My Super Estate

Chapter 3731 Avenue Regulations

The third thousand five hundred seventh chapter avenue rules


What is a fairy?

This problem is every kind of compulsory course for fairy and pursuit.

Also, it is still a course to be studied.

Because, it is too difficult.

Xian, the most basic appearance, the magical power, the power is boundless.

However, really?

Now, Wang Yang's strength, in the universe, he called the second, who dared to call the first?

However, did he become a fairy?


Because he still has no longer.

Do not die, this problem is a summary of the fairy and biggest.

However, truly a cultivator, you will find it, not dead, too far.

There is no end.

One is still higher than a high.

You can't step on the peak of the road, then, you can't die.

Because, once you are overwritten by higher avenues, then your avenue will be chased by others, you will be controlled by others.

Your power is the power of others.

Your magic is the magic of others.

Even your mana, your soul world, your flesh war, will lose your brand.

Then, you will lose everything in the world's universe.

You will, true, death.

Therefore, Chengxian, not dead, but survive.

Changsheng, that is, Chengxian.

But how do you become a fairy?

Among the universe, any one of the souls, after birth, the strength is the most powerful, but also the beast: Dragon, Phoenix, Kirin, Xiangpeng, Bi, Qi, Xuanwu, etc. ...

God beast, natural, is the king of Wanling.

The king of the beast.

The family, in contrast, the gene is too weak, than the insects, can't reproduce, than the tiger, in strength, more than the monkey, in sensitive, too.

How to see, there is no advantage compared with other nationals.

It is really a heartbreaking.

However, these beasts, they are powerful, are they become immortals?


Because this universe, chaos, there is a million things.

The nun is a chaotic energy, and the beast is also the same.

Chaos, is a batch bed for all things.

Finally, the biggest foundation is not the universe.

It is no longer possible.

Because of the chaotic energy, only this level.

Go back, there is no level.



Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, you will die.



So what should I do?

I want to think!

No, is there a limit of chaotic energy?

Then, together with chaotic energy, gather together, then make a reasonable arrangement, combination, and even, in the final transformation, on the basis of chaotic energy, one step further.

In this process, it is Fu Xian.

Because, no road.

Road, broken.

So you have to take your own path.

You want to repair your own way.

On the original basis, lay your own path.

This way is the avenue.

Avenue, there is no end.

The avenue has reached a first stage.

It has reached a limit in the first stage.

However, there is still no longevity because of this limit, but you still have to die outside.

How to do?

Going to this step, you will give up?

Are you willing?

Not willing!

So what should I do?

Continue to find a way.

If you have a road, you will pick up.

If you have a road, you will find a way, on this open channel, a bridge.

The power of the soul is the biggest guiding force.

Therefore, it is necessary to undergo another soul change.

Because, in front, really there is no way, you need a strong idea of ​​guiding, guiding yourself, guide yourself, set up a bridge in the intersection, and, let yourself succeed By passing.

Real world, it is pointing to the standard.

This point is the opposite side of the bridge, you have to have enough spiritual power to perform a sense guidance.

Looking at the direction of the bridge, guide your own avenue for regularization.

Rules, build the most basic power of the heavens and earth universe.

Support the entire heaven and earth universe, orderly operation.

In Wang Yang, there is a rule of the gods - the hand of death.

Now, in such a rule, guide the cream, naturally, is the final step of regularization.

Because his heart is just the third transformation.

Cannot lead him to successfully, conduct a regularization of the avenue.

However, at this moment, there was a comparison of the rules of the death god, and there were the attachment of each second-class strength. There is no difficulty.

Suddenly, Wang Yang clearly felt that his own body and mind were shocked.

Then, his people, naturally, it is a bright nine colorful light.

"This is the rule of the rule?"

In the usual, the nine-color fairy is spread.

This is now, be bundled, there is only one possibility, that is, the avenue god rule.

"How can it be?

He, he is not, is it just three minds? "

Fenghuang was shocked.

"Yeah, what is going on? Isn't he just three times?

How can he suddenly become a road god rule? "

The third Holy Lord is also very strange.

"Luo Jian, you know, the four-party national owner, what is it going on, how can this?"

Just, it is in front of yourself.

He stood like this, nothing did.

Even, there is no kind of god medicine.

I didn't get any fairy fruit.

However, why, he suddenly, on the rules of the avenue gods?

"This, this, I don't know!"

Anyway, it is from time to time, I will seem to hang a general, naturally, will soon rise. "

How can you ask me?

Luo Jian feels that he wants to be called.

You stand here, I am standing here, I don't have one eye, but there is no one with a heart, what you think, I will think that more than you know more?


Luo Jian's answer is very disappointed.

How is you doing this?


how come? This problem is even.

But, why, he is like this, suddenly improved significantly?

The avenue god rule, suddenly, boundless chaotic energy, rapid convergence.

It is constantly incorporated into the Wangyang body.

In the blink of an eye, the breath on him is greatly improved.

Half a half, actually, more powerful than Fenghuang.

Just just your own homemade.

"Isn't it, the fourth time, it's going to start?"

The third Holy Lord said that he began to suspect that life.

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