My Super Estate

Chapter 3648 is a person, you should do a good job.

Third Thousand 424 chapters should be a good person

Wang Yang feels that he doesn't have a face.

So he sat down.

"No, brother, what should we do?"

At this time, sit down?

Phoenix blood, don't you?

What's more, here, it is possible to have a Phoenix fairy medicine.

Don't you?

The gun is invincible: "Zhuang Lord, Phoenix Fairy Medicine, we have to get the hand."

At the beginning, Thunder fairy fruit, his feelings were the most profound.

Because his strength is constantly improving.

All of this is all from the Thunder's fairy fruit.

Now, his strength, even if it is Luo Jian, it is not an opponent.

At least, it is also a hardness of five times the main near Xian Dao.

In the universe, it is much stronger than him.

"Reassure, this era, there will always be someone else."

Good people are good, it is necessary to encourage.

We should not kill others to do a good job. "

Do it yourself?

Don't make trouble, when is it going? That is, pay a little bit?

forget it!

It is here, it is a good place to plant, we are not as good as you plant something.

"That, what do we do?

Don't we, we are here, have been sitting, dry, etc. "

Sitting, etc.

Such a life, but not very much.

"Reassure, you want to sit on the death, I am not willing to."

Here, where is it? This is, but the secret of Phoenix is ​​blood, the energy level is much higher than the universe.

Even if we are all between the quarters, such a good place is not.

We are here, you mean, sit and wait for death?

Beauty is not dead! "

Said, Wang Yang has already taken out a seed.

These seeds are extremely extraordinary seeds.

In the quartet, there is such a special department, special collection, and cultivate seeds.

Through means, induction, guidance, strengthening, induction, etc., all seeds, most needed, highlight it.

Then, continuously increase the strengthening, finally, cultivated as a spectrous seed.

Such seeds, perhaps, in the universe, but the level is not very high.

For example, the creation of the god tree, (congenial Devils) It is the soul of all kinds of strong, and it is the good results of the avenue level.

Such a good results can cause people to make people.

Or enhance your strength, or enter a level of merits, or awake a certain blood, or, in the blood, awake a very powerful magic.

Various creation, nothing.

However, the effect is really powerful.

It is a four-party star, the most famous god medicine, and it is loved by the people of the people.

It is one of the roots of the strong quarter of the Quartet.

It can be said that the creation of the god tree is a four-square star, the most successful research results.

Here, Wang Yang, of course, will not forget the cultivated god trees you have cultivated.

I saw that he reached out, then, he saw that his hands did not know when it was a small saplio.

I saw that it was really a small saplus, high, but one meter.

There are only a few twigs, only a piece of leaves.

However, this is such a small seedlings, just, it is a very terrible atmosphere.

Extremely terrible breath, starting with the sky.

What is more terrible is that it has just appeared, naturally, it is a little dizziness, in Phoenix Island, all trees, it seems to be a certain inspiration, naturally, is spirituality.

Then, it is possible to see that all trees are naturally, and they are dumped toward the creation of the gods.

It seems that all trees are in general.


Feng Jiu was shocked.

What kind of sapling is this?

Is it so powerful?

"Brother, you have a god tree, it is too powerful!"

Even if it is Luo Jian, it was also shocked.

To know, on this Phoenix Island, all trees, not simple, at least, a minimum of a large world that can accommodate one.

The master of the world, the strongest.

Single-to-order, even if it is a Luo Jian, it can't.

Because he tried, the whole knife was cut, and there was no effect on the branch.

Even the branches of an arm are not successfully cut.

"Brother, you won't it be ??"

Suddenly, Luo Jian thought of a certain kind, suddenly, it was shocked.

The snow wolf is really happy.

Kill a snow leopard, you can get a certain amount of phoenix blood.

How much good thing is this!

I drank a bit of blood, he felt, his own flesh war, has a little improvement.

Look at the body of the Snow Leopard, it is even more loud.

I have sent it, he has to send it.

As long as this head is eaten, a phoenix blood is absolutely not running.

As long as ten heads, it is a phoenix blood.

What a wonderful thing?


Suddenly, his heart was shocked.

The body is quickly flashing.


I saw that I just stood up, it was a thick branch, directly swept it.

"This ..." The snow wolf was shocked.

These trees are living?

They will attack people?

Snow Wolf raises his vigilance.

Sure enough, it is two branches and sweeps themselves.


The Snow Wolf is a snowwolf, the reaction is extremely fast, two rings, two branches, directly gave it back.

Unfortunately, he is not happy too long. On the contrary, his mood is extremely bad.

Because two branches, it was two sweeping.

Two behind, it is two!


The snow wolf broke out.

In the end, it is the owner of the universe. The strength is not a strong world of a large world.

Even if the strength is suppressed, it is not a general emperor.

All branches, all of them were exploded.

However, the snow where the snow where is still there, it is no longer.


Unhedful, the snow wolf couldn't believe that he saw that it would be true.


He can affirm that it is encountered a robber.

This is someone who is grabbing your prey.

Unfortunately, how he calls, it is useless.

Because no one responded.

"It's a phoenix blood, it's time!"

I saw that in the jungle, a border of a snow leopard was branches, one layer, and passed.

Finally, it was sent to the front of the god tree.


One of the scenes before, if you don't see your own eyes, you can't believe it.

All this is true!

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