My Super Estate

Chapter 3680 Human Crisis

Third Thousand 466 chapters of the crisis of people

"The Quadruple Stars that have been sealed, this is, do you have to make a haunt?"

Attacks people, there are also problems.

Ideally, one attack is broken, it is not completed.

On the contrary, it is more blown out of the powerful heritage of the people.

So, what should I do next?

This problem has become the biggest problem in the hearts of all major powers.

They, of course, in one fell swoop, all of the nine holy land, all of which were exploded.

Finally, even the quartet is not destroyed, he is the possibility of recovery.



Since the nine holy land of the nation, there is such a powerful heritage, then, it is impossible to attack, it is impossible.

Only retreat is the most appropriate way.

The family, except for the nine holy land, there are three hundred roads.

Plan 1. It is a collection of all the strength and attacking the nine holy land.

As long as it is broken, all the people of all the people have been killed, all of them are killed.

There is no big problem in three hundred years.

After all, the family, the nine holy land is the foundation.

All the avenues, if there is no four star boundaries, stir the situation, I am afraid, the whole universe is all in the era, all destroyed.

The so-called universe, except for the banquet of the banned area, I am afraid, I have already done it in the robbery.

Therefore, the strong attack family, distributed in the three hundred contests in the universe, and they have not been included in the target target.

"Walk, we, implement the second plan!

Since they nine holy land, there is such a heritage, today, we will explode all their periphery, all! "

The nine holy land, since it can't be full of destruction, then it will be destroyed directly to the periphery.

"The three hundred borders of the death!"

Thinking of this, the blood emperor is an unlimited grievance.

They have such a big confidence, you can strive to hit the nine holy land, this three hundred borders are the largest voucher.

Every road is representative of a near future.

Three hundred borders, representation, three hundred near Xian Dao Lord.

Such strength is already terrible.

The same is only one hundred and eighty of the dragon.

This is because, dragons, blood talents, extremely terrible, fewer number, talented talents can accumulate such quantities.

Other big intensive, also on the beast, because of the kind, it is more than one.

In contrast, the title, the appearance, they did not have so much.

It can be said that the people have three hundred near Xian Dao, a family, is the sum of the gods and the magic.

In order to reduce its own consumption, even, there are also other big monsters.

The results of it?

Obviously there are only three hundred roads. Finally, just the first holy place, it is exposed to more than 100 honorary owners.

Other eight major holy land, less saying, is also five or sixty.

It is simply a big pit.


The blood emperor of angry, suddenly, chasing the top of the ten universe countries, long-term width and 100,000 supermarine.

I saw it, that is a horrible big palm?

Long width is a super mainland of 100,000 light years. It turned out to be that he was slapped by him, all of which were parcel.


In the palm, the entire super mainland is a giant earth.

"Blood emperor, you dare!"

It turned out that here, it turned out to be the first to the third Holy Lord.

The third holy place is the attack target of the blood family.

In the third holy place, did not get the result of the desired results, he actually, began to commit the third Holy Lord.

"Ha ha ha ha ...

Do you think that will I not dare?

Yes, you will chase!

I have to see, there is no blessing of the third holy place, how do you be our blood? "

A single blood family, dealing with the entire entrance, of course, is impossible.

However, if it is just the third holy place to the people, the blood emperor, he is really not afraid.

Your third home, how is it, but there is no blessing of the third holy place, you can't escape the wheel war.

It's hard, you still think that you are the four-party country?

Blood emperor haha ​​laughed, turned, but also toward the third world, slammed, is a palm.

As long as you break the defense of this third world, he can indulge his own bloody descendants, will have all the third borders, hundreds of millions of people, all plunder.

I miss the time of the past.

At that time, the family is also very much.

However, at that time, the family is just a bloody blood.

Unfortunately, later, the rise of the people, a unpacking.

Blood food, never dare to appear in the territory of the people, otherwise, how strong, it is also to be grinded by life.


Seeing that the third world will be broken, in the third holy place, a super powerful breath broke out.

Then, it can be seen that he seems to be a shard arrow, which is flying in the third Holy Lord.

Originally, the third holy place, there is a transmission array.

Unfortunately, now, the third world is violently attacked.

Even if there is a transmission array, it is impossible to transfer.

Otherwise, it is just the horror space shake, the third Holy Lord, is unbearable.


The blood emperor is bright.

Actually, really?

In the plan, destroy the third border, just destroy peripheral power.

In the third world, attract the third Holy Lord?

Blood emperor, but never thought.

In the third world, even if there is a hundred million people, how can it?

If, it is not an era of race that these people have already destroyed.

In the past, the ethipment of the era, the destroyed people, how to stop hundreds of millions?

Even more than 100 million million, it is far more than far.

If it can lead to the third Holy Lord, then he should destroy ten times a hundred times.

"Hahaha ..."

After intimidation, the blood emperor laughed and said: "Third Holy Lord, you dare to die?

Very good, today, you have no return! "

Stay away from the third holy place, but you can't get the blessing of the third holy place.

Although your strength, how strong, it is impossible to stop the attack of my entire blood family.

Similarly, the blood emperor seems to have a way to deal with the people.

The third Holy Lord is like this, then, other eight big holy owners?

Especially, what about the first holy?


Seeing that the defense in the third contest is about to be exploded.

The third Holy Lord finally came.

"Haha, the third Holy Lord, you are late!"

Blood emperor laughed.

Because, the third world, finally was thrown.

"Passing my order, all of my blood division, put this third world, all plunder empty."

Leading a dried bloody family, catinging the third Holy Lord, is a siege.

Similarly, you still don't forget to get your own blood.

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