My Super Estate

435 The Boss Is Back

Chapter 442 The Boss Is Back

"Shameless bastard, dare to join forces to siege?"

Feng Zun had just stopped Xing Tian, ​​and Yu Zun wanted a siege of shamelessness.

Wang Yang shot decisively and blocked Yu Zun directly.

This is also the second time Wang Yang and Yu Zun have faced each other.

"It's you……"

Wang Yang suddenly appeared, Yu Zun was furious.

In front of this kid, he will not forget to go up. Three months ago, his strength had just broken through. At that time, this kid suddenly shot and directly confronted himself.

I remember that at that time, this kid didn't know what kind of method was used, and a hot golden flame came out of the body directly. For a time, it seemed that he had hit the chicken blood, and the combat power was hotly improved. It was himself or his opponent.

"Good boy, you came just right, but the slave family miss you."

When Yu Zun was perverted, when he saw Wang Yang, he seemed to be a martyr guarding the vacancies. Suddenly he saw the world's first beautiful man. His eyes suddenly burst into gold, and he flew towards Wang Yang.

"Dead pervert, see me not killing you."

Yu Zun's behavior completely angered Wang Yang, and his decisive shot was directly a hot trick.

One type of Jianshan, just hack it off.



Being sentenced to an axe, Feng Zun gave an angry roar.

Feng Zun is too careless. Originally, he and Yu Zun joined forces and could fight a battle, but no one thought that a figure would emerge from the side and cut Yu Zun directly.

"What the hell are you, who dare to be an enemy of our demons, don't you want to live?"

As the second strongest man in the Gods List, the devil is famous for his seventy holes and thirty-six blessings. He never thought that as a demon, he would be attacked by someone one day.

"Huh, you have a lot of courage, don't you know whose manor is here?"


Covering the wound, Feng Zun was anxious.

This is Wang Yang’s manor, but what about that?Could it be that Wang Yang can compare with the devil?

"A devil in your area, dare to attack members of the dragon group, you have a few guts, are you afraid of losing your head?"

Xing Tian was not a person who was afraid of things, nor did he dare to challenge the Bull Demon King.


As a demon, Feng Zun is proud, and he really has proud capital.

However, when his arrogance is faced with characters such as Dragon God, even if he is arrogant, he must converge.

"Don't talk nonsense, you take the move 1"

Before Feng Zun's achievements, he was a figure in the sky.

Although the strength of the Tiantian list varies from hole to hole, the ability to occupy a seat in the trillions of creatures in Dongtian has already explained everything.

"Fashion in the world..."

Popularity in the world is Feng Zun's unique ability.

Xing Tian's fierceness is the Hundred Yuan Ancestor, and he absolutely dare not look down upon him. Before Feng Zun, he was slashed by his axe in the back, and he did not dare to look down on him.

Sure enough, there is a big gap between Feng Zun after showing his unique tricks and that without it.

Where is the wind, where is the person.

Under such a trick, if there is no means at all, Xingtian will become a stubborn stone in the wind.

No matter how hard the stubborn stone is, it is only the result of weathering under the erosion of the wind.

In fact, the result now is indeed true.

According to legend, there is a unique skill called Fengshen Leg, which is a top-notch martial art.

Feng Zun's unique knowledge is based on this unique knowledge. Although it is not the legs of Feng Shen, it is also very powerful under the impetus of Feng Zun's deep realm.

"Huh, the wind exists by relying on space. If I block the entire space completely, can you still prestige?"

Being so oppressed by people is definitely not the character of Xing Tian. At the moment, a set of crazy devil axe is unfolding in his hands.

"Damn, what's going on, who are they, and why did they suddenly jump out?"

Jian Zun's face was all black.

In the original plan, the invincible grandmaster’s sharp weapon was invincible, and the officials were pinned down. Then, Abing, Sirius, Feng Xingyi, and Demon of the strength of the sky list were pinned down. The manor, even, may directly look for the sealed place of Lord Ice Demon from the inside.

But what the hell is this?

The magic gun is invincible. Abing was indeed contained, but where did those two powerful guys jump out?

"Wang Yang, did you come back?"

The original goal of Feng Xing Yi was to drag the Sirius directly and let the six deities of the Demon Slayer kill them.

However, Sirius didn't even show up at all, causing him to lose his goal at once.

Well now, Sirius did not show up, but Wang Yang, the righteous master, appeared.

"What? He is Wang Yang?"

Jian Zun suddenly turned his head, staring at Feng Xingyi with wide eyes, and said, "He is the master of this Shenshui Manor?"

"Yes, he is."

Feng Xing Yi nodded definitely.

"Okay, okay, Lord Ice Demon is sealed in the nearby space and time, and it will actually manifest in the world. There must be big problems in it. In any case, I must also find out the reason, and only when I find this reason can I find it. To the clue to rescue the ice demon master."

Jianzun’s gaze to Wang Yang was so hot, as if he had seen a lover who hadn’t seen him in years,

"Yun Zun, you go and join Yu Zun. In any case, you must win this Wang Yang."


Yun Zun nodded, then flew towards Wang Yang.

"Sure enough, they are all shameless things, even dare to join forces, when we do not exist?"

Yun Zun has not approached Wang Yang yet, and halfway out, he jumped out of someone.

Good guy, this guy is so powerful, no matter what martial arts Yun Zun exerts, he can all return.

"It is not bad to return to one another with his own way. This is a Murong family."

Jianzun's complexion changed, startled.

The Murong family is in the seventy-two caves, which is also a well-known existence.

North Qiaofeng South Murong, that has passed on for thousands of years.

According to legend, as long as they break into the realm of gods and demons and be on the god list, they will have a seat for them.

"Lei Zun..."

Jianzun couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately gave Leizun his strength second only to himself.

Their task is to find a way to rescue the ice demon.

Obviously, Wang Yang is a key, and he must never be allowed to run away.

Originally, capturing Wang Yang was part of their plan, and now he jumped out, then, that is, he jumped in himself.

In any case, he must not be allowed to escape under his own eyes.

"Okay, leave it to us!"

Lei Zun is confident.

His strength is second only to Jianzun. Although he is not an invincible grandmaster, he has once entered the list. Although he was kicked out in the end, his strength is definitely not bad.

"Gquack, you are bullying us less!"

Xiao Yuan couldn't sit still either: "If you don't fight, it's itching all over your body. You guilty things, you want to beat them!"

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