My Super Estate

Chapter 414

Chapter 421: Dragon and Eighteen Palms

"Falling Dragon Eighteen Palms..."

Xiao Yuan really deserved to be the descendant of the strongest king Qiao Feng. Once he fought, he made a decisive shot.

A palm shot, a large golden palm print, shot violently towards Wang Yang.

Eighteen golden dragons circled in the palm print.

With a palm shot, the power of the eighteen dragons suddenly burst out.


Wang Yang didn't dare to make a hard connection, and stepped back. The golden palm print was shot on the concrete floor.

The square floor is made of cement that is ten centimeters thick. It is extremely strong. It is impossible to smash it with a big hammer.

Even with a big shovel, it is impossible to destroy easily.

However, such a sturdy earth was even directly powdered by the golden palm print.

A gust of wind blew, and the cement ash all over the sky was flying around.

"This, is this the power of the young king?"

This terrible power brings to ordinary audiences, it is extremely visually stunning.

Before, the battle between Wang Yang and Murong was fierce, but it was definitely not so fierce when it was shot.

"Could it be that they have such a powerful force?"

Many people turned their attention to Murong Feng who had just stepped down from the battlefield, and then to Wang Yang on the battlefield.

The previous battle was fierce and wonderful, but for them, they still don't know how powerful the young king is.

However, this time is different, Xiao Yuan's palm makes them really wake up suddenly.

No matter how good the star is, it is useless to meet such a fierce man.

For a time, many celebrities looked envious and looked at them. They were also first-line celebrities, but after that, they would be what these people want to look up to.

"So strong!"

Xiao Yuan's strength is Wang Yang, and he must be called strong.

It is too strong.

"Are you out of your way?"

Wang Yang stared at Xiao Yuan with a deep voice.

Xiao Yuan raised his head proudly and said, "Yes, I successfully walked out of my way.

Legend has it that the dragon palm, inherited from the Xitian bliss world, the dragon dragon and arhat, is an extremely powerful Hunyuan Gong, and has achieved the invincible Venerable Dragon Venerable.

However, it was my ancestor, Xiao Feng, a Khitan, who really carried forward.

My Xiao Yuan is a person who is determined to be an ancestor. How can he follow the same path as his ancestors?"

In reverse order, Wang Yang was shocked.

This is a character with great fear of perseverance, determined to avoid his own way and walk out of his own way.

Once successful, it is bound to be a strong man.

For example, the Xeon King, who reduced the dragon palm one hundred and eighty moves, streamlined it step by step, and finally, practiced the Xeon Dragon Dragon battle body, one move and one type, all have the supreme supernatural powers, the Xeon King list , Pressure over the pack.

In addition, the Xiaoyaozi, a life of freedom, a step of freedom, to achieve a god-devil-like character, even if it is on the list of Gods, it is also famous on the list.

Such a person, no matter who it is, must be respected.

"No, the Gu She Fairy used to say that Ziyang Divine Skill has three successors, but the three successors all fell down in the last step.

If I want to achieve eternal and immortal existence, I must walk out of my own way. I must not advance along the path of my predecessors. Otherwise, I will definitely follow in the footsteps of the first three.

Otherwise, this is absolutely impossible."

Wang Yang stared closely at Xiao Yuan, his eyebrows tightly wrinkled.

He knew that before he had gone too smoothly, he didn't realize that the danger was approaching.

"Why, afraid?"

Wang Yang Meiyu's tight wrinkle made Xiao Yuan see it, and suddenly disappointed him.

"If you are afraid, then I will be greatly disappointed, I will kill you."

The purpose of provoking Wang Yang and Xiao Yuan is to understand the way of the invincible grand master from the extreme battle. If he just fought, Wang Yang was afraid because of his own move, which was too disappointing.

Such waste, even daring to collect his own 100,000 drops of spiritual spirit, it is better not to waste it directly.

Xiao Yuan stared at Wang Yang and waited for his management.

Wang Yang bowed his hands and bowed to salute.

Seeing a fight, Xiao Yuan's killing intentions were even stronger.

Such useless waste,...

Xiao Yuan is ready to take action, and has collected 100,000 drops of his spiritual spirit of faith. If he cannot satisfy himself, then death will be the best ending.

"Thank you, if it weren't for you, could it be, I haven't awakened from my previous obsession.

You are right. As a determined to be a heavenly, eternal and immortal being, how can it be possible to follow the path of its predecessors completely?

Almost, I’m just almost, and I stepped into the endless situation, if not what you just said.Confused, I am still addicted to it, unable to wake up.

This ceremony is a thank you to you.

Now, let's complete the battle that was not completed before."

With that, Wang Yang stabs with a sword, pointing directly at Xiao Yuan's throat.

This is necessary for the enemy to save. In order not to die, Xiao Yuan must respond with all his strength, either retreat, avoid, or block...

No matter what the choice is, Xiao Yuan's first choice will never be an attack.

Well done...

Even though he was an enemy, he had to applaud in the face of Wang Yang's blow.

Tengnuo stood up, just like Jiaolong started to land, Xiao Yuan moved and dodged at the same time, and took a high-handed shot towards Wang Yang.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the descendants of the supreme king Qiao Feng, a person who is determined to achieve the benefit of the average person, and has rich experience.


Overbearing the dragon's palm, Wang Yang did not dare to make a hard connection, and could only miss a hit and retreat thousands of miles.

On the ground, there is another huge imprint.

More than a dozen centimeters of thick cement floor, at this moment, were all crushed into powder.

It's really terrible. With such an overbearing approach, you can see many stars on the battle platform staring at each other.

For those young kings, they were all shocked.

With such terrible strength, who can have the younger generation?

For a time, Xiao Yuan, a Khitan, was listed as an unprovokable existence.

"How about it, is there any big gain?"

In the stands, Xing Tian and Ye Nan were sitting closer together.

"Yes, and it has been very rewarding.

However, this Xiao Yuan's Dragon Palm is not very suitable for me,

If I want to achieve Xeon existence, I must go out of my own way and out of my own way."

In the face of Xingtian, Ye Nankai did not dare to neglect.

"Get out of your way?"

Xing Tian definitely nodded and said, "Yes, good intentions.

If you want to become the strongest king, you must go out of your own way, that is, it seems that the master is the master, and you must also understand the true meaning of martial arts.

If you don’t understand, you can’t break through

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