My Super Estate

Chapter 3635 kills you in the past.

The third chapter of the third chapter killed you in the past.

"Mix, who you are?"

One hundred and eight homes to the Lord, constitute a scorpion, but it is still a serious injury to himself.

Now, actually, some people dare to kill it?

"Kill you!"

The tone of the salarkey is great.

kill me?

The dead tree laughs.

At this time, among the universe, the Lord of all the stars, basically, have entered the Phoenix continent.

I am the Lord of the Death, the strength, not to say that the world is invincible, at least, there is no arrival, where is it, can you want to kill?

"Go to death!"

It's so big, if you usually, you can play with him.

However, now, which is still time?

Dead sickle, but to the high artifact.

In fact, the soil of the prehistoric world is already a mean.

Weiner, extremely violent.

One knife is smashed, it is the universe, and it is made into a piece of fragments.

Most importantly, a timeline of a bar is directly torn by the dead sickle.

Powerful power, actually, through the timeline, reverse the long river.

Outside it, the knee of the Death Tree did not be in this enemy.

This is the power control.

In fact, only people who are extremely powerful can only know that this knife has passed through the timeline, and it is in a strong enemy.

Kill the enemy in the past.


Xiannu, after the appearance of Xiankumi, all major intensive, after the layers, can first go out one or two extreme people.

The strength is very weak.

However, as long as you enter the fairy tomb, you get the reform of the fairy, naturally, it has a unpleasant force.


Void, a layer of layers ruptured.

Timeline, it is a strip, explosion.

I saw it, through the long river, you can see that the dead sickle of the harvesting people's life, walking through the long river, the top of the stretch pressure, head toward the fairy laser,

See it, it is a success.

Because, Xiannu, their strength, it is too fast.

Even if there is a long river layer, the knife of the dead tree cannot span how long, but it is already enough.

Because, through the timeline of the layer, the dead god tree, this guy has been discovered, before a year ago, it is just a magic insects equivalent to the mortal.

It can be said that there is no more weaker than this.

Otherwise, the dead tree, it is impossible to suddenly go crazy, to go through the time line, killing the long river.

Simply put, that is, a year, not long.


See it, it is successful.

Suddenly, a huge throwing fists, actually, and quickly chased it through the timeline.


Actually, want to intercept?

How can it be?

Dead god tree is laughing.

Have a short-term scriptures of the long river, killing through the timeline, in general, there is no one will do it, because so, really, some are not good.

It is very likely that your strength, through the timeline, counterflow, when you come to the target, you may, your strength is not as strong as people.

I want to kill again, that is, it is impossible.

It can be said that Xiannu is the most suitable type.

Because they are a year ago, the strength is really too weak.


Sure enough, it is still a high-person sentiment, self-thinking, unparalleled fairy slaves, actually, directly from the body, an extremely terrible knife gas.

Then, it is possible to see that the seemingly invincible fairy slaves, actually, directly by a terrible breath, explosion.

How can it be?

Enveloped the Rohan Star World, the fairy bears burned.

This is the masterpiece of the dragon.

Of course, he also knows that the so-called cultural quarantine is a little, otherwise, don't say that there is no star of the Lord of the Star, even if there is a four-party star boundaries who have the four-party land, it is also easy to be easily Refining.

The , never doubt it.

However, now, what is going on?

Xiannu, this is, the biggest base card.

The surrounding spaces, a total of four universe, can you know?

The fire is invincible with Luo Jian, which has entered the Phoenix continent with the four-party landlord. This is also known!

Otherwise, how can you choose Rohan Star?

However, how can it be like this?

I am very powerful, how powerful is it is powerful?

Is there a fairy slave to intercept, isn't it the iron wall of the copper wall?

Dragon Emperor, some skeptical life.

In fact, this time, there is a lot of doubizies.

Arrange a fairy array, put all the Rohan Stars?

The fairy array, it is really so easy to arrange success, the nine strengthenings, how can it be so easily, is it compressed by the four countries?

I have already arranged a fairy array, and I will refine the quarterly star.

"How is it, don't you go now?

Do you want to die? "

The breath of Xiannu is extremely powerful, and even a faint fairy light. At first glance, it is extremely powerful.

Do not have yourself, you can only show your gods, break the timeline, against the long river, in a year, killing the fairy lasearry at the time.

However, these people in front of you have not been able to resist this.

Arrangement of a fairy array is not what the dragon and others can do.

They are only responsible for the four parties of the flag, the leftstakes of the Rohan Star, and then use their own strength to provide energy.

The so-called fairy array is such a successful arrangement.

It can be said that this is a state in which the fairy is weak.

It can be said that if they do not provide energy, the so-called fairy array is a joke.

Even, in order to lay a fairy array, the Dragon Emperor and others can not distract with it.

Therefore, they can only put all the hopes, all are pinned on the body of the salarkey.

However, what should I do now?

"Dragon Emperor, what should we do?"

In fact, now I am afraid that I am a dragon, I don't know what to do?

In his memory, Xiannu is powerful.

It is invincible.

Because that great fairy tells him like this.

However, how can it become now?

Who can tell him?


At this time, I will die, I am afraid, everyone will not have the opportunity to retreat.

In fact, the strength of Xiannu is really very powerful.

Because, when the fairy is retreat, the fairy slaves that has just been explored, actually, and recovered.

Or, it is a unpleasant force to recover.


This is a bit fun.

A knife, from time to time, the long river is flowing, it will be directly exploded.

Inverse time, killing in the past.

This is the highest technique of murder.

However, how can this be, will it fail?

"This, what is going on?"

The dragon and others who have just been withdrawn are also dumbfounded.

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