My Super Estate

Chapter 3638

Third Thousand 426 chapters


Under the eyes of Jinlongwang, that respects the body, it is very light, and it is coming to the Phoenix Mountain.

The so-called heaven and earth vision, there is an extraordinary place.

Here, it is the place where Phoenix blood is located, naturally, is bored by Phoenix rules.

Just stepped into this place, all the people can clearly feel that a heavy pressure, from the top of the hill, crowned.

More terrible, Phoenix Shenshan, did not look so simple.

It seems that it is just a common mountain range here.

However, when you really walk this, you will find it, it is terrible.

Therefore, here, there is a terrible pressure, the same, here, it is also very high.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is only one way, in the halfway, even, you can also see, a person who is close.

"They will not be, they are taken care of by Phoenix"? "

You must know that true phoenix is ​​equally sealed in the universe.

Similarly, to break the quartet, can be broken.

The four-party landlord, he actually wanted to come here, you have to get a Phoenix.

These fairy slaves transformed by him Phoenix fairy blood, can you let them like?

Yes, the people of the departure here are Xiannu.

Moreover, it is also a shower and phoenix, and the fairy slaves retrofled by the real phoenix rules.

It can be said that this is a fairy grave.

"Brother is them!"

Luo Jian also saw the departure.

Similarly, as the Lord of the Rohan Star, Luo Jian clearly felt, a familiar atmosphere.

This kind of breath, with the original, outside the Rohan Star boundary, blocked the existence of the dead gods, is the same atmosphere.

Naturally, the gas of the immortal is emitted, and the light of the nine color.

"Strong real phoenix sleep, sin, death!"

Like Tianyin, just step on the first level, the people of the customs, when it is loud to scream.

The horrible Tianwei, naturally, is the face.

"This, this strength?"

Luo Jian felt that such strength is definitely stronger than yourself.

Because, here, it is still a true phoenix rule.

However, here, you can clearly feel that powerful regularity.

Because, here, the suppression is larger.

The breath of the detention, the breath here is directly integrated.

"I come!"

In the heart of Luo Jian, for these fairy, full of hatred.

He wants the first one, killing this guy.

Stepping in front, a powerful big iron rod, head, is smashing.


I unexpected.

The person who guards, there is no dodge.

There is no block.

Because, this kind of stick, it is directly on his head.

However, this kind of stick is too unhappy.

That's true, a stick is in his head, but there is no movement.

It seems that it has never been there.


Luo Jian is somewhat stupid.

Actually, there is no effect!

It is really, too unhappy!

"Hahaha ..."

Some people fight, some people are watching.

Here is the level, but it has come to the Jin Dragon King of the Blood Sea, but they act as a loyal audience.

They feel that this scene is very uninterested!

"Haha, fortunately, we are not running!"

Many people are greetings in my heart.

I am so strong enough to be scared.

Otherwise, this time, I am afraid, I have to go out.

"Yeah, here, it is the land of real Feng Xiang, I am waiting for the real phoenix, it is necessary to come in, of course, it is easy.

However, they are a family.

They are the four national owners, although there is a powerful force, and how?

Since deliberately, want to be strong?

I really don't know how to live! "

At this moment, they seem to have forgotten, before, who was scared, turned and wanted to run.

They, it is like it, finding a mental antidote in order to get myself.

Even if it is a bone, it is the Lord of the star of the universe, and it is also said such a sentence.

He didn't want to think about it. If he is him, can he come over?

If it is him, what will it be?

If it is him, can you live?

Unfortunately, they have been scared by the four national owners, at this time, they lost their own strong style.

Only, when they saw the four-party national owner, there will be a trace of comfort.

In desperation, look for a feeling of self-thinking.

"court death!"

The sight is connected.

When you see him, he will also see you.

Here, it is a Phoenix Shenshan.

However, the top of the mountain and the foot of the mountain did not take a line of line of line, some, just a long hill.

The is on the top of the mountain, the face is laminated, ridiculed loudly, disturbing the heart of Luo Jian, Wang Yang can accommodate him?

I saw that this mountain pass, through the level, it was a horse.

Wang Yang station looked up in front of the level and looked at the top of the mountain.

I saw it, and I was shot from his eyes.


Terrible eyes, it seems to be a sword, shot towards the top of the mountain.


Just still laughing, there is a laughter, it is directly to be seen by this.


I saw that ,,, ...


This scene is really terrible.

No one thought, it will be like this.

"How can it be?"

The misery of the bones, but it is frightened.

Even if it is the existence of Jinlong Wang, Guangminghuang, Tiger, this kind of existence, at this moment, one, all scared a big jump.

After connecting, it is like it. It is like it to open a little distance, it is a little safe to find yourself.

"Since you want to fight, of course, you will be fair!"

The loss of Luo Jian did not let Wang Yang accidentally.

In fact, such a thing is already foreseen.

Because, here is the place where the Phoenix rules are covered.

However, Xiannu is not within rules.

Luo Jian is dealing with a level of Xian Dao's main level with a level of universe.

Want to win, no different in the heavens.

In this case, I will give you a little fair.

Said, I saw, Wang Yang played a fire.

This is, Phoenix fumes.

I saw that Luo Jian, who had just been deserved, and there is a lot of ways, suddenly powerful.

The universe of the heavens and the earth is at this moment, suddenly detonated.

I saw that Luo Jian side, a seat of the universe, surrounded him.

Then, a stick is like, it is like it is, the strength of a seat of the universe, talled in his body.


Just still is still unbelievable, actually, it is directly being thrown.

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