My Super Estate

Chapter 3779, the big runner, three hundred times

Third thousand five hundred and sixty-three chapters, three hundred times

Making God, there will be such a big shot?

Wang Yang himself is also unexpected.

Or, he has never thought about it. On a day of the future, he actually needs a big god of gods, enhances his strength, and will be strong.

This idea is definitely not Wang Yang.

Because, the increase in the increase in the gods is hooks with the size of the world's world.

The three hundred universe companies consisting of the four-party star boundaries?

This result is Wang Yang, and I have never thought about it.

Or, in the Quartet Star, it has been expanded again, and has three hundred cosmologies, and Wang Yang uses this quarterly star, successfully conducts the fourth mind, this result is no one who can think of anyone.

Three hundred universe countries, form a universe star, you still plan to succeed, the fourth mind changed?

What do you want?

Before Wang Yang, this result, even if it is said, no one is willing to believe.

However, Wang Yang was successful.

Also, he will also make a big god of origin such as God, which is directly cultured into Xianke.

In this way, all the results have changed.

Making God, Originally, in Wang Yang's budget, it is a powerful auxiliary big magic, which can change some of the essence of affairs, or to cause a powerful increase.

When planting a variety of gods, or when cultivating a variety of seeds, it can play a role in painting the dragon.

When do you have a strong god?

A lot of Wang Yang has never thought about it.

However, the development of the incident is the case, can't think of it, you can't believe it.

Among the ideals, it can be considered a strong auxiliary big magic. It turns out to become a strong strong attack.

Even, in the battle, such a big magic also played a key role.


There will be a second time in all things.

Since the first time, three times, it seems to be a lucky gate.

Wang Yang's strength, big outbreak.

Five times of eight times, all are normal, ten times more than ten times, often there.

Five times eight times, he is already above the wind, ten times more than ten times, it is even more

In such an attack, even if it is a fairy, it is also a hit.

If it is, from the true body of the Zhenpeng real, there is a power to borrow, I am afraid, this kind of fairy, I don't know how many times to be extinguished.

"damn it!"

Once again, it turned out to be restored by the other party.

Wang Yang is very angry!

"Haha, the four-party country, your strength is indeed extraordinary, but you want to be like this, defeat the present, you are just an idiotic dream."

Ju Peng Zhen Xian haha ​​laughed, it would like, so it is necessary to destroy once when it is played, it is not him.


He is a fairyland.

Here, it is the old nest of him.

If, you can't explore the true immortals, he is a fairy, that is, a dead body.

Even if you are exploding, you can also recover quickly.

Thus, he laughed, like this, it is also understandable.

He is so proud, it can't be considered.

However, your truth, for me, it is .

It is the evil spirits, that is, it is to be completely destroyed.

You laugh, it is the biggest shame for me.

In any case, this is not swallowed.

Since you can't break you, you are a non-dead body, then, now, Laozi will take you this body, and then say it.

At this moment, Wang Yang was embarrassed.

He wants to kill this terrible Zeng Peng real fairy.

He wants to achieve, the feat of Zhu Xian.


Purple in the hands in the hands.

Have to say, the current purple sputum, has a little bit of fairy sword.

It turned out to be, natural, there is a shot of nine colorful light.

At the beginning, when the fire god refined this sip, they have become a sword embryo, which has been built. Now, in Wang Yang's hand, it is true, showing a silk fairy sword.


Ziyang god fists, cultivated to Wang Yang, basically, has reached a top peak.

However, the Ziyang fist inside, that shares, the way of the ancestors, but it is a thing worthy of people.

Ziyang Shenyang, Wang Yangcheng became a purple yan sword, then, it was able to see that from his body, natural, there is a world - slowly show.

Although there are some reluctance, but it is also open.

The power of powerful Zuyang, shot in the door of the world opened.


Powerful power, let Wang Yang feel that he seems to be in a sublimation feel.

A sword is out, actually, put this Xifeng real fairy, a sword burst.

Of course, the most important thing is that this sword is strong, and there are some excessive power.

Under this sword, the whole North of the North, it seems to be unbearable, and it is directly to open.

Such a sword, like a very light, from this North of the sea, when it is empty, it is the beginning of the real fairy.

Before unexpected, such a sword is strong.

Actually, a sword, it is directly to be the real fairy, it is directly for half a half!


The universe, the ancient times, at this moment, it seems to be solidified.

Powerful strength, let this universe, and the ancient time and space, is being suppressed, then it is shocked.

At this moment, I don't know how much of the creature, suddenly, it is dead.

I don't know how many spacers of the universe, the giants of the world are all at this moment, and all the people die.

The most important thing is that the quarterly star is also an unprecedented impact.


Zhipeng real fairy is not believed.

Your own body, actually, that is, the sword like this, it is directly for half a half.

The most terrible thing is that this sword is strong, and the life of the Penghe Peng is actually in such a sword, it is directly annihilated.

"I want to say, this is an accident, do you believe?"

A look like Xiang Peng Zhenxian, Wang Yang is really uncomfortable.

The feeling, it is like it is true, what is wrong.

Ten evil.

However, yourself, it is really an accident!

what can I do?

Can I stretch?

Who can think that you just want to use a weapon such as a purple god? Who knows, who knows, the role is so big?

Directly out of 3 hundred times?


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