My Super Estate

Chapter 3641 Surprise Laugh?? ? ?

The thirty four hundred and twenty-nine chapters surprised laughter? ? ?

"Golden Dragon, what are you doing?"

I will agree?

The .

Don't you know what you are doing?

Phoenix blood, is subject to rules, not recognized by people who are absolutely impossible.

The so-called, far in the horizon, near eyes.

Sometimes, the rules are like this, it makes people don't understand.

Without breaking the rules, you will always be affected by the rules.

Said, you have not found it.

In fact, they can find, not because they are smart, just because they, they are subject to rules, clearly can't find something, that is, you can find it.

For example, in front of you, here, it is obviously above a mountain.

In this case, their greatest possible, that is, here, it is his down the mountain.

Because, I have already gone to a mountain, and I want to go up, and there is no place!

However, when the Golden Dragon walked in front, they will discover, the original, here, there is a road.

Here, it is the place where the phoenix blood is located, and the rules are extremely powerful.

Enter this place, you can't take it.

Otherwise, the so-called level, the so-called detention, the so-called alpine, there is no meaning.

However, in that, the meaning of them has always been there.


Here, it is turned out to be a concealed hill.

This mountain is really no road to go.

However, this mountain, in front, there is a junction.

Only by the junction can only be embedded on the invisible path.

Through the junction, Wang Yang can see, a fire sea.

Yes, it is a fire sea.

This mountain is the embankment of this fire.

And all, all, all in this comment.

If, it is not the Jin Dragon king touches the knots. Wang Yang is likely to go from the other side of the mountain.

As long as going down the mountain, basically, there is no time to here.

"Here, is Phoenix blood?"

Where is this fire?

Dictionary, here is a blood sea.

I saw that the blood waves flew, the blood drops on a little bit, under the illumination of the fire, appeared so crystal clear.

"You see, here is the place where Phoenix blood is located."

Pointing to the blood sea and said.

For the bones of the bones, at this time, no one will care.

Jindon King is also the same.

Jin Dragon. "

It seems that the attitude of Jinlong Wang is extremely dissatisfied.

However, what can I?

At this time, the four-party countryside, he can't do anything except the soul.


Hey, you have to see, in front of such a knot, what can you do?

Yes, their nine strengthenings, gathered to this five or six, because such a juncture, failed.

Previously, such a huge sky is suddenly burst, causing Wang Yang's attention, because they touched this combo.

As a result, it attracted the four-party country.

In fact, the Jinlong King cooperates so that it is not the reason.

I am afraid of death, don't want to die, maybe it is a reason.

It is life, I don't want to die.

But the most important thing is that he knows that his nine strong spirit is favored by rules.

In contrast, the four-party national land is rejected by rules.

In such cases, if, the four-party national owner, it is really open, then, is it, will there be some unexpected benefits?

do not doubt. This is very possible.

Of course, the biggest possibility is that the four-party national owners, touch the rules, and then, it is rigid, and it is directly killed.

do not doubt.

This may be there.

Jinlong Wang stared at Wang Yang, his mind did not hide.

He is in a poor, telling Wang Yang: Yes, I am watching your joke.

Wang Yang is cold and smiled: "Well, today, let you open your eyes."

Here, it is a rule, and Wang Yang is of course known.

This rule comes, is extremely exciting.

There is no powerful understanding, here, you want to gain something, it is impossible.

In fact, as long as it is close to Immortal, the soul world, experience four transformation, and even, all have reached the level of contact with real world.

The Rules of Environment are the only choices.

Such a rule is not a martyrdom, the opposite, this is still a chair.

As long as you have enlighten, here, it causes your own homeproof and further, nor is it possible.

Jin Dragon king, it is really feeling.

Otherwise, it is impossible to touch the rules, and cause a vast sky.


All this is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Because, with a four-party country, it is like the death of the dead, always staring at yourself.

The heart is chaotic, and if you want to have it, it is difficult.

I saw that Wang Yang was just a laugh. Under the eyes of everyone, I slowly reached out.

Of course, he knows that this rule is coming, what is it?

Similarly, he also knows that if there is no enlightenment, it will feel freely.

In fact, when the original, it is already a forecast.

However, this is a thing for Wang Yang.

I saw that Wang Yang was just a laugh, reach out, it was pressed above.

Then, it was clearly seen that an extremely terrible Phoenix fairy fired, it was a blowing face.

It is not to be reflected by Wang Yang at all.

That one flame is really terrible.

There is no rule to resist, only a dead road.

"Hahahaha !!"

I saw that the King King was laughed.


Luo Jian is also an urgent, I saw it, he was shout.

Just, all this is no way.

Because, at this moment, Jinlong Wang et al, has already formed a big array.

Obviously, all things before, all of them are, it is all in front of you.

Today, the plan is successful.

They are guarding the four-party national land to die.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Yang smiled and said: "It turns out that this is your purpose!"

I saw that the horrible phoenix fumes, just just came to the Wang Yang, then, there was no then.

Because of the Wang Yang body, there is also a campaign.

Also, the creation of gods is already moving towards the rules.

It is impossible to completely ignore it.

However, occasionally resist, or can do.

For example, now ...

That kind, by the Jinlongwang and others, the phoenix immortal fire that is terror is like this, it is extinguished.

Then, it can be seen where there is a portal.

After the portal, there is a road.

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