My Super Estate

Chapter 405

Chapter 412 Popularity

"General... Army?"

Li Jie looked at the young man who might not have grown up in front of him with some horror.

It was the same one hundred yuan clothes, but Li Jie seemed to see the golden armor.

No, that's the emperor's costume.

Yes, it is the emperor's attire, otherwise, how can the gold glitter?

"You, are you General Wang Yang?"

Li Jie spoke very carefully, as if speaking a little bit bigger, which would awaken any prehistoric beasts.

"I'm not a general, I'm just a beggar called for rice, can't you see it?"

Wang Yang is as calm as the water.

It's just that the calmness in Wang Yang's words seems to bring Li Jie as if it were a huge wave.


Li Jie knelt on the ground and gave Wang Yang a head.

"I really don't know!!"

Li Jie's forehead bleeds.

"I'm really a beggar called Hanako. Didn't you see that I was wearing clothes that cost less than a hundred dollars all over my body?"

Wang Yang seemed to put aside something, shouting loudly.

"Director Wang!"

"Director Wang, you are here!"

"Ouch, isn't this Director Wang, hello hello!!"

The excitement here has not yet dissipated, but, then, there was a call.


Wang Yang turned his head and saw that a middle-aged man in his forties strode toward here, wearing a police uniform, followed by two policemen.

"Old horse, what's wrong with this?"

"It's the king!"

For the comers, Ma Chaoqun did not show much enthusiasm.

They are a regular director and a deputy director, and their relationship is not so good.

"Ah, Wang Bureau, Wang Bureau, you may be here, please tell General Wang Yang good words."

Seeing the arrival of Wang Ju, Li Jie seemed to see some hope and called out for help.

Many people looked at him again and again.

Before, when I saw offending a young general like this, everyone felt a sigh in my heart. Some relationships were not good, and it was a time of misfortune.

At this time, when he saw that he knew the director of Xidu Public Security Bureau, many people's eyes changed.

Xidu is the provincial capital of Shu. As the director of the Xidu Public Security Bureau, in the eyes of many people, it is a real big figure.

"Uh, this is Li Jie. I haven't seen you for some years. Last time, I told you about your father and said that you have a good time. What's wrong with you?"

Sure enough, many people looked at Li Jie's gaze and changed again, and no one dared to underestimate him.

It’s not a small person to eat with the Secretary!

"Stand up, the boy has gold under his knees, how can he kneel casually?"

Director Wang pulled Li Jie up and reprimanded him.

Turning his head, he looked at Ma Chaoqun and said, "Deputy Director Ma, you are doing this, but it is a bit excessive. What people say is also a head character. How can you let him kneel?"

Ma Chaoqun sneered and said, "Hey, I don't have such a big face. His cousin scolded General Wang Yang. He even wanted another person to apologize to him. Can I have such a big face,"

General Wang Yang?

Wang Ju was startled and said, "General Wang Yang? Which General Wang Yang?"

The king's words made everyone stunned.

what happened?

As the director of the Xidu Public Security Bureau, he didn't even know our country's general?


Some clever people immediately took out their mobile phones, connected to the wireless network, and immediately inquired about our country's generals.

This investigation was fatal.

There is no such general in our country!!


Li Jie stunned, staring at Wang Yang's eyes, all angry.

"You, are you not a general?"

The anger in the voice can be heard by everyone.

However, everyone can understand that you are not a general.In other words, you are just an ordinary flower.

Think about yourself, anyway, is also a top character, how to say, is also a second-tier star.

Are second-tier stars better than first-tier stars?

Second-line stars are also stars.

In tomorrow's news, a celebrity broke out and knelt down for Hanako. At that time, I was afraid that I was really going to fire.

"you you……"

Thinking of that terrible scene, Li Jie couldn't sit still.

How is it possible to sit down?

Once his scene was exposed, he didn't know what kind of catastrophe he would face.

The more you think about it, the more angry you are.

"Uncle Wang, do you want to make the decision for me!

This bastard dare to bully me so much, I want him to go to jail!!"

Li Jie was also stunned. In front of everyone, he dared to speak like that.

Wang Ju also frowned lightly.

But when I thought of my old friend, I sighed.

"Come here, this person disturbs the venue, and will bring me back to the board."

Director Wang has decided that, no matter what, he will give his old friend's child a breath.

As for the crime?

Isn’t it the time of the auction now? It has been issued clearly above. No matter whoever dares to disturb the venue, grab it and talk about it.

Besides, legend has it that the specifications of this auction are very high. How many celebrities have come this time, but to have a grand concert in order to celebrate the opening of the auction.

"Wang Ju, think twice about everything, don't go wrong in one step."

Seeing that Wang Yang was about to be taken away by the two policemen, Ma Chaoqun spoke in due course.

The voice is still so bland, but the meaning in the words makes everyone's heart jump.

It's just that the kid is obviously not a general. Why is this deputy director Ma still not reluctant?

Could it be that there is no secret in the meantime?

For a time, the thought in everyone's mind was another violent jump.

Before them, they were very optimistic about Li Jie. What's wrong? He was also a second-tier star and always had some energy.

However, since the arrival of the Deputy Director Ma, this concept has changed. Even when he looked at Li Jie to kneel to the young man, everyone thought that Li Jie, a promising star, was over.

However, when Wang Ju appeared, the plot changed fundamentally.

Even, it can be said to be subversive.

Especially when everyone looked at the phone, Baidu learned that there was no such person as General Wang Yang, and many people sentenced the poor boy to death.

However, no one thought that at this time, Deputy Commissioner Ma even spoke again.

For a time, everyone, some of them did not understand the plot change.

"Couldn't he really be a general?"

"How is it possible that Baidu just didn't have such a number of people just now? In my opinion, it is simply that Deputy Director Ma and Wang Ju didn't deal with it, and they just knew Li Jie again, so even he was counted."

Is that right?

Everyone can't help but ask in my heart.

Maybe this is really the case, but how do you feel that things are not so simple?

"If, really, how could Deputy Director Ma speak for the kid?"

"Could it be that they already knew each other!"

Some people think they see things clearly and say so.

But is it really?

Some people are still skeptical.

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