My Super Estate

Chapter 3652, or cheating?

The third chapter of the 338th chapter is still cheating?

"What should we do now?"

This movement is too big, even if you want to deceive people, you have not heard it.

Or, as yourself, there is no feeling, it is also impossible.

The exotic alien is still together.

"I. Just got a snow leopard to kill, just intended to collect a phoenix blood, the result, there is a situation now.

All my gains, there is no. "

Kill this Phoenix Island, you can collect phoenix blood, this is a secret.

In general, such a secret should be a person who knows himself.

speak out?

Share with people?

What happened to the brain with a pit?

Unfortunately, this time, it is really a brain tape.

Seeing, you have to go to the baby, inexplicably, it is flying.

Heartache, only feel, a painful pain.

Help, let him breathe, can't spit, can't, transform thinking.

"Hey, Snow Leopard?

In front of Laozi, it is a depression, a silky phoenix blood, exudes aroma.

As a result, all everything is disappearing.

Because it flew.

A phoenix screams, it will fly. "

Jinlong Wang feels that his heart, crack.

It was treated by people.

Moreover, it is still torn.

"You all, can you find a phoenix blood?"

I found a phoenix blood, in general, this is a big machine, it is very private, can't tell others.

But at this time, who will care about this?

"It is, you, what kind of information we have, all are shared!

Otherwise, our losses are not coming back, but how much the enemy gets, we have no way to count. "


Speaking of these two words, the Snow Wolf Cosmic Lord, I can't invite. It is a direction that puts your own eyes and injects yourself.

Before, in that direction, it seems to have triggered a disaster-crop.

Then, it was a vision that rushed to the sky, the phoenix sounded, and it was endless.

All the phoenix blood is like it is, it is subject to some call, then, it will fly.

And that direction is the direction of everyone who is on the shore.

"Dear, if you don't make a mistake, even if you collect some dew, it also contains a thin phoenix blood."

Bone emperor, suddenly said.

"What do you mean?"

White Tiger is asked.


Don't this, this Phoenix Island, such a evil door, just some dew, is also a Phoenix blood?

"It's true, this seat encounters a huge phoenix tree.

At that time, on the phoenix tree, it naturally condensed some dew.

At that time, the silk of a silk, this seat was absolutely not a mistake.

Unfortunately, this seat has not yet been collected. "

There is no collection, that is, such a dew is also summoned.

In other words, that is, there is no dew to collect the dew, it does not contain silk phoenix blood?

Finally, all information is all summarized.

In this Phoenix Island, as long as it is slowly condensed the liquid, there is a silk phoenix blood.

Condensed dew, penetrated blood, the blood of the murder, even, and a little rainy.

It can be said that the scope of the phoenix blood distribution is very wide.

However, these phoenix blood, all are taken by some kind, summoned.

When everyone's face, it is swept away by others.

"A total of three drops of phoenix blood."

Finally, all the information, all of them, they got a very terrible result.

All people get, encountered, phoenix blood plus together, actually, up to three drops.

The most hateful, this three drops of phoenix blood, all were taken away.

That's it, is being taken away by people, all of them.


If you lose your own, just a silk, the enemy gets, it is three drops.

On the ten lines, it can condense into a drop.


"How to do?"

All problems have returned to the origin.

How to do?

The enemy is so dominating, the robber plunder, what should we do?

"Oh, this robber!"

The robbers in the eyes, the four-party landlord, but it is a smile.

He didn't enter this jungle. He relied, it was a hostel tree, and the impact on trees.

This piece of jungle, he seriously observed, and the level is extremely simple.

As long as the guidance is guided, it is between the heavens and the earth, the most terrible cutlery.

In fact, his thoughts have been affirmed.

Because a snow leopard that the snow wolf killed, it is indeed this jungle 'to grab'.

Powerful power, but also makes the snow wolf no longer respond.

However, can there be such an effect?

Take some will of this Phoenix Island, all the phoenix blood, all the summons?

Do you want such a cow!

Wang Yang feels that this thing is really, some cattle have lived.

Because, he is really, in this phoenix, induced a special thing.

"Brother, what is going on?"

Luo Jian is also attracted.

Wang Yang shook his head and said: "Temporarily, I don't know.

But I feel that we may have a big event! "

Wang Yang's statement, Luo Jian nodded affirmatively.

Grab the phoenix blood, not what.

The nine strengthenings, united, deal with the Quartetar, nor a day two days.

I grabbed it, what can they do?

However, this pierced Phoenix vain is a real big thing.

Raise your head, really, the Phoenix vain, it seems that there is a certain will, it is looking at it.

"Feng Jiu, you come to say, what is going on?"

This thing is somewhat big.

Here, it is the secret of real phoenix.

Here, I am awakened a kind of phoenix will, there is only one possibility, that is, really phoenix.

However, true phoenix is ​​the highest existence of seal in the universe.

They are to release the seal.

Quartetar, now, it has become a release, unique obstacle.

These sealed sunsets, now, for the Quartet, it is hate.

I want to do everything, for the universe, the majority of strengthenings improve the strength.

That is, the Sifang Star is strong enough, the strength of the four-party dominion, strong enough, otherwise, this is only afraid, I have been killed.

"Where is such a phophurized blood, where is it?"

The look of Feng Jiu is also a little different.

He looked at the phoenix seed seeds in Wangyang's hand, and it was a little excited.

It seems that it is seen what I am very surprised.

Wen Yan, Wang Yang's heart moves: "What happened?"

"There is a sustained atmosphere.

It is the atmosphere of my Phoenix family. "

Feng Jiu's look, extremely dignified.

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