My Super Estate

Chapter 3746 Whole Blood? ? ?

Third thousand five hundred thirty-two chapters ? ? ?

Suddenly, the soul world is greatly expanded.

Wang Yang also felt an accident.

In the past, he already knew that his father, mother, they all creative self-avenue.

This is a very fortunate thing.

Life is here. Big. Mo is much parent.

Some people say that the father's mother is in the world, and the back is back, and the heart is not panic.

Parents are in the world, and they are not dare to provoke.

This statement is some big.

However, the father's mother is here, this life can be found to find a stability.

No matter where you are, you can always find a harbor that makes your mind.

No matter where you go, you will always have a home, quietly, waiting for you.

Wang Yangxiu is now in this point, it can be said that it is already the pole of the universe.

Refining vacation, just then.

However, if, really, the father's mother suddenly, when it is like this, leave, especially, under the premise of their ability, look at your father's mother, just leave.

I am afraid, in my own spiritual world, embarrassment, thinking, will be like a knife, all in the world, cut back in the heart of the heart.

I want to really succeed, I am afraid, it is worse than a lot of fire.

The final result, perhaps, will not be affected, but the strength of the strength, I am afraid, invisible, naturally will pull it.

Of course, here, not to say, in order to make the so-called strength, it is necessary to fake.

This, not meaning.

The martial arts cultivation, the universe owner, basically, has already arrived at the extreme.

With the energy of the chaotic world, supporting a universe-owner owner is already the limit.

The road behind, often because of their respective beliefs, their respective philosophy, their own minds, and chemical into a colored brush.

The road thereafter is a white paper, no color.

Is it a dead water, or a colorful?

Is it peach? Is it a windy rain?

All of this, you have to draw yourself.

Your heart is defrauding.

Because your heart feels, your strength will be improved, not your strength improvement, just need your mind to fit.

Between the two, the order cannot be stirred.

It is like this, when his father, when it creates self-avenue, Wang Yang has no hesitation, and immediately let his father prepare, then, when to open their own universe, they will decide themselves. .

Therefore, at this time, the father's mother will open up their own universe, Wang Yang is really not thinking.

However, the father's mother will open up his own universe country, and it is extremely impact on Wang Yang.

This influence is not just that it is just its own spiritual world in expansion, but also, for the control of his own spirit, it is more quite fine.

This embodiment is not reflected, how much improvement is in your own strength.

Instead, after the strength is improved, there is more clear in the universe, between the real world, and the sense of life.

It is also the world of space, this universe, between the real world, is there any difference?

This kind of feelings, before he did.

Up to, but, true world, clearer, let your avenue rules, easier.

However, what is the difference between the two?

This problem, Wang Yang can't say it.

However, today, he faintly feels.

It seems that yourself, the black yarn in front of you has disappeared.

Seeing the world, it seems to be more bright.

For example, the blood is blood.

He himself, has successfully, cultivated into a blood.

Even, the Rong Peng family, extremely counter-sky, as long as it is close to Immortal, they are cultivated into their own (most, also half-fairy).

This kind of talent is really, it is too counter-sky.

What is the reason?

Cultivating the blood, according to the reason, their strength will inevitably increase.

However, their strength does not achieve a significant increase.

The biggest gains, but, their flesh tang, under the moisturization of the blood, greatly enhanced, even, broke the boundaries of the universe.

The powerful flesh tang is a biggest base sign.

Why is this this?

Wang Yang's spiritual power, naturally, is to deeply in the inside of his blood.

Before, even the power of the soul is, it is impossible.

However, when, his father, the mother succeeded, opened the universe country, became the universe owner, and the strength was once again improved. Shouyuan is more a long, in the heart, suddenly, it has a big feeling.

This ability, naturally, is owned.

"This, this is the blood?"

Suddenly, Wang Yang clearly induced, in his own blood, a drop of blood, constantly decomposing, in his heart, a drop of blood, naturally, constantly zooming, for blood inside, Natural is constantly clear.

This ability is impossible to have it before.

His dripping is enough to open the earth, falling in the universe starry sky, and even turns into a boundless blood sea.

It can be said that such a drop of blood, naturally, is an boundless power.

He wants to decompose so deeply, naturally, will be subject to the breath of the blood droplets.

It is impossible to think in depth.

However, the strength of his father's mother has improved, and the birthday is promoted, successfully, opens up the soul of the universe, Wang Yang, naturally, has a great feeling.

Then, the previous type of blood from the blood is like it, it disappears.

No, there is no disappearance inside the blood drop, and the resistance will not disappear, and the situation will have this situation. The penetration of his spiritual force.

This is the case, the inside of the blood, is it in the heart of the soul, it is clear and clear.


The inside of the blood is composed of various particles.

However, what kind of operational trajectory is these particles?

I didn't know before.

However, at this time, Wang Yang was a true sense.

In your own blood, all particles follow a trajectory running.

This is, one, rule god.

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