My Super Estate

Chapter 3761, Sifang, Metallogenic! ! !

The third thousand five hundred and forty-seventh chapter of the four square stars, the transformation is successful! ! !

Wide-eyed eyes.

Wang Yang wants to say a saying, brother, I want to say, all this is an accident, I don't know, do you believe it?

I am, actually, kill a fairyland?

To put it, you may not believe that because of a fairy, a fairy, I am not happy, and I will be a fairy in my own, it is almost almost almost, I will give yourself a waste.

Oh, I still remember. That fairy is really Fengxian Ling.

This time, really phoenix, no one will come out again.

However, Zulong, in the legend, with true phoenix, but have a war!

Between them, but they did not share a winning issue.

This way, now, now you tell me that I was killed by me?

Speaking, maybe the father is the smallest, I still thought that this is a dream!

"What's it? Now, do you not fight?"

do not care.

You believe that I don't believe it, I can't manage it.

However, Zulong is a fairyland, the same, he is killed by himself.

This is a fact!

In this fact, is it, do you want this prestige?

Jiuzun Xianling, did not break through my defense line, now, I have been killed by me.

So, you think, can you break?

In fact, Wang Yang is now carrying huge pressure.

Sifang star, three hundred cosmologists.

It is too big.

This huge existence, is ignited, directly is the fire of the source.

Companies, Wang Yang itself, is a fire that is not much smaller than the fire of this source of this.

This horrible fire is a huge consumption every moment.

Wang Yang's own heritage, but everything is a little, under the burning of such a spirit of soul, his home source is not up, then he is to be such a spirit of soul, it is directly incineration. Behly.

At this time, there is a little way, he will never, and you can't run out.

In fact, when the source of the fairy tree, Wang Yang came back from the sea of ​​Beim Ming in the first time.

When Zulong kill, he is already in the quarter.

However, he did not take the first time.

Because, he knows that every time it is, it is an expenditure for the source.

This source is very overbearing.

However, what you do is more against the sky.

At this time, if you don't care, you will take care of this source, then you will face the problem, that is, I have burn it by the spirit of the soul, and finally, there is no importance of the source, and finally, the whole People, under the burning of the fire of the soul, it has become a kind of ash.

But at this time, he can't manage so much.

Zulong killed up, now, the other eight fairy spirits are also killed.

The fire is invincible, and it is really unable to resist.

What should I do if I have my own?

Ok, luck is good, the creation of gods, a big outbreak, improved some fierce, actually, a sword, just kill Zulong.

Killing the Zulong and formed a deterrent.

At this time, you must have this deterrent to maximize it.

For example, language offensive.

The cost, the smallest, the effect is sometimes a good thing.

But all, you can stand a breath, which is also a huge victory.

Can be awkward, don't shoot.

Very good, as a result, it is better than Wang Yang.

Because of his words, let this hot battlefield is really cold.

And, this time, better than expected, more than one breath.

For them, a breath has not known to take a few thousand tens of thousand times.

Now, the cold base is more than a minute, this effect can be said, it is a good thing.

"Dear, don't be scared by him.

Everyone, but to think about it, our body is still sealed.

Once, let him break through, our body, will we break through the possibility of seal? "

The dead, it is a blood ancestor.

This is eight eggs, he is a family, doing things, it is not a matter of people.

"Blood ancestors, you are looking for death!"

Wang Yang was anger.

Since you are looking for death, today, Laozi is all you!

Said, Wang Yang shot first.

His hearts of the soul, in size, at least three times they are.

If you are first shot, then I don't know how many times of harvesting God.

In case, a luck is good, then come to a big outbreak, maybe, you can kill a fairyland again.

As long as it is successful, it is a huge deterrent.

When you arrive, you can call a breath, or two breathing?


This person, sometimes, it is not a matter of failure!

Before, killing Zulong, that is really lucky, life.

Now, he has to admit that this luck is not always.

For example, he now has such a luck.

Because he has burst thirty campaign in a very short period of time.

However, he still did not have a big outbreak.

Thirty times, there is an effect, at least, the blood ancestors are caught by him.

Can't say, there is no effect.

However, to say, the effect is remarkable, it is impossible.

Because he did not kill the blood.

Finally, other seven Xianling, seize the opportunity, and quickly shoot.

Everything is as if it is back to the origin.

Being siege, Wang Yang, every time, every time, every time, it has to make the gods, and uses the five hundred to create the gods, and it has formed a strong Qiankun reverse the big array.

Human, making a favorable environment for yourself.

This result is of course a consumption battle.

The consumption will be, for Wang Yang, is currently the most unsuitable.

"Mom, fight!"

At this time, there is only one chance.

Can't succeed, you can only be round.

So, you must meet your mind's transformation in the case of ensuring your expenditure.

Open source source.

This article, it's unreasonable, then only open source.

At the moment, Wang Yang is also self-polite, it is directly to take it out of the source of this source.

Now, this time, then use the original Xianshu to absorb the Zulong Xianling, set out a source of the origin, obviously, in time, it is no longer.

So what should I do?


Wang Yang is also awkward. He actually, directly, it is directly refining the original source of this plant just got.

Suddenly, the source of the fairy tree, the huge source, it is directly absorbed by him.

Suddenly, he felt that he was full of strength.

Moreover, this kind of power makes him have a sufficient feeling.

At the same time, the origin is sufficient, and he is suppressed to the fire of the soul, fully released.

During the extremely short time, the soul has changed, which is already perfect.

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