My Super Estate

437 Spirit Fire Quenches the War Body

Chapter 444 Spirit Fire Quenching War Body

"Linghuo quenching war body, is he going to Linghuo quenching war body?"

The general's heritage is very old, and he certainly knows some secrets.

In the same way, he has also cultivated into the Xeon combat body. Of course, he knows more about the secrets of the Xeon combat body.

That's why he was so excited.

It was really Wang Yang's move, which was too shocking.

"Isn't he a spirit-quenching body?"

The general came to Jianzun, Shen Sheng asked.

In fact, he already had an answer in his mind, but this answer was too shocking, even if he was an invincible grandmaster, he was also taken aback in the face of such a problem.

"Yes, it is most likely the legendary spirit quenching war body."

Jianzun looked at Wang Yang, wrapped in the spirit of faith, with a white face and a gloomy face.

He is already a Hunyuan Venerable, and has reached the edge of the Xeon King. Even, he has already touched the beard of the Xeon King.

However, even in this case, he did not dare to quench the war.

Even, he hasn't practiced until he became the strongest fighting body.

However, the kid in front of him, but the master, has not only cultivated into the Xeon Fighting Body, but even his Xeon Fighting Body has begun to change again.

Thinking of this, Jianzun couldn't calm down anymore.

"Hey, these boys even thought that Wang Yang was only the first time to quench the war.

However, they did not know that the Ziyang Zhenjing, the first state of the war body, is the Ziyang war body, and then it will be the bronze war body. If it succeeds this time, it will be a three-turn war body."

Jian Zun and other people's expressions change, and Niu Demon naturally sees them all.

That's why he laughed secretly.

"Speaking of that, the original ancestor of Ziyang, who created this magical skill, was really a pervert. At the beginning of inheritance and cultivation, it required combat body cultivation.

After that, it was a real change. It was really a pervert of his mother."

Looking at Wang Yang, who had been completely wrapped in spirit fire, he was the Demon King, and he had to scold himself secretly.

In fact, this inheritance is too much perverted.

"Here, is this the flame-hardened war body?"

The battle has ceased, and the three men including the minister and the six deities of the magic gate merge together.

Chu Han is divided, Jing Wei is distinct.

Xing Tian's eyes were shining brightly, looking in Wang Yang's direction.

"Perhaps this is an invincible road."

Every invincible grandmaster must go out of his invincible way.

From then on, this road will also accompany your cultivation life.

The speed of the invincible generals, the invincible guns of the sharp guns, and so on, are all invincible roads they themselves have taken.

Since then, their future path has been set.

In the same way, Xing Tian pursued hard, and even hesitated to fight against the Supreme Realm of Demon Realm, just to find his own invincible way.

However, for a long time, it was difficult for him to break the general's invincible speed, and to achieve the invincible grandmaster.

Finally, today he seemed to see hope.

No matter how powerful the speed is, when the Xeon combat body is powerful to a limit, then he is already invincible.

Chao thought so, the bright light in Xing Tian's eyes became brighter.

The Xeon Fighting Body has always been the path pursued by Xing Tian. Before, he just didn't want to be weaker than others, but now he is bursting with extremely hot enthusiasm.

"This kid, I just told him the key of Ziyang Mantra's silver warfare body. He even broke through directly. I want to see how his silver road is going."

For Wang Yang's path of cultivation, it is a supreme world such as Niu Demon King, which is also extremely concerned.

Ziyang's veins are too perverted. If one is not careful, one can become an invincible emperor.

Although the Devil King is extremely powerful, it is extremely unrealistic to want him to be invincible.

Now that he has been discovered by him, Wang Yang actually belongs to Ziyang's veins, naturally he will not have any slack.

In fact, Ziyang's veins are too abnormal.


Suddenly, a heavy bell sounded in the void.

Fortunately, long ago, this place was banned by the Bull Demon King, otherwise, just this bell, all ordinary people in Shui Village, will most likely be injured by the bell.

"this is……"

Looking at the golden bell emerging from the top of Wang Yang's head, Niu Dewang stared at the bull's eyes, his eyes full of shock.

"Is this a magic weapon?

Damn, what kind of pervert is his kid, how could it be a magic weapon of life?"

The magic weapon of natal life represents the magical power of natal life.

No matter what kind of supernatural powers you practice, natal supernatural powers will always be the strongest and most suitable for oneself.

In legend, a grass cuts stars.

It was someone who cultivated natal magical powers, and it was a plant of grass. Although his final swordsmanship was remarkable, he was still the plant with the greatest magical power. That’s exactly what he did in the end. Supernatural powers.

Similarly, Wang Yang's natal magic power is already the golden bell, so it means that no matter in which aspect he has great achievements in the future, but his strongest magic power will still be the golden bell.

This is how the general will be shocked.

You know, since Wang Yang shot, he has never shown Admiralty.

In other words, no matter who he plays with, Wang Yang still has the strongest hand.

Thinking of this, the general was completely shocked.

"The message just sent by the Demon King Niu has already sculpted the mystery of the silver battle body in my mind, and it is as good as the inheritance.

In this way, then there is nothing wrong with it.

That being the case, then, what if I incorporated Admiralty into the silver warfare?"

Admiralty is Wang Yang's magic weapon of life, and contains the complete way of admirable admiralty.

Wang Yang wants to try, what will happen after the Hundred Yuan Admiralty is integrated into the silver war body?

In fact, this is not Wang Yang's recklessness, but Wang Yang has long been thinking about this.

The Hunyuan Admiralty contains the essence of martial arts of absorbing stars, as long as it is integrated into the silver war body, and then, no matter who is, as long as they attack themselves, they will be absorbed by the war body.

The Xeon combat body not only provides extremely powerful forces, but also gives extremely powerful defenses.

The purpose of Wang Yang is to raise this defense to a limit.

In Gushe's inheritance cave, Wang Yang still remembered that Gushe Fairy once said that Ziyang inheritance is already the fourth generation. Before that, there were three inheritors.

However, in the last step, they have all failed.

Since all failed in the last step, Wang Yang thought of raising his own body defense to a limit, a defense that no one can break.

"I believe that this kind of me should be the strongest."

In this way, Wang Yang's mind must be certain, and in the raging spirit fire, Wang Yang's body exudes a very strong bronze color.

The magic weapon of life above him was slowly melted.

"Ah, this, how is this possible, how can the magic weapon of life be melted?"

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