My Super Estate

Chapter 3741

Third 1st chapter

"Not considerable!"

Otherwise, how can it be said, weak, always say impossible.

Because of this result, it's too unexpected.

In fact, such a thing is not only on the weak people.

The existence of this existence, bonus, animal emperor, etc., the existence of osmium, the beast, and the top of this universe.

They are the most powerful existence of this universe.

You have to say that they are weak, saying, no one will believe.

However, at this time, they are like this, can't believe, naturally, it is shocked.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

The shameless of the emperor, has reached a certain degree.

The three majors are old, the first is too old, and the strength is extremely terrible.

However, he did not have a good advantage between him with the North of the North.

However, at least, there is no general with him, and it is falling in the wind!

Bigting, he is still unsatisfactory, seeing other two too old elders, there is no movement, he is not very satisfied.


It's all shameless, it is too uncomfortable.

"Everyone is a smuggling, can you make people siege?"

The second is too old, so saying it.

"Fart, now, it is to change his four-party national owner and let him die.

Now, he is not a protection method, not horses, when is it? "


"Hey, you don't shoot, I am coming!"

Said, he actually, it has not cared for his injury, and the horse is moving towards Wang Yang again.

His strength is also very good.

At this time, if it is a general person, under his attack, it is also an opportunity to live.

But who makes him live!

In this place, unpacking is the special road of Beibei, the rhyme of the water is also extremely rich.

A north of the sea of ​​north, it is also difficult to guard himself, Wang Yang is not too unexpected.

Since you don't know how to live, then kill again, then, Laozi is all over!

Feeling that I am just a little bit, I can do it completely, when, Wang Yang is also welcome.

At this time, just drag a little time, you can break it.

At that time, these bastards, there is a count, today, don't want to leave.

"Ah ..."

A north of the sea, almost did not kill himself.

Now, there is a god of water?

What are you, what are you, bullying me weak?

I don't believe it, Lao Zi actually even got a gods that made the god domain, did not.

Yu Penghuang did not be frightened to retreat, but in contrast, he actually killed the god of the water.

This time, it takes out his level.

The god of the water is actually, it is not an opponent.

The facts once again prove that the god of Northern Eye is a special existence.

However, here, the least lack of, it is water.

In order to drag a little time, Wang Yang fully collects the rhyme of the water, the source is constantly, all of which are supplying the god of water.

Under such a tactical tactics, Yu Penghuang actually, successfully, be affected.

"Not good, we will shoot."

At this time, no one can see it, this four-party national land, in delaying time.

In any case, it is not allowed to make him successful.

Otherwise, yourself, who is opponent?


It turned out, shameless, it was actually infected.

Eight of the Emperor, they all, even if they were seriously injured, at this time, they did not dare to neglect, fight the seriously injured body, and kill the Wang Yang.

At this time, as long as you interfere, even if you are all seriously injured, as long as you can interfere, they all feel that it is enough.

At least, killing a four-party country, absolutely no problem.

"Hahahahaha ..."

Unfortunately, their shots seem to be, it is too late.

I saw that I have been trapped in the four-party national owner in the North of the North, suddenly laugh.


This is the .

Just now, in the sea of ​​Bei Ming, Wang Yang is a Zuyang projected, which is directly blown into a serious injury.

Now, at this time, I still dare to know the life, and I will kill it again.

"In this case, then you will die!"

I saw that Wang Yang suddenly woke up, suddenly it was shot, a big hand, chasing the .

"Ah, you let me go!"

Suddenly, it was grabbed by the four-party national owners, and the emperor was scared.

Terrible strength, but always tell him, your own bones, you can't live such a hand.

Unfortunately, his big call, no one will pay attention.

Wang Yang's hand is a force, bone emperor, a bone, and it is directly shattered.


I don't know, is it, my illegitimate is very unllowed. At this time, he has left such a scream that makes people miss in the empty.

Unfortunately, the screamed, it was originally memorable, except this, nothing can be left.

Bone emperor, the same, it is directly that it is not there.

"Where are you going!"

Kill a bones, but there are other seven royalists.

Here, it is the sea of ​​Northern.

It is the site of the Pengpeng.

In the past, the Rong Peng family was a second-class strength, but no one appeared here.

Now, Yu Peng family, just promoted the first-class intensive, you have the emperor of these first-class intensiveness.

What does it mean?

Do you still tell me, are you coming?

Besides, this first-class amplifier position is because I will give the dragon family, and the Zulong is also defeated, and Long Island is also broken, and will take it out.

This first-class intensive position, the four-party country, and there is something wrong.

Now, you have no words, you will come to the congratulations?

Do you put me in your eyes?

Since this, then, today, don't leave!

"The next one is you!"

Have to say, the bright god, too don't want to live.

Just have been hit hard, even, almost didn't fall.

Just as the emperor, you will suffer such a serious injury, it is really hard to accept.

But you must love it!

Obviously, it has been hit, you still dare to kill?

Don't die!

Wang Yang is not polite at all, it is directly slap in the palm.

If you don't, how can you say that people have to have strength? Walking can walk around!

This slap is smoked, just as a bright God, he actually, it is directly to explode!

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