My Super Estate

Chapter 481 Troublesome

Chapter 487 The Trouble Continues

"Oh, this flat peach is really Qiang."

Leaving from the three powerful places, Wang Yang came to Houshan and left Shenshui Manor for three months. Wang Yang was naturally concerned about the situation of Jiu Cai Pantao.

However, fortunately, before leaving, Wang Yang once left a few drops of bronze god blood for it, otherwise, the trouble would be greater.

"Well, it can support for a few days. After a few days, I will give you a drop of silver blood. I want to come. By then, you should have sprouted."

Looking at the flat peach exuding the light of nine colors, Wang Yang felt relieved.

"Vulcan, this Shenshui Manor, often exudes a faint pressure, are you exuding?"

The magic of Shenshui Manor is not very mysterious to some powerful people.

This is why many powerful people dare not easily deal with Wang Yang.

Even if it is the supreme realm of Niu Demon, in front of this coercion, it still feels a danger.

This is a biological instinct.

"That kid is back, is he?"

Grandpa Wu asked.

"Yes, there are legends that he is back.

Before, the ghost king of the ghost world, and the generals who shot the sky, they, Qi Qi, went to his Shenshui manor, now he has all solved it."

"That's good, those damn things, on this earth, they dare to be so presumptuous, it seems that they need to teach them a lesson."

Grandpa Wu said coldly.

Speaking directly is a palm, pressing towards the void.

The ghost king led the disciples of Wan Guizong and returned to the ghost realm overnight.

Just entering the ghost world from the gate of the ghost world, feeling the strong power in the body, the ghostly wind of the ghost king, once again cheer up.

"Damn Shenshui Manor, damn Wang Yang, don't give me a chance, otherwise I will definitely make you look good."

Obviously, the ghost king always has a grudge about things on earth.

"There are generals, my children's hatred, I will not let you go so easily."

Ghost King is also an ordinary figure of Xiao Xiong. In the world, he can cooperate with the generals, it does not mean that he can forget the hatred of ghosts, but it has enough benefits in Shenshui Manor.

However, now that Shenshui Manor is empty, then it is also time to remember the hatred of his son.

"Well, as a ghost king, I dare to be so presumptuous in the world. I will suppress you for a hundred years, and Wang Er will take care of himself in the future."

The ghost king had just wanted to find the general's trouble, and suddenly a cold voice came from above his head.

Immediately, from above the sky, a huge palm print directly pressed down.

"Do not!"

Feeling the power of Jizhong, the ghost king was horrified.

He had absolutely no idea that he had just encountered such evil things just after he returned to the ghost world from the world.

"You, who are you, who are you?"

The ghost king is not willing to shout, but the mysterious man has no echo, only a palm that fell from the sky, directly suppressed on top of the ghost king.


The ghost king who had just returned to the ghost world was directly suppressed.


Suddenly the incident changed, and all the disciples of Wan Guizong were shocked.

In the same way, such a change, huge movements, have already disturbed the power of all parties in the ghost world.


Seeing the ghost king suppressed, many people were suppressed.

Among them, there are many ghost realm who want to go to the world to collect souls, and they are scared to sweat all over.

It is terrible.

No one had thought that someone shot in the world, directly across the heavy space, and suppressed the ghost king in the ghost world.

Such strength is really terrible.

"Oh, this world is really a hidden dragon and a tiger."

The ghost king is too presumptuous, and the Niu Demon can't look at it. Therefore, just after the ghost king enters the ghost realm, the Niu Demon intends to shoot. However, his eyes have just arrived through the heavy space and reached the ghost realm, and immediately saw such a scene.

This is really amazing.

He could feel that this was a supernatural power from the world.

Yes, this is magical power, and through a lot of space, it can also suppress powerful enemies.

"what happened?"

The strangeness of the Niu Demon King, the Chongyang Patriarch, and the Venerable Dragon King are all seen in the eyes.

"Oh, it's fine, just saw a good show."

"Good show?"

Chongyang Patriarch and Venerable Dragon Dragon looked at each other, and they both saw each other puzzled.

Niu Dewang said: "Oh, this world is really a land of hidden dragons and lying tigers. The ghost king, a kid who has just stepped into the realm of God, even dared to be so arrogant during the time that the king borrowed from the Shenshui Manor, how could this king spare him? ?

Originally, Ben Wang was planning to suppress him for a hundred years, so that he could reflect on himself.

Who knows, through this space, the king just turned his eyes on the ghost world, and found that someone took a palm from the world and directly suppressed the ghost king."


The grandmaster of Chongyang, Luohan Luohan, Qi Qi was shocked.

They never thought that there was such a thing.

This is too amazing.

The human world is the foundation of everything, and it can naturally connect the seventy-two holes.

The ghost world is also a hole in the sky, and naturally there will be a connection point in the world.

Therefore, for real power, sitting in the world and sending power directly into the ghost world is not difficult.

However, it is not easy to suppress the ghost king by turning your palms.

Even the Chongyang Patriarch, or Venerable Dragon Sovereign, they have no such ability.

In other words, this shot is stronger than the two of them.

Who is this man?

"Is this person for Shenshui Manor?"

Grandmaster Chongyang thought so much.

As for why it is not shot in the world.In fact, everyone understands that this is simply impossible.

As a human being, we will always be restricted by the Hunyuan ban, and the power above the Grand Master will never be used.

Could it be??

Grandmaster Chongyang turned his head and looked back towards the mountain.

Boss, come and see.

All reports about our Shenshui Manor are out.

Now is the time when martial arts are resurgent, many people are always concerned about martial arts events.

In the past two days, the boss shot, and once again the generals, and the ghost king defeated.

For a time, Wang Yang called her mother-in-law the first master of the rivers and lakes.

Now, many people are looking for him now, and there are also people who want to challenge him.

In the same way, three invincibles appeared one after another in Shenshui Manor. For a time, many people were coming towards Shenshui Manor.

"The abbot of Shaolin, Wudang is in charge.

What are they doing?

Could it be that relying on a large number of people, want to join forces to bully themselves?"

For Shaolin and Wudang, Wang Yang is very courteous.

However, Wang Yang did not expect that these two major schools were so shameful.

"Relax, there is nothing for now."

Wang Yang said so.

In fact, Wang Yang couldn't think of a good way.,

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