My Super Estate

Chapter 3736 looks at honesty, is it so insidious? ? ?

The third chapter of the third chapter is honest, is it so insidious? ? ?

To say it!

This person is not easy!

, watching, what is honest!

"At the beginning, when we came, he still didn't see us!"

"Who said no? At that time, the Rong Peng family, just promoted the first-class intensive, we came, he didn't plan to see us.

Who knows, the four-party landlord, that is, in his hands, it is a lower one? "

Have to say, the alien is the talent.

At the beginning of the Temple of Pengpeng, Yu Peng Huang, I wanted to come.

However, he did not say it.

Top, it is also thinking about it in your heart, who knows, they will know?

"Dear, you can't agree, the four-party national owner, pioneered too much miracle.

We must be vigilant! "

The emperor of the first-class intensive, on weekdays, in the universe, they are in the middle, who dares?

Also said that in the universe, there is such a presence.

Four party.

Once again, in this four-party country, it is too much to eat, it is too much.

What's more, they can become the emperor of the first-class intensive, because of their emperor, has been killed by others.

Even the dragon, the whole ethnic group, is all hit by people.

Such a fierce person, even if it is careful, it is not there.

" , here is your bottom?"

The northernmost name of the north, Wang Yang still heard.

However, truly see, he is still the first time.

Really, it's too tightening.

When he came to Northern Sea, he already knew that here is the North of the North.

Seeing the emperor, I have entered the North of the North, and the hearts are of course very unhappy.

However, he also knows the people who are heavy, the north of the sea is so fierce, he certainly doesn't be stupid.

Immediately, it is an emergency brake, standing on the side of the North of the North, and there is nothing, standing there.

"Dear, you put on such a big battle, how, don't plan to see?"

Have Wang Yang?

He, the trip of the Quartet, he has four square stars, the strength of the soul, although it has not been ultimately transformed, but it has reached a terrible level.

Hidden in the sea of ​​North, he can still feel.

"Not good, I found it!"

The name of the tree, the skin of the tree.

The four-party national owner, for the alien, it is a synonym of a fierce spirit.

He was discovered by him, it was not good.

"How to do?"

They, one by one, is the emperor of the foreign.

However, they, the identity of this alien, in any place in the universe, but only in the four-party country, it is not good.

That is the killer of a royal man.

Now, he will find that it is not dead, and it is also necessary to take a layer of skin.

"Don't panic, here, it is the north of the sea, you will not believe that he can find it."

"Yes, he must not find that it is definitely what we!"

One by one, on the universe, is all high on top.

In the first-class intensive, it is also the existence of Ji Ding, which is the emperor of the ethnic group.

However, here, they are not a little majesty.

Because, this is this, that is, the killing of the alien.

One of the royalists, that's it, killed by him.

"Since you don't want it, then, I will ask you."


Joke, think that hiding in the sea of ​​Bei Ming, I can't find you?

too naive.

I saw that Wang Yang raised his big hand.

It seems that it is in his hand, it seems to be a sun.

No, this is like it!

This, is a sun.

Moreover, it is still a purple sun.


Seeing this round of sun, no matter who, all in your heart, flashing such a thought.

Naturally, they just know.

"How can it be?"

Get this information, no matter who it is, it is shocked.


What is Zuyang?

Before, they never known.

But today, they know anything.

This is, the characteristics of the fairy road.

It is like it is, Zulong, the same, never known him.

However, when he appeared, his existence, in the universe, no one knows.

Even even, there is no conscious vegetative, it will also be uninterested, you will mutter: Zulong.

This is the characteristics of the fairy, everywhere, everything is.

But how can it?


The roots of the thousands of yang, the ancestors of the sun?

This existence, even in the real world, it is all supreme existence.

Even if it is, Zulong, Fengzu, Qilin Zu Zu, Yu Pengzu, insect ancestors, such existence, in such a presence, is also the presence of antic ants.

Between the heavens and the earth, who is not under the sun?

Everything is not, no one, no yang support, will immediately go to destruction?

"go with!"

Others believe that it is not very important, the most important, or, the means, is it possible to solve the problem.

I saw that Wang Yang is directly in the sea of ​​'Zuyang', directly to the sea of ​​Bei Ming.


Zuyang, it's too bad.

Although this is just that Wang Yang is fabricated in his own conflict.

However, it is also a wonderful ancestral yang of ancestral ancestry after he thinks.

Such a horror exists, it is directly, even if it is the sea of ​​northern, it is to be shaken.


Wang Yang thought is right.

The sea of ​​Northern, an endless.

Any one exists, it will be swallowed.

However, this is the way, very close to the North of the North, such a round of the ancestors, it is directly, the northern eye, can't cause him to affect him.

The horrible power, it is directly that the sea of ​​Bei Ming is like a halving.

The terrible north of the north, in front of such power, it is very much affected.

There is a star zone of the star area, which is like this, it is directly to blow a half.


A crude corpse who is blown out of the horrible high temperature is from the sea of ​​Beim Ming, which is directly floating on the sea.


Wang Yang snorted.

For this result, he is not unexpected.

These guys, think that hiding in the North of the North, that is, you can make yourself have no way, it is just a joke.

Said, Wang Yang went up towards these 'bodies'.

These things are all from major aliens. They came to the Rong Peng family, and there would be no good things.

Since this, then, send them one course.


He is very good.

His hand, just close to the sea of ​​Northern Ming, suddenly, a force that could not resist, directly on him.

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