My Super Estate

Chapter 3721, Sifang, the finals, finally unsolded

The third thousand and five hundred seventh chapters of the four squares are finally unsealed.

To say, this universe is really too worrying.

For example, when the Wangyang at this time, it is eye-catching.

Your own plan is to take the entire foreign dress.

Even, he has actually acting.

The quarter-star boundaries, each transformation, seal in the four-party star, is the power of the power of strong souls.

He has confidence, change again, his four-party star, perhaps it can be completely unsatched.

After four transformation, the quarterly is naturally, naturally, will induce real world.

The more powerful, the more powerful, inductive, the greater the efficiency.

The emergence of the universe is caused by such a sensation. This is the most important reason.

Wang Yang is of course the most expectation.

However, this moment, Wang Yang felt, his expectations, it seems that there is no possibility of completion.

Because, your own plan has failed.

Five hundred to make the gods, first of all, it was broken.

Then, it is your own source of god, which is directly impact by the powerful power of the power.

Under such an impact, the original gods, and immediately is extremely serious.

"Haha, the four-party country, you die!"

At this moment, the most of the gas transport was burned, and the Dragon Called the legend of the legend.

Zulong, the legend, the universe, the first dragon.

The legend is the blood of the dragon.

The power of the dragon is because the blood of the dragon is strong enough.

In this case, how strong the strength of Dragon Zu, it is imagined.

However, the same, consuming air transport is also extremely horrible.

Dragon Emperor, I have seen the air of yourself.

He understands, why, the emperor, after suffering from anti-anti-alive, will be honest.

At this moment, he was a bit anxious.

Because, he knows that his air transport has already seen the bottom.

So, can you call Zulong? Can you succeed?

Do not win first after the defeat?

This conclusion is a most conventional attitude for ordinary people.

It is a most standard attitude on people.

Because, all things are absolute.

Before the incident, you can't affirm each hundred percent, you will be able to win.

So, you must have to leave a way you can return to yourself.

This is the basic concept that is not in the words.

However, for strong people, this is an error.

It is a conclusion that any power will negate.

Even, in front of some temper, even in front of the strong, you put forward such a conclusion, he will not say you two words, it is directly killing.

It is a strong road to break the boat.

Also a unique road.

Didn't break the arrest of the boat, how do you can live in a wooden bridge? How can I get to kill?

As a dragon. It will not lack such a determination.

But at this moment, he was shaken.

At the bottom of the gas, the results of the emperor let him have no bottom in his heart.


Suddenly sounded, strong will recovered, the most important, the plundering the universe, plundering the vitality.

Unfortunately, this area, three second-class strong, eighteen three-flow intensive, even many distractions, one by one, is a 'master' who is unpopular, it is directly plundered.

There is only one side of the wild.

There, there is a complete galaxy.

Even, there is also a place where you live.

In the incisive space layer, even, there are some holes.

All of the souls are added together, although not very.

However, it is already the only place where the spirit is.

In the ancestral eyes that urgently need to have a resuscitation, this is the spring of his life.

Unfortunately, the powerful will have just explored, suddenly, overbearing will, quickly recovered from the solar system.

"court death!"

There is no exchange room at all.

The overbearing ax, moving toward the ancestral will, just gave it off.


The injury on the Dragon is even more serious.

I saw that the trains of the dragon were constantly appearing.

The most terrible thing is that his body has a fire of life.

In general, such a fire is not translator, maintaining life continuation.

However, at this moment, the fire of the life of the Dragon is directly translated.

Even, you can clearly see that the fire of his life is already in a state where you can extinguish it.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is a clearly, and one is extremely overbearing will, always staring here.

This is, from the solar system, the will of just recovery.


Wang Yang is in the heart of the heart.

"Great God, please help me!"

I unexpectedly, Wang Yang felt the pressure in my heart.

However, at this moment, he did not feel the scared. On the contrary, he even, he wanted to help him.

Just, is this practice correct?

Who is the other party?

That is, among the universe, the most mysterious, and the most great fairy.

It is high, which is a growing living.

Even if it is a Zulong, even the Lord of the Shen people, in the face of such existence, there is no power to come.

Such existence, he, he really, will you pay attention to your appeal?

Don't say that the foreign ethn, even if it is a humanity, even the Luo Sword born in the earth, the fire is invincible, and there is a little liver hurt.

Because, in their cognition, such a demand is definitely not possible.

Of course, I can't believe it, but the alien eight hundred is near the fairy, and it is already a bird of shock.

At this time, wind blowing grass, all of the wind, all the grass.

They are already a bird of shock, even if they don't believe in my heart, they are nervous.

I unexpectedly, this unpailed existence, actually, played.


This respect, who is the existence of recovery among the solar system?

Wang Yang has a hypothesis.

A bold assumption.


In the legend, open the sky, even, the opening of the entire universe.

Similarly, it is also the biggest base card in the earth.

Is it true, Wang Yang is not certain.

However, he thinks this is a chance.

He believes that this opportunity cannot be missed.

Four-square star, always being sealed by a fairy.

If you want to solve, four minds change, it is the most basic threshold.

It is the biggest opportunity to ask such a holiday in advance.

Wang Yang didn't want to miss it.

"I am the Lord of the Quartet, my four-party star boundaries, and the fairy leaving the real phoenix, and it is a fairy seal. Please help me unifold."


At this moment, the Dragon Emperor made a bold decision in a lifetime.

He wants to leave.

At the endless eyelid, he wanted to leave.


Dragon's decision, very bold, but the respondent is a lot, eight hundred mutual students, no one hesitate.

In fact, their departure, Wang Yang et al, no one acts.

Because, at this time, the Quartet is already revealed.

Just, on the quarter, there is a fairy, seal.


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