My Super Estate

Chapter 3753, this source? ? ?

Third thousand five hundred thirty-nine chapters of this source fairy tree? ? ?

"These death doors!"

The changes in the universe, Wang Yang, of course, I will know the first time.

It is because he knows that in his heart will be so angry.

If it is before, perhaps, he will not solve it.

Are these aliens, is it stupid?

The whole race, the inheritance does not know how many ethals, saying that the blood sacrifice is the blood sacrifice?

Is your brain into the water?

This is an extremely unpleasant thing.

However, after the Emperor Emperor, he is only known.

These aliens, they, strong strength, all from their own blood.

It can be said that all the aliens, they can become strong, the most important reason, is because they have an extremely powerful blood.

In the usual, they, is it fast?

Are they live for a long time?

Yes, it can be among the universe, the most top power, the most important thing, just look at their blood, is it strong enough.

It is this case, they will be extremely dependent on their blood.

It can be said that the blood is all everything.

Natural blood, and heterogeneous.

It can be described as two extremes in different layers.

All of the aliens will be talented, regardless of a genius judgment point.

On the contrary, the people, the most dependent, but it is your own natural knowledge.

At the usual, there is certainly no difference between the two.

The talented blood is strong, can use the blood to enhance your strength, when the strength reaches a certain level, the natural understanding is corresponding, it will continue to improve.

On the contrary, the strong understanding is strong, naturally, it can open a variety of martial arts.

When martial arts have reached a certain level, naturally contact a variety of rules, and further understand their avenues.

During this process, the strength is improved, and the blood will continue to improve.

Leading this blood, it will form a so-called big family in the people.

Between the two, there is no absolute exclusion. On the contrary, it will make each other insufficient.

However, at this time, it really revealed that this kind of talented blood, how is it feels frightened.

Because of this cause, their strength has improved, but it is also a huge bomb.

In us, even

However, this time, relying on a strong blood and growing an alien, but a big loss.

Because, all their strong people are at this moment, they are directly controlled by the power of awakening among the blood.

They don't think of blood sacrifice, they are impossible.

Because they have already lost their own autonomy.

Even, those who are all-served, the blood is not awakened. At this moment, they were killed by the rabbit, which was directly, all, and was exhausted by a network.

"This way, these aliens, behind the fairy, I am afraid, I have to go to myself."

At this time, Wang Yangxin, there is no concern.

He also knows that at this time, the so-called concern does not work.

It is not as good as it is concerned, it is facing it.

"Come on, you have to see, you, is it, really invincible!"

The nine strengthenings, at least, there is nine immortals.

They, blood sacrifice the entire ethnic group and will be in person.

That is to say, the quarterly star boundaries, with the nine strengthening, the final big battle, perhaps, will come.

Finally, in the end, the fairy will be made behind the nine strengthenings, or the four-party star boundaries who have repeatedly created a miracle, which is more fierce?


In this training, nine big aliens, all are all blood sacrifice.

However, those unhappy fairy should be born, I am afraid, I need some time.

I have the same time to promote the source of this source.

Finally, is it faster?

Still, those doors faster?

At this time, Wang Yang has no longer wants to consider.

He is just serious, looking at it.

"Yang Ge, is it really no problem?"

Among the universe, the movement of the exotic is too big.

Such a big movement, it is impossible to not cause everyone's attention.

Wu Xiaobo, the pillow of Wang Yang, of course, is the most concerned.


" !"


"Zhuang Lord!"

"National Land!"


At this time, the gods were born, gathered in a large number of large numbers.

They, one by one, stare nervously.

On the scene, they all know that the last moment is here.

Sifang star, is it, can maintain such a miracle, all the key points are concentrated on this man.

In fact, in the universe, people will bet, more people in the four square stars, a lot.

They all know.

The interrogation, such a heart, the people, the people want to be alone, almost impossible.

Finally, the people can not live, is it, like other aliens, finally, being erased, most critical, or watching the most top of the family.

They, in the end, can be able to live, the most important thing is to see, those standing in the top existence, is it, can top these alien last rush.


At this time, Wang Yang also stayed in the sea of ​​Bei Ming.

, finally broke out, strength has improved a lot.

However, the improvement is more, it is impossible to be the opponent of Wang Yang, and finally, it is still successfully taken.

Most importantly, after a big hand with the emperor of the Emperor, Wang Yang successfully, from his body, realized the oysters of the phagocytical rules.

After comprehension, Wang Yangli is a primary, successful, and integrated the oyster and integration of the phagocytical rules with his own mind.

Under the advancement of the native gods, these phagocytical rules are successfully integrated into the body of the local god tree.

Suddenly, the stem of the sinter of the Source of the Source of the Source.

Even the most ultimate oysters of the phagocytical rules, played a limit on the source gods.

I saw it, a drop, ordinary god blood, naturally, it was promoted toward the blood

I saw that a business dripping of the blood, naturally, is the ultimate oysterization of the phagocytical rules, quickly, absorb energy, transform into a blood.

For a time, the speed of this source tree is promoted, and it is greatly improved.

Nine colorful light, constantly disadvantaged.

Even on this local source tree, there is a pressure that is very horrible, naturally, is it.

Wang Yang knows that his plan is finally successful.

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