My Super Estate

Chapter 3712 Semi-fashioned god tree, planting success

Third Thousand 498 chapters of the semi-fairy level of the gods, cultivation

"Success !!"

Artificial, plant a semi-fairy level of gods?

Such an idea, in the four-party star, have already had a proposal.

However, this proposal is really too bold, can be a true success, can be achieved, how to achieve, and so on, all the things that have been in success and failure.

Have experiment.

However, the results of the experiment have always been ideal.

Or, there is never succeeded.

As a high level of the quartet, how can he not understand?

"what happened?"

The third Holy Lord is.

The Lord of the Rohan Star, he certainly knows.

The race is the first intensive.

The only super-class integrity, this inside, has their own merits of the nine holy owners, but the Sifang Starry a series of strong people, the contribution to this honor, is also impossible.

Luo Jian, the Lord of Rohan Star, is one of the strongest people.

"The Lord of the Rohan Star, can you tell me, what is so excited?"

Just, but I almost didn't take these people, all of them were scared.

Now, the thrilling has been robbed, is you excited?


After the robbery, this thing is really worth exciting.

However, it is obvious that the Lord of the Rohan Star, he seems to be because of the rest of the lifetime. In contrast, he is more, it is on that seed.

Seeds of semi-fairy.

Is it possible?

"Artificial cultivation of a semi-fairy level, this proposal, the study of the Sifang Star, has already proposed it.

However, this proposal has never passed.

Experiments have been many times.

However, there is no success at a time.

The best once is the top of the top of the avenue. "

The drug, Wang medicine, Shen medicine, the innate level of the gods, chaotic levels of the gods, and the avenue level of the gods.

One level of a hierarchy, however, each level, between each other, and the span is extremely large.

In general, the chaotic level of gods, in the universe, maybe there will be some seen.

This kind of god, occasionally, there will be some rumors.

In the existence of the universe, I encountered it, it is a great opportunity.

If, in some place, there is such a godding, it means that it is possible to bring together most of the universe.

Even the universe is the landlord, it will be desperately desperate.

In fact, between the universe and the universe, in addition to the outbreak of the war, precious resources, it is also the only factor in the war.

The chaotic level of the gods, in the universe, it is also necessary to grow under special conditions, and it is absolutely dare not transplant.

Moreover, this quantity is absolutely not too much.

In order to compete for this resource, the war is the most frequent.

In contrast, some precious gods are far more than the competition of chaotic grade gods.

As for the avenue level of the avenue, in this universe, it has always been a legend.

Not some of the very special boundaries, it is not growing up.

A episode, often, it is difficult to find once.

In fact, a large avenue level of gods must be growing, under extremely special gears, no number of era, even hundreds of era, are impossible.

The energy required is too terrible.

The whole era is supported.

Chaotic energy is the highest energy of this universe.

The main, absorbed, absorbed, is a chaotic energy, the universe, is also a chaotic energy, even, the universe, the universe giant, and the absorption is chaotic energy.

Even, you become the main, absorbing, is also chaotic energy.

It can be said that chaotic energy is endless, and it is also supporting the energy of the entire universe.

Even, the aura, the lanterns, congenital aura, are from chaotic energy.

However, how to transform this chaotic energy into the energy you need, this problem is the biggest problem.

The military cultivation will face this issue.

Similarly, the godding planting, even growing, this problem is all the problems.

"It is this, in general, the level of seeds is the most important issue.

Because, only the seeds sufficiently high can be successfully, chaotic energy, transform into a corresponding energy.

In fact, the level of seeds, after the chaotic level, transform chaotic energy, and there is a problem of conversion.

The seed germination, rooting, is the beginning of absorbing energy.

However, the energy absorbed can not support the growth of God, this is the biggest problem of seeds.

Semi-fairy, we have successful cases.

However, half of the fairy is not able to grow a half-fairy level, a problem we have never been able to solve. "


Third Holy Lord eyes.

what can I say?

I can only say that you are an expert.

In contrast, we are all ground buns.

God medicine planting, is there these payments?

Zhang Wang, think carefully, oh, I only remember, we found a seed, which is to make a hierarchical soil, and then arrange a high level of high large array.

and then?

Ok, if, there is a high level of gods, and it is also to irrigate.

If not?


Killing some strong people, driving the blood, it seems to be one of the means.

Ok, our saying seems to be, enhance energy for seeds.

It seems like this!

However, some seeds are too delicate, and they will die.

Such a godding, the best treatment, that is, let them grow, as for other means?


We have no at all.

It is also an energy conversion rate, and it is also a seed development, and it is guaranteed that the survival rate is?

Anyway, we have no such concept.

"That is to say, this semi-fairy level of the original God tree, success?"

"Well, you see, seed germination, rooting, now, real entry growth period.

Basically, it is in a stable growth state.

Fantastic fairy, never quo.

This phenomenon, the previous experiment, we have never seen it. "

It is born in the quartet, to say that it is nothing to plant God.

However, to be said, there is a kind of god medicine, and he acts as an authority.


Although this kind of origin tree is the four-party country, there is no relationship with himself.

However, get this news, the third Holy Lord, is still extremely excited.

Even, loudly.

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