My Super Estate

Chapter 3776? Unfortunate? ?

The third chapter of the third chapter of the big luck? ?

"Not good, the time budget, big beyond!"

Three days, this high-strength energy is not refined, Wang Yang knows that his budget is far exceeded.

"It's also right, this high-strength energy is sea, although it is not the fairy tier of the Peng Peng, but it is also his arrangement and use it for yourself.

At this time, the real fairy will be ourselves, I don't want to fight against him, he can fight with me! "

Such a result, although there is, but, in such a result, it has also been in its own expectations.

This result is not too unexpected.

Just, this result is a huge trouble for yourself.

Because, the Northern Eye, the connection with the Universe Universe, has been shielded by the power of the Peng Peng Xiang, I don't have the connection with the Quartet Star.

I have no contact, but there is nothing.

However, there is a large group of relatives and friends.

I am now in this way, I have lost contact, and those relatives and friends are not crazy.

In this case, the quartet is the best result.

Because as long as the Quartet's star is expanding, even if it is blocked by the power of the Peng Peng, I can't borrow, even, there is no connection, but as long as the four star boundaries are expanded, then the strength of the Quartet It is getting stronger and stronger, and finally, I will strengthen my contact between myself.

Of course, the most important thing is that the four squares are expanding, their own spiritual world will naturally improve.

The link between the real world will also be strengthened.

I want to improve the strength, it is easy to be too much.

Such things, their son, wife, father, mother, brother, friend, they will definitely urge.

Such a result is that he personally came out, I was afraid, it could not let them calm.

People who have empathy will be tired by the feelings.

This is the law.

"No matter, let's try to make a goddess, no longer, I can only let the gods cultivate into Xianke."

Making God light is the most important means to enhance your strength.

Such a means, just just to practice, of course, there is no problem.

Even, no matter what to do, such a creation of the gods can improve efficiency, is a very nice existence.

However, now the result is a little bad, because each upgrade is just a complement.

Under the result, the effect is not obvious, and the refining speed of this high-intensity energy is improved.

Obviously, this time, there is no lucky event.

A crestation of the gods, just to increase it.

This effect is still not so significant.

"The death, whether, in contrast, it is still a way to improve the gods."

Let the Quartet are expanded, so the result is too bad.

When I went, Wang Yang closed my eyes again and started.

Have to say, the four-party star of the three hundred universe countries, the help of Wang Yang, too big.

At this time, the strong enemy is before, he actually, and can also be separated.

Just simply dividing a part of the mind, let the 'boiled sea' a feat that successfully proceed.

The rest of the mind, naturally, in depth, in the depths of our own soul world, break the true world with your own mind, really do the ' ', and, on this basis, capture, some special creation Some of the breath of God.

Use these breath to enhance your own creation.

I saw it, in the soul world, a lot of fairy, natural, being captured by the spirit of the soul, then, it is integrated into one, then, that is, a mysterious look is rapidly derived.

Among this process, a mysterious shape is guided by the power of the soul, flying toward the origin of the gods.

It seems like a bird homing.

Have to say, the four-party star boundaries consisting of three hundred cosmists, the help of themselves, it is too big.

It is such a process, whether it is replaced with any one, you want to do it, it's hard.

Capture the fairy, first fit with the real world.

Just just this, I don't know how many people are hard. As long as there is a little bit of interference, I have become a white fee.

Moreover, after the fit, you have to capture the fairy.

The fairy, but the high-level energy, than the power of the avenue, it is high, it is the power of true rules.

Even is the force of a complete rule.

Taking the power of the soul captures the rules, that difficulty, it is difficult to take a person who is nine into nine.

After capturing, you must use this , absorb your heart, and enter your own breath, cultivate into the anticipulations belonging to yourself.

This process is a water grinding process.

Similarly, it is also a process of consuming the power of the soul.

However, the power of the soul is too large, and the guidance of this will also fall, and finally, will fail.

Finally, cultivation into the shapes you need, but also integrate it into your own origin.

In this process, you must guide it with the power of the soul.

It can be said that these problems are a big problem for any close to Immortal Lord.

It is this that, in the universe, the thousands of people near the immortal.

However, truly cultivating into immortals, hundreds of era are not seeing.

Even if it is half a fairy, it is occasionally seen twice.

It can be said that such a few processes have changed in the universe, any one of the immortal, even if it is full of efforts, it is a very tasty thing.

Want to use two?

You are afraid, there is no loss, there is no effort, will you think about it.

Unfortunately, this is true.

Because Wang Yang is really, one heart, and, still completed such a feat in a very short time.

It can be a first in the universe.

Of course, for others, in such cases, you can practice, you really, I have gone.

Unfortunately, this is all facts.

Then, it is possible to see that he waves, it is a nine-color fairy light, it is too popular, then inexplicably, his strength is doubled.

Then, it can be seen that the same creation of the gods, inexplicable, is the great increase in power.

The whole high-strength energy is between the sea, the blink of an eye is to be refined.

Even, it seems to be, the creation of the gods improve, good luck is coming.

It is also a nine-color magazine, then, it can be seen that Wang Yang's strength is suddenly ten times.

The same creation of gods, it seems to be a narcottitude, which will refine the high-strength energy sea, and refine a half.

Similarly, he also felt that he was getting closer and closer.

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