My Super Estate

Chapter 3766

Third 1555 chapters

Reverse species.

In the legend, a kind of recovery can be recovered in the endless sorrow.

Such existence must be a fairy.

Moreover, this kind of fairy must also be in the fairy, the most best thing.

This is essential to plant success, necessary preparations, it is essential.

"Brother, is there a grasp?"

One, you can make the fairy, from the endless destroyed fairy?

Too high.

This kind of treasure will inevitably cause endless variables.

I can find a few fairy, as a helper, for Wang Yang, of course, is a very good thing.

However, if, throwing something that is unable to control, then this kind of good thing is that it turns into a bad thing.

This kind of thing must be asked clearly.

Even, you have to prepare for Wanner.

If, really, what is dangerous, I would rather not do, but also to ensure your own safety.

"Reassuring, pre-preparation work is not dangerous."

In danger, it must be there.

However, some things, can't do it because of dancing.

This thing, there is no danger, and, it is too good to get safe, and it is too little.

Even if there is, behind this thing, there is often another pit.

Only talk about the interests, there is no pit, then, this world will have an endless growth.

Anything, the load of the load is a fixed number.

Endless growth, seemingly a wonderful thing, but actually, it is destroyed.

This is the way of Taiji.

It is also a balance.

It is also a heaven.

One will rise, is the truth.

In the universe, the most top of the immortal, Wang Yang, of course, knows this truth.

Luo Jian, also knows.

However, he is still asking.

Because he is not willing.

Wang Yang smiled: "Reassure, three hundred universe countries, form a universe star, not a little benefit!"

Wang Yang came to Shenshui Manor.

Shenshui Manor, once, is the beginning of Wang Yang.

Today, this Shenshui Manor is the foundation of the Quartet.

Here, planting the entire universe, as long as it can call the goddess of the Liao.

Go to the avenue of the avenue, chaotic gods, lower, congenital gods.

Yes, here, the most ordinary, it is also a congenital god.

Under the control of Wang Yang, it is divided into different pharmacies.

It is under such a Shenshui Manor, and the quarterly starry will be so prosperous, and even, it has become a four-party star bound to now, and it has created the universe.

"Fast, clean up a piece of place."

At this time, Wang Yang did not forget that he had just successfully changed successfully, and became a welfare obtained after near Xia Dao.


The Shenshui Manor is of course very big.

However, big, it is impossible, accommodating the entire universe, all kinds of gods.

Therefore, in this case, you must find a way.

What is the way?

Wang Yang wants to have a simplest way.

Every avenue level of gods, in fact, they own, they have their own knowledge.

Even, I will create my own avenue.

Even in this universe, the chaotic level of the gods is already the best, the avenue level of the gods, is already unique.

It is this, Wang Yang let the avenue gods, avoiding a godding space.

In this kind of medicine space, the avenue of the avenue is centered, and it has planted the chaotic god, and then gradually decreasing. Finally, it is the congenital god.

It is this arrangement, Shenshui Manor, which seems to be in the entire universe, all of the gods that can be called the name, very large, even, the quantity, it is also extremely huge, but for the Shenshui Manor itself The force of the bearer, but did not form too much pressure. It is this, in this godderee, it is still a large amount of space, even, there will be special people, and it is based here.

Some staff, of course, there will be a handicon personnel.

Under the order of Wang Yang, the moment, there is a lot of people, rapidly spend.

"Making God!"

Clean up a safe place, Wang Yang first, then the first benefit of getting yourself, and immediately use it.


Is it such a result?

Luo Jian is also a little unexpected.

He also thought that what kind of means, actually, is this a means?

No, when is the cousin, in this regard, in this regard, it has been regular?

In fact, this is also the metamorphosis of the Quartet.

Three hundred cosmologists, a four-party star, which make up, is really metapped.

Wang Yang is just a move, immediately, it is to fit with true heavens and earth.

Such a result, if people know, I am afraid, I don't know how many people have to be scared by him.

Even, many people have to break, because they don't know how much time spent, even, I don't know how much I spend, I want to do everything, and finally, they can't succeed.

In this result, don't say more.

Just now, after cleaning up a place, Luo Jian clearly remembers that the cousin is to put some five-color gods, which is dumped here.

This is an extremely uncommon god.

A lot of gods must have such a god.

Of course, the most important thing is here, and there are some five-color gods that are obtained from the Thunder.

Once, I was rooted by a fairy tree.

Such gods are already the best in the native.

It can be said that as long as there is such a kind of god soil, in this universe, a lot of chaotic levels have a certain possibility of planting.

Of course, can be successful, you must also look at your means.

However, such a kind of god is already extremely unable.

However, such a kind of gods, what kind of meanings are you doing this to him?

Isn't it? ?

The big shock of Luo Jian.

He thought of an extremely terrible thing, and quickly saw it under the bottom.

Sure enough, just, it is just a five-color god, now, it has become a nine-color Xianthen.

"How can it be?"

Act, can you still?

No mistakes!

"This, this is nine-color Xianthen?"

This scene in front of you has already told him that all this is true.

However, all this is too terrible, obviously, in front of you, but, he can't believe it.

It turned out to be, this is a kind of fairy soil?

Then this fairy earth is too cheap.

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