My Super Estate

Chapter 3670 Hypy

Third Thousand 456 chapters of the confined avenue

"Haha ..."

A mouse, laughing in haha.

In this case, if it is usually, it will definitely be horrified.

However, here, no one was surprised.

Shenshui Manor, as a holy land, has long had countless strong, and entered all holes.

Even in the universe, no.

In the legend, the opening of the Shenshui Manor has become a universe, the most top, the character.

Other existence, they, or with animal body, or, carrying a double wing, or having the beast.

They, although, although they have a mouth, but they don't have any one, it is a real family.

They are all from the universe, they are all interested.

They, surrounded by Wang Yang, layered.

They, or have a beast, or have a beast, but it is very magical. On their body, Wang Yang can clearly feel that a ridicitated expression.

"Are you all from the universe?"

At this moment, Wang Yang's expression was only a calm.

This calm, people have a feeling of hair in my heart.

"The four-party country, here, is the land of the universe, you don't blunt!"

Everyone is an invincible.

Our quantity is that you are ten times more than 100 times.

How to get, now this point, are you still showing the wind of your four countries?

"Yes, the black sky is not fake, but here is the land of the universe, even if he is the country of the four square, how can it be in the universe?"

The number of people is a hundred times a hundred times, but at this moment, in their hearts, only , no excitement.

Because this four-party country, the name is too big.

The current four-party landlord is really too calm, no one knows, what is his base card, what is it?

"Everyone, don't be scared by his bluff.

Our number is that he is ten times more than ten times.

We will never be afraid of him! "

The golden tiger king loudly.

Said, he has already shot in Wang Yang.

He is close to Xian Dao, the strength is extremely terrible, a tiger scorpion is enough to crack down a universe.

However, in this marriage, strength is just an invincible masters.

However, the powerful realm, high strength skills, the same invincible masters, one move, can be smashed into two halves.


I saw it, and it is strong, and it is strong in the ground, strong power, supporting this golden tiger king is like an arrow, and shooting in Wang Yanyi.


The same is the tiger, the black tiger ancestors and this golden tiger king actually have a spiritual rhinoceros, and they will kill Wang Yang.

Two, the same invincible masters.

Even, the general invincible masters, facing their cock, there is no way to live.

However, in the face of such two tiger families, Wang Yang only just smiled and smiled. At the same time, his hands were holding a fist, and he was played in the past.

A pair of two?

It is also an invincible masculine. He actually wants to take a pair of two?

At this moment, the surrounding foreign power, one of them is different.

No one didn't shoot.

However, their eyes are dead, staring at the battlefield in front of them.

They want to know that this four-party landlord, in this area, is it, can still be so invincible.


One mountain is not a two tiger, which is an explanation that the tiger as the beast is, not only with powerful majesty, but also has invincible power.

As the Supreme, strength, and majesty, it is more deep into the bone marrow.

At this time, don't say that it is one-on-one, even if it is two-to-one, it can't easily hostile.

Unfortunately, they encountered, Wang Yang.

The four-party landlord of the universe, even if the strength of the wild, invincible strength, will not let people.


I saw that the two movements were faster than the time.

Look at the eyes, this is actually the ethnicity of the two tiger.

"So powerful??"

It is also an invincible masculine, with an enemy two, actually, can you achieve such a huge advantage?

Many existence are all surprised.

"You, don't be afraid, here is the wild, there is a strong ban, the avenue rejection is not so serious.

Our advantage will be able to play a limit. "

"Yes, he is the top party of the four-party, even if he is strong, in our huge number of people, it will inevitably know less than a half point."

A strong person, they, or the ethnicity of the majority of strong, or the Holy Lord of each forces, or the king of the universe.

At this moment, they have begun to encourage each other.

At the same time, a hundred and thirty-seven strong people, Qi Qi fluttered.

This time, it is a great opportunity, no matter how it is, you can't miss it.

"Hey, you think that you can do it for what you want?

Today, I will tell you, whether in any environment, you will be my hand.

Whether you are at any time, you will give me a tribute. "

Said, I saw, Wang Yang, suddenly broke out the rays.

I saw it, a respectful shadow, constantly appearing, and quickly integrate into the old man of Shenshui Manor.

In the blink of an eye, the Shenshui Manor is three hundred and old, one, the breath.

Just just a master, between the blink of an eye, it turned into an invincible masculine.


Many elders, one, it seems to have eaten a stimulant, broke out the big drink of the earth, and the doors and the doors.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred and thirty-seven-seven people, one by one, is being smashed.

Even, there are some, but also a half-disabled.

Three hundred old age, or swordsman, or a gun king, or a knife.

Once shot, it shows the strength of their invincible, as well as the invincible.

"Not good, this is his creation avenue !!"

The four-party country, cultivating the campaign.

This thing, among the universe, many people know.

However, the four-party national land, in the universe, the strength of the traffic, mainly from the blessing of the Quartet.

His creation avenue, in the universe, there is no time to reveal.

No one thought that this has never been revealed, and it has been useful, it has such a powerful.


It is amazing in the creation avenue.

However, we are not close to Immortal.

No one has no self-avenue?

You think that your creation is invincible?

You are wrong!

One hundred and thirty-seven respects, no one will be lost.

Unfortunately, in the face of such an impact, the three hundred 'long old', one, all make up a mysterious battle.

A strike attack, it will drown everything.

One hundred and thirty-seven respect, and forced, it is directly retired.

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