My Super Estate

Chapter 42 Fishing for lobsters and eating lobsters

Chapter 42—Lobster Fishing and Eating Lobster

"Quick, throw these weeds into the fish pond."

While Luo Jian was instructing people to throw a bundle of weeds into the fish pond, he quickly walked to a corner. I saw there was a figure. Looking closely, it wasn’t Wang Yang, who was it?

"Brother, it's really a god. I didn't expect that there are so many lobsters in this fish pond, but now it's developed."

Luo Jian was very happy, and was so happy.

He never thought that just throwing the weeds into the fish pond would cause such a huge response.

"Brother, you said, can we eat lobster well today?"

Looking at the barrel, half of the barrel of lobster, Luo Jian's eyes only shined.

"Brother, you said, if you can salvage so much every time, then we can make a lot of money by selling lobster."

Wang Yang shook his head and smiled: "Don’t be so happy, it’s just because the lobster in the fish pond was not salvaged for the first time. Plus, this weed has great attraction for these lobsters. Force, otherwise, can you hit it?"

Wang Yang also did not expect that this fish pond actually has such a rich lobster production, just throwing a handful of weeds, I saw a large purple light rolling in the water, at first glance, ho, all are fist-sized lobsters.

Wang Yang was in a hurry, and finally it took a lot of effort to salvage a barrel of lobster. Later, if he wanted to salvage again, it was not so easy.

It can be said that the lobster in this fish pond has become fine.

Of course, the most important thing is that this lobster is big enough, the size of the baby's fist is still ordinary, the largest one, and it can even compare his own fist.

"You said, this lobster, why are you so vigorous?"

Just now, Luo Jian wanted to catch a lobster to see. Good guy, a baby-sized lobster, he couldn’t catch it with one hand, but this surprised him. In the end, it was Wang Yang. His hands and feet are fast, otherwise his fingers may be clicked by the lobster.

Wang Yang smiled and said: "It has been said that the secret area is full of treasures. These lobsters must have escaped from the secret area. The village has never found it before because they have not drained the fish pond for more than ten years. Well, otherwise, if we want to take this fish pond so easily, I'm afraid it's a dream.

Of course, the most important thing is that in our world, the vitality is too thin, and the difference between it and the secret realm is too big. These lobsters must be hiding at the entrance of the secret realm. Only there will the heaven and earth have the strongest vitality."

Luo Jian glared and said: "You mean, there are such lobsters in this fish pond, but we don't know?"

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Yes."

With that said, Wang Yang tied a wire rope to a bundle of weeds and threw it directly into the fish pond.

"Brother, wouldn't you want to catch lobster!"

Wang Yang nodded and said, "There is such an idea.

If you can, we can't sell this lobster for the time being. Maybe, you can try it yourself to see if you can explore the characteristics of the lobster. Then, there is another special sale in our store."

"Of course, in the end, you have to try it out. How can you salvage it, otherwise, if you really launch a product, and finally, you have to get out of stock, that is the biggest trouble."

As he was talking, suddenly, Wang Yang's eyes flashed with a flash of light, and his whole body was shocked. He grasped the wire rope with both hands and kept recycling.


Seeing this scene, Luo Jian's first reaction was not joy but shock.

Not bad, just shocked.

He knows how great Wang Yang’s strength is. A large water tank of one or two hundred pounds, he carried it and walked, without gasping for breath. Why can’t I believe that, with such great strength, even hanging a lobster, It will be so difficult.

"Brother, let me help you!"

Luo Jian wanted to step forward to help.

"Don't, this time, there are a lot of lobsters. There are 15 of them. You have just learned martial arts and you are not strong enough. Don't let them drag them into the water."

With that said, Wang Yang has withdrawn the wire rope.

Sure enough, I saw ten pieces of bait put down on Wang Yang's wire rope, and a total of 15 fist-sized purple lobsters were caught.

"This, so much?"

Luo Jian's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

Wang Yang nodded and said, "It seems that in this fish pond, the production of lobster is sufficient, but we should also pay attention to it. We can't hide the lobster for a long time. Once the villagers know it, they will definitely It’s stolen, but it’s dangerous.”

Wen Yan said, Luo Jian nodded and said, "It seems to pay attention."

Wang Yang said: "Before, I always felt that I had to contract all the mountains around me. By then, I could build a large manor. However, because of financial problems, it has never been realized. Now it seems that we Action should be accelerated."


Wang Yang's thoughts haven't been said before. Now when he hears them, Luo Jian is shocked.

The idea of ​​building a manor is too big!

"Go, let's go back and cook lobster today. This lobster is so amazing, maybe, what magical effect will it have."

Wang Yang had already thought about building a manor. Luo Jian has been doing his utmost to help himself. Of course, he will not hide him.

However, the construction of the manor was in a hurry. It is enough to give him a bottom in his heart.

Back home, Wang Yang carried a bucket of lobster and went to the kitchen.

Open the fire, rinse with water, pressure cooker, after that, there is a long wait.

"Brother, you can eat it later?"

Luo Jian looked at the pressure cooker and was worried.

Wang Yang shook his head and said, "I have seen it before. This lobster is very clean. Moreover, it is impossible to stir fry with such a large size. It can only be steamed."

"Besides, this lobster, we can't pay attention to what is delicious now, we should try it, what magical properties it has."


Luo Jian finally understood.

However, what he thought, he felt that his cousin would simply not be able to do it and forced himself to make excuses.

However, there is no way to do it, and I don’t know how to do it.

This process is long and very hot, but in the pressure cooker, you can always hear the knocking sound, and Luo Jian was frightened.

"Brother, this lobster, won't it not die yet!"

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Yes, there is another breath."


Luo Jian froze.

He believes in his cousin because he knows that his cousin is spiritual and very magical.

However, the vitality of this lobster is too powerful, so go on, ordinary people, who dares to eat!

As a result, Luo Jian found a problem tragically, this lobster is not eaten by ordinary people at all.

The vitality of lobster is powerful, but Wang Yang's patience is also sufficient. No matter how powerful lobster is, it is also an ordinary creature. It will die even if it is boiled in high temperature water.

Finally, the two brothers Wang Yang finally tasted delicious lobster.


The tasty lobster was eaten in the mouth, Luo Jian suddenly shouted beautifully.

Then, I ate three in a row.

"No, Luo Jian, you have a nosebleed."

Luo Jian was still screaming there, but Wang Yang was shocked. Luo Jian bleeds.


Luo Jian looked surprised.

A touch of the hand, suddenly, a nosebleed.

"Fuck, this is too exaggerated!"

Wang Yang knew that this was too much energy for the lobster, and he couldn't bear it at all.

"Hurry up and practise Wu Lao teaches you boxing."

"it is good."

Luo Jian respects Wang Yang's opinions very much.

It is natural to learn the powerful boxing skills of Mr. Wu as a teacher.

To say that Mr. Wu, his disciples are very clever. He directly pointed at Wang Yang's forehead and immediately taught the whole boxing technique.

Seeing Luo Jian fiddle with his posture, he cultivated.

This is a set of boxing techniques that take a hard line. When you practice it, you will become a tiger.

"Good guy, it seems that there is a way for my cousin's cultivation path."

Wang Yang smiled at Luo Jian, who looked at the tiger.

However, immediately, he looked at the lobster in the plate and secretly said: "This common type of lobster may not be of much use to me, but what about it?

Suddenly, Wang Yang took heart.

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