My Super Estate

Chapter 3759 is all coming

The third chapter of the third chapter is full

Three hundred cosmologists, make up one, in this universe, there have never been a huge thing.

Such a huge thing, just appeared, it is showed that it is extraordinary and terrible.

In the eyes of others, Zulong is terrible.

Because, no matter how you attack, he can stand there.

Because your attack, no matter how terrible, it is useless.

Because your attack, you can't get him.

Between the two, you are like, you are in painting, I am drawing outside, no matter how you attack, you are just in painting, I can't afford to draw.

However, I am standing outside, I just as long as you are in the painting, no matter how the strength, what is invincible, it's all, because I will die, you will die.

Between the two are in different dimensions.

It means that between the two, the starting line is different.

The last result is that no matter how you attack, you can't afford me half a minute.

However, as long as you shoot, you don't die, it is also seriously injured.

It is also a rule of big god, but he can't help him in his hands with a 10th, nine holy owner, the gun is invincible.

It is not a murder that they are too weak, just because they are, they are not in a dimension.

Not in the same world.

However, who is Wang Yang?

He is the four-party country.

He is the Lord of the Quartet.

Unprecedented three hundred cosmologies, form a super-large universe star area, in this super-large universe star area, his spiritual power, reached a point where a regular person could not imagine.

His fourth mind changed, there is no complete.

However, his attack, even a Zulong, it can't stop.

This is called, breaking.

Between different dimensions, they cannot harm each other.

High-dimensional can be reduced to the low-dimensional blow, and the low dimension cannot damage high-dimensional half points.

A variety of information, naturally, is flashing in the mind.

However, there is no use.

Because, your own arm is really being cut off.

Even, strong swords, with a very terrible destructive force, broken arm's vitality, which is directly found.

It is impossible to break the arm.


A sword, the enemy?

Enemy, do not destroy the enemy?

You think too much!

You think that you are a Zulong, you are a fairy, you can do what you want?

Tell you, don't want to think.


Zulong did not return to God, just born, why not?

Where can I think, in the end, will it fall to such a result?

He wants to resist.

Even, he wants to escape.

Unfortunately, he failed.

Because Wang Yang is not allowed.

A sword is directly, it is a sword.


This result is that no one thought.

Just appeared, Zulong, why not still?

The horizontal universe, even, can suppress the nine holy owners of the universe, plus the same way to the rules, and the unfair gun is invincible, and it is directly being played as if it is a child.

"Brother, this, this kind of fairy is like this, is it killed?"

Luo Jian came back.

In such a shocking battle, he also witnessed.

It is because he has seen such a war with his own eyes. He felt more deeply, his brother, now the strength, what kind of level is reached.

"Haha, watch brother, this time, you really gathered in the universe!"

"is it?"

At this moment, Wang Yang did not have any good thinking and thought about the way.

His strength, what kind of level he has reached, and his heart is in his heart.

Similarly, he also knows that now is still in trouble, and there is no disappearance because of the death of Zulong.

On the contrary, he can clearly feel that after the Zulong fell, his own crisis is still still there.

Even this crisis is getting bigger and bigger.

This is because Zulong, naturally, is a tool for others. His appearance, the biggest result is to let himself change, not so smooth.

Even for subsequent power, it is convenient to provide convenience.

Obviously, Zulong has been successful.

Because of his shot, quadruple star, the fourth transformation, speed, has been continuously reduced.

Although he is not very concerned about this time.

However, now, the enemy is already there, then, every time you seize a minute, you have a most mature growth time.


The Quartet's star has just moved, there is a strong movement in the universe, there is a strong movement.

That is, eight unbelievable existence.

Even if it is Zulong, in front of them, it seems that it is not comparable.

That is a gap between, successful, and Dacheng.

"who are you?"

In this universe, Wang Yang can be sure, he has never seen them.

However, their appearance has predicted what.

"Haha, today, four square stars must be shattered."

Black bones, said so.


I saw that a forest is coming to Wang Yang as a null.

That is, one, creepy feel.

It is like it is, in front of such a white bone, I have to be hit.

Even, death.

"I am afraid you are not?"

Wang Yangxin, there is also a lot of arrogance.

You think that you can make me yield? Don't think about it.


Welcome the white bone, Wang Yang, sword.

Before, this is such a sword, Zulong is directly cut by the arm.

I have made a foundation for his death.

However, at this moment, the same sword, actually, did not bring any trouble to Baikin Fairy.

On the contrary, under such swords, Wang Yang was reversed after being shocked.


Luo Jian was shocked.

He is now to fight everything, do his mother.


This guy, strength, is terrible than Zulong.

You think that some of your strengths, what is it comparable in front of them?

People who have a desperately fighting, you can't stop.

"Kill!" Drink Luo Jian in your mouth, but Wang Yang himself, but kill it.

At this time, the only thing can be played, only yourself.

Moreover, he is also confident enough, at this moment, it is absolutely stronger.

Sure enough, Wang Yang was again retired again.

However, in contrast, his strength, actually, and a little growing.

"Hey, want to delay time?"

Baikine fairy did not have a hit.

However, what other seven?

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