My Super Estate

Chapter 3678 Attacking People

Third Thousand 464 Chapters Attackers

The people, potential, is really too big.

The nine strengthenings are headed, and all major powers, one by one, all faster.

The entire universe, suddenly divided into two huge camps.

The people of the people and the universe.

Outside the family, the universe.

Today, the first holy place, as the first holy place of the people, I have already passed various ways, I know the existence of the Wancha Alliance.

The whole family is shaking.

The first holy place is waiting.

finally come!

"God, do you dare to die?"

The main list of the universe, the first home, and the top of the top.

Even if the emperor is unwilling, how to face it, he doesn't dare to come to the first holy place, and you will not dare to challenge the first Holy Lord.

Today, he is coming.

"Ha ha ha ha, looking for death?"

First Holy Lord, you are really a big tone! "

The emperor laughed and said: "The first Holy Lord, you are not, haven't woken up? Can you see the current situation?

Or, you think that you are the four countries? Can you have invincible, can you ignore the number of people? "

Looking at this elderly model, there is an unlimited war in the heart of God.

Among the universe, the top ten strengthenings are not just the power of their ethnic air transport, but also because they are powerful.

The top ten strong people, except for a four-party country, it is them.

Even if it is the Holy Spirit, because the quantity is too small, there is no such powerful existence.

The first stronger of the universe, the first Holy Lord.

The second power of the universe, the emperor.


Their strength is much better than the general nearby.

In general, the general near the immortal is definitely not to shoot them.

However, between them, they are close to each other, natural, but also the same matter.

"Bright cross!"

The first of the emperor is to welcome it. It is the strongest trick.

"Well, let's try your color."

The emperor, the second power of the universe.

The brightest cross, the trick of the second power of the universe.

However, in the eyes of the first Holy Lord, even, just let him play some 'Test color' interest.

"Qin Fenghu !!"

I saw that the first holy master, just just a hand, suddenly, it was a light blown.

Then, it is possible to see that the emperor who is full of power is actually a light wind that is like this, it is directly refunded.

It seems that it is, with a hand, sags the nasty flies.


"Big Guangming !!"

The emperor was angry, and he kills again.

Similarly, his voice sounded in other people's ear.

"You, not a little!"


The trick from the Tiger family, while shot toward the first holy master.

"Wanshi fang!"

A trick from the Lion.

"Niu Devo"! "

This is a trick from the east.

Yes, the strength of the first Holy Lord is most powerful.

The Wangu Alliance, in order to deal with the first holy place, the monk and the beast, it is jointly.

Powerful power is more violent.

Among the universe, there is a rule of the avenue exclusion.

However, the first Holy Lord is not a four-party country, and there is no powerful spiritual world.

As the mainstay of immortal, control the rhythm, forming water, absolutely not too difficult.

The so-called, seamless connection is definitely not difficult for them.

In the face of such a situation, the strength of the first Holy Lord is strong, it is besieged by people, but it should be negligible.

It is clear that there is a hundred points of power, dealing with the emperor, light and easy, but it can only play three pieces of power, and fight with the emperor, it turns into the wind.

It has been repeated steps, when the trick of the Tiger is attacking, the remaining seventy points will not be used.

No, he can use it, even, he can, take a palm of the tiger.

Even if he is a close to the fairy, it can't change this result.

However, he can't.

Because, there is a lion strong, and there is a strong man, even, there is a square strong, and the Wolf is strong ...

Seventy power, he broke out, killing the tiger's strong, he himself, will also be injured by the Lion strongman behind, will be seriously injured by the energetics, and finally, will be Give it a semi-dead, and finally, it will be killed by the wolf.

Taking a normal near-fairy master of the Tiger, change your life?

This is one, how to see, is a business of loss.

Absolutely not sufficient.

Unfortunately, the enemy is obviously counted.

Block the first wave, the second wave, the third wave, behind, there are fourth waves, fifth wave ...

How to see, it's like it is, it is difficult to escape!

The universe is a big alliance.

The power is strong, people only feel desperate.

"Does a unresolved !!"

Fortunately, the first holy place of the family is not ready.

Strong heritage, at this moment, all show it.

I saw that the strong people of the race came.

The many power of the first Holy Lord will be taken.

There is an eye-catching, even more than one hundred, near the fairy, so that the emperor is shocked.


Looking at the eyes, the emperor almost did not doubt life.

"You, you will gather in the first holy place, all the people, all the strengths in the first holy place?"

In addition to this explanation, he can't think of other explanations.

Otherwise, it is really awesome.

More than 100 people are close to Xian Dao, the gods, of course.

Even more than this quantity.

However, the nun, the nine holy land, this is just the first holy place.

After the first holy place, there is an eight holy place.

Such a force, all gathers in the first holy place, then other eight holy land?

give up?

This result is definitely not to believe.

"God, what do we do?"

The title, with the beast, combined with the first holy place.

Such a plan is already extremely dependent on this first holy place.

However, it is obvious that the heritage of the family is too deep.

The family is too hidden.

Such a change, let the emperor feel that all the plans have failed.

For a time, the second power of this universe is somewhat.

However, the emperor, it is the emperor, the god, is only temporary.

"Dear, since they have gathered all the strengths, all the power, then, then, the other big sages will certainly save emptiness.

In this case, we will drag all them and do not let them have a power of repayment. "

Hey, since you dare to put all the strength, all the strengths are pumped into the first holy place, then break your other eight holy land.

In the heart of the emperor, I would like to say it.

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