My Super Estate

Chapter 3708 has never been seen

The third chapter has never been in the third chapter

Wang Yang feels that he has a new experience.

One, I have never been there.


Or, it is an unable to feel.

People who take the boat know that sitting on the boat, the waves in the water, a wave of waves come.

I don't think I want to stand, but the ship is moving.

So, I don't move, but it is up and down.

The body is not coming.

Now, Wang Yang has such a feeling.

Because he clearly felt, his body, life, constantly lapse.

It seems that you are a fish pond, a vitality is the water in the fish pond, and the fish pond is clearly no water, but suddenly a pumping machine appears.

There is no water outlet, but the strong extraction of the pumping machine does not be blocked.

This feeling is that it is too bad.

"Damn, Xianling is coming!"

The first holy is shocked.

"Fast, use rule power, use rule power, seal itself."

In the end, the first holy master, the reaction is fast.

I saw it, the first holy party, naturally, it is a touch of faint nine-color light.

Other eight Holy Lords, one by one, speed is very fast.

In contrast, Luo Jian, Feng Jiu, the guns invincible, even if it is close to Immortal, there is no way.

Only you can look at your own vitality and is constantly extracted.

"Ah ~~"

If you can't stop in time, I am afraid, nothing is done, it will be quiet because of the vitality.

I want to recover, I don't know how much time.

Even, it is directly sleeping.


Wang Yang was anger.

Because he clearly felt that the three hundred people who were locked chain locked, their vitality on their body was constantly lapse.


At this time, how can Wang Yang will be willing?

For this result, how much is he spent?

For this goal, he did not hesitate to enter the Earth in the Earth and played with himself.

Even, I don't hesitate to face one thousand and five hundred of the immortal.

Various dangerous, who can know?

Seeing that when you pick out the results, you will have such an accident?

"Vulcan, borrow my strength!"

Feeling, your own strength can only seal itself, other people, there is no way at all.

Wang Yangdon is anxious.

At this time, he can help, only the gods.

Otherwise, not only this action, will completely fail.

Even, Luo Jian and the guns invincible, Feng Jiu them, one, will not be better.

Even, this is the case, it is possible to lose life again.

This result is absolutely impossible.

"Vulcan, borrow my strength !!"

It is too urgent in my heart, and he has to open up.

At this time, the other things in the universe are not within the scope of his consideration.

Even if it is a quarter, it is temporary, can't scruple.


A gently sighed and suddenly sounded.

I have just had some three hundred mutual students in the phenomenon of vitality, all are stable.

Luo Jian, the fire is invincible and Feng Jiu, they are, naturally, is covered by a layer of rays.

All discomfort, all disappear.

" ??"

Everything just all, all in front of you, how can the first Holy Lord not know?

It is because he knows that he is more surprised.

Just just call, is it possible to borrow?

The four-party country is a big face.

Of course, the most important thing is that this fire god, who is it?

What is the relationship between him with the four-party country?

This time, the monk actually summoned the fairyland, next, who is it?

What's more, now, just when I am just coming, what will I experience after tomorrow?

At this time, if there is a good fortune, it is undoubted, it is a big happiness.

If so, the solar system is here, the disaster has passed.

Then, the disaster is just started to deal with the universe.

Because, fairyland is too advanced.

Every time the fairyland is coming, the vitality required is not known.

Even if it is a universe star area, all the vitality gatherings are far less enough.

Therefore, every fairyland is coming, it is a disaster.

The sealed fairy, is a source of the disaster.

Seal is resolutely unable to be released.

Shijia, a member of the Lingnian Union, can be said to be a big majority closest with the solar system.

There is a stone country with three near Xian Dao, even if it is in the Lingnual Union, it is a pillar force.

However, suddenly, there is a unpleasant force, it is directly desirable to fall from the stone area of ​​the stone.

Then, it can be clearly seen that countless stone, suddenly, it is a vitality to live, and it will become a stone statue, and they can't live.

"Ah, who?"

The vast and majestic voice, the stone is over.

It turned out to be three rounds of existence of the sun, and as stars in the stone.

They are the three major near Xian Dao Dao.

Unfortunately, no matter how worked, they can't find any sources.

Even, they own, they all clearly feel that their own vitality is constantly lapse.


At this level, I have learned for some deep things in this universe.

At this time, they never dare to neglect.

Unfortunately, they want to leave, but others are reluctant.

I saw that a big hand exuded with a nine-color fairy, across how many star farms, swept.

The only three-respects of the stone husband is only gently swept away by such a big hand, then, it is all that the vitality is cut.

Suddenly, in the universe starry sky, there was a stone statue of three million feet.

Three respects near Xian Dao, that is, this is in the stars.

The stone man is definitely not the only one.

For a time, the solar system is centered, I don't know how much of the spirit, suddenly it is broken.

The only feeling of Wang Yang is that a power that cannot be described, natural stars rise.

It is like it, I am in the coast, my deep, suddenly, I suddenly set off a big waves.

That is enough to swallow a power of the coast.

He only can look at it.

I can't do anything.

Can't do it.

"How to do?"

Such a power swept, even if he is the four-party country, it is not to face.

It is really, such a power is too terrible.

"how so?"

At this time, even the third Holy Lord is also changed.

The horror of Xianling, people have never experienced, only the legend.

Now, it is really feeling that this kind of power is how it makes people.

"Boss, us, us, is it really solved?"

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