My Super Estate

Chapter 3627

Third Thousand 415 Chapter Direct

This five-color gods, what is going on, and finally I understand.

It turned out that the Lord of Long Long, I don't know where to come, I think it can be suppressed, I can suppress myself.

Since then, it is a four-party recruiting human horse, and I don't know where to get a lot of five-color gods, just find a hill, it is to make such a huge movement.

Ok, naked, is a conspiracy.

All is for yourself.

"How to do?"

Know, this is a plot, at this time, what should I do?


At this time, retreat, it seems that it is nothing.

It is already a conspiry, and I still have the tiger and tigers. Is this a brain hypoxia or in water?

Dead, how?

In the universe, the strong is so much?

One wave of waves, are you playing?

A era Year another episode, a race is another race, have you played?

Retreat, it is a matter of course.

At this time, I know that it is a trap, but also to the Hillshan line, that is the brain by the door.

At least, Luo Jian is thinking.

Wang Yang smiled slightly and said: "Are you not heard?

People have already said, here is the Lord of Long Long, deliberately made.

Although, I don't know, this Lord of the dragon, where is it, so many five-color gods, but he is a weakness of our weakness.

We can be so strong, because we can plant a variety of gods in large quantities.

However, some special gods are too small, otherwise, some special gods, we may be planted. "

How to do?

Wang Yang did not say directly.

However, Wang Yang is clearly, it has a decision.

The Lord of Long Long, obviously, has also been to this scene.

He also knows that the general conspiracy is attracted to the four-party country.

"The four-party landlord, will he come?"

For example, the purple golden zombie emperor at this time is some without a bottom gas.

At least, he is certainly will not come.

Others, you will go?

Do you have a brain? This universe, how many people, do you know? Are you calculated?

If you have someone else, you will go, do you have your own time?

Anyway, Zijin Zombie Huang is affirmative, if it is himself, it will never come.

The Lord of Long Long is a gauge.

He is negative after his hands, and the skull is slight.

That kind of image is really a matter.

The so-called, pointing to Jiangshan, probably, that is, this is like this.

"He, is definitely it will come.

I specially, get it out so much five-color god, how can he not come? "

Here, I have already been arranged a huge array.

This array is the bottom gas of the Lord of Long Long.

Qiankun reverse the big array.

On the road of martial arts cultivation, the battle is the most common.

In contrast, the general array of laws, there is already a few levels.

Everyone is to practice self-avenue, cultivate into self-avenue with array, after all, is a small number.

What's more, the array, there is more dependency, and for the one of the martial arts, the development of itself is fundamental, the existence of the great intention, is not within their thinking.

However, all kinds are not, not to say, the array is not good.

Instead, the array is extremely powerful, even at a level, it can change the entire pattern.

Even in rumors, the entire universe is a super huge array.

The so-called trend, since it is a humanity, the same, is also a battle.

The Qiankun reverse the big array, it is a kind of big array that can change the rules.

As long as you enter this, even the four-party landlord, there is no return.

"How many people have been convened?"

The Qiankun reverse the big array, it is very powerful.

However, the Lord, the dragon, decided, you must have no harm.

In the face of the four-party country, failure too many times.

Every time, it is a detailed discount.

If it is not, the nine strengthenings, a year of accumulation, very rich, just afraid, have already experienced this consumption.

This time, it's hard to get that great existence is helping, if you fail, it is really no heaven.

"Do not worry!

We have already gathered three hundred universe owners. "

This time, the eight-star iron turtle, the mammoth giant, the seven lines of knives, etc., all of them have vigorous.

Before, it was a shame.

This time, how is it, or give him a good look.

"How can I only have this?"

Actually, only three hundred?

The Lord of Long Long is extremely dissatisfied.

You know, this time, the number of people coming in, there is less, it is too much.

Moreover, each one is at least a universe.

Such a number, casually calling a thousand two thousand, should not be a problem!

How can I only?

"This one……"

"Forget it, just like this!"

For such actions, the Lord of Long Long is extremely dissatisfied.

"Here, is the entrance?"

At this time, Wang Yang led, Luo Jian, the fire was invincible, and Feng Jiu, has went deep into the five-color hill.

Also, it has been coming to the edge of a five-color god.

This five-color god is really too big.

The legend, the five-color Shen soil is the world's universe, the top of the top, natural, and can absorb the force of the five-way rules of the world.

Even if it is a fairy, it is very suitable.

I don't know, it is true.

Planting the killed fairy, Wang Yang has already collected this kind of god.

Just, the opportunity is rare, he actually has never been successful.

This time, I saw it with my own eyes.

"Brother, here, it's not strong!"

It is excited that Luo Jian is also excited to see such a five-color god.

However, at this time, he was calm down.

He feels that there is a special force here.

I don't know why, he always feels that he is a heartbeat.

He knows that this is his own intuition.

The martial arts intuition is in the show.

Enter it, there is a big risk.

The five-color god is very good.

However, for this, take your own life to joke, it is not worth it.

Anyway, alive, always better than anything.

Alive, there is hope.

"Reassured, okay!"

Said, Wang Yang has taken into this five-color god.

"They are coming!"

Under the leadership of the Lord of Long Long, a large number of strong people come quickly.

Moreover, they still have a special station, successfully arranged into a gods of the gods.

They are waiting for it.

This time, in any case, the four-party landlord must make him wink.

One step in Wang Yang and walks on five-color god.

Between the two, the distance is getting closer.

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