just, the problem of the owner of the heaven.

He, why, will it suddenly riot? "

This problem cannot be solved, the attached ethnic group is useful, they don't dare to use it.

This time, inexplicable, is saved by people, next time?

Next, who is saving?

Internal, there is absolutely no problem.

"The ant family is your sectic ethnicity, now, this problem, you should not ask us!"

No one can answer if you have a question.

The actions of the heaven and anticons are extremely strange.

"I am, there is a little impression."

The Lord of Long Long, Suddenly: "Before, we siej attack four people in the Quartet, I have a member, and there is a member, which is extremely excellent.

Under his control, no matter who, it can quickly and make up a powerful battle.

At that time, it was under his control, we can take short to the wind.

If it is, he is too metamorphic. It can be free to extinguish the kind of phoenix god fire, I am afraid, when we have already killed them, all of them.

Now, think about it, but it is similar to the means of evil dragon. "

I heard the words, everyone recalls carefully, suddenly, one is nodded.

In this way, I think it is.

At that time, the means of the evil dragon, but it was extremely.

If it is not, the four-party national owner is too abnormal, I am afraid, at that time, the four groups of the Quartet are already finished.

"Evil Dragon, has been killed by the four national owners, the body, also in his hand."

The truth is big.

There is no problem with the National Lord of the ante ant universe, but the four-party national owner is too metamorphic. It is actually that in such a short period of time, it is successful, mastering the ability of the evil dragon.

How is this problem?

One by one, I only felt, my heart was numb.

Dealing with the Fourth National Lord, the party of the party, these people, the strength of the strength, the strength of people, is constantly improving.

How to deal with it?

This problem, once a time, became the biggest problem in everyone's heart.

"If, only the big hand, once again, just fine."

The eyes of the purple goldenast, staring at the Lord of Longlong.


The main spirit of Long Long.

I have to know what happened just now, what I still think about here?

However, the purple golden zombus emperor, it is also a little response to the Lord of the dragon.

The big hand just now, it seems to have changed the rules of heaven and earth.

The power of the big hand, outstanding power, seems to have exceeded a boundary of the universe.

How is this going?


The main heart of Long Long, suddenly smart.

Change the rules, change the rule power?

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